frauds and fakes
-> Panty Stories - 'true', 'fiction' or 'erotica'

#1: frauds and fakes Author: pantySnatchER0485Location: Illinois PostPosted: Mon May 07, 2012 4:30 am
Hi panty lovers,

Have any of you ever been ripped off before after trusting a seller you just met before and never receiving the items you bought. Everybody know in this kind of fetish you will come across frauds trying to make easy money and do and say whatever to get you to trust them and then never send the items you have discussed. Well I'm suck of these frauds out there ruining the fun that I like to have and this girl who ripped me off just has the nerve email me back and talk trash like she did nothing wrong and call me names. I think that use panty buyers need to stick together and would be great for all of use to tell her what we really think if her. Her real name is and she is from Chattanooga, TN. If you have an opinion of her you can let her know what you think of her at

I work way to hard for my money to be scammed by these people anymore and I know I'm not the only one out there. Thanks for listening and please not be kind.

Last edited by pantySnatchER0485 on Wed May 23, 2012 12:04 am; edited 1 time in total

#2: Re: frauds and fakes Author: FreakyLocation: Sacramento PostPosted: Thu May 10, 2012 4:14 pm
In my long "career" in sniffing and obtaining panties, I have found a lot of frauds and fakes. Thanks to the Internet, more are popping up every day. I don't buy from any on line sellers. I have traded with a few guys I have found locally through Craigslist postings. Even those are tough to get because there are a lot of liars and flakes there, too. We have a unique fetish and it can be used against us. Be careful with your money even if the temptation is great. Panties have that strange power over us!

#3: Re: frauds and fakes Author: pantySnatchER0485Location: Illinois PostPosted: Fri May 11, 2012 9:22 pm
Well boys she finally contacted me back after I sent her some nasty emails and she told me that she just used me to see if I would send her money. She also had a few choice words she would call me like looser and creep cause I wanted to smell her panties but to be honest those words just turned me on more. We had a fun weekend of calling each other names but I can't waist all my time on her. I've got to smell more girls panties lol.

Thanks for the words Freaky, I have a couple of very great girls that I buy panties from that I met from other sites but sometimes I like to venture out and sniff new girls panties and that gets me into trouble sometimes. But I've had more good times than bad netting girls online so I can't complain to much.
from Chattanooga, TN in amateur picture gallery. Let me know what you pervs think lol. I like smelling and wearing panties and I'm not going to let some piece of s**t girl ruin that for me.

Last edited by pantySnatchER0485 on Wed May 23, 2012 12:05 am; edited 1 time in total

#4: Re: frauds and fakes Author: Miss-Lacey-XLocation: UK PostPosted: Fri May 18, 2012 6:53 am
How do you tell whos a fraud or not? I'm a new panty seller (2 weeks now!) and I am genuinely enjoying selling my panties, I love it! I've come across xxxxxx and considering joining, would you be more likely to buy from someone registered with xxxxxx ?

Love Lacey


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#5: Re: frauds and fakes Author: pantySnatchER0485Location: Illinois PostPosted: Fri May 18, 2012 9:51 pm
Hi Lacy,
Well sometimes you don't find out until after you pay and sometimes you can tell from just chatting with them. This is a unique fetish and and will always be a risk with this cause there are lost of people in this world trying to make easy money. I think I know about the site your talking about and yes I do feel more comfortable buying from those girls. Feel to private message me and would love to talk more.

Have fun and enjoy selling your used panties,

-> Panty Stories - 'true', 'fiction' or 'erotica'

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