Trading Panties
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-> Panty Trading & Selling

#16: Re: Trading Panties Author: toyla PostPosted: Mon Jul 18, 2016 2:01 pm
Pantiesforall01 wrote:
id love to swap panties. I'd gladly take them in. Also don't mind sending you photos etc. pm or email me at djsinister6 @

Shoot me a PM, let's give this thing a shot I have tons of stuff to trade

#17: Re: Trading Panties Author: Pantygirl1999Location: West Virginia PostPosted: Fri Dec 28, 2018 1:24 am
am Brittney I am 19 and a college student who has a panty fettish
I have been a member for a while added content story wise and have traded with people in the past this is what I am here for to find like minded people and trade panties with men who have access to their gf or wife’s wet panties that I will wear when I get them , I’m not into pic collector or anything of that sort I enjoy this site and have traded multiple pairs successfully and enjoyed the trade so if you want to trade with me let me know

-> Panty Trading & Selling

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