ontheside469 wrote: |
Well, I must be challenged because I looked hi and low and cannot find the group your talking about. I tried searching the with the info you gave and I came up with nothing. Are you sure about the author name you gave was correct. And that newsgroup you posted is'nt even on the list, what am I doing wrong? |
pantycleft wrote: |
(I posted a similar reply yesterday which seems to have gone AWOL, so apologies if this response turns out to be a duplicate). After a bit of floundering I've managed to find all of pntypeeker's postings exactly as described. One mistake I made was to hunt all the way through the Videos group (without realising that's what it was) rather than the images one. Doh! The sets are of stylishly sophisticated, glamorous models, some of which involve quite a bit of airbrushing, so if this is what appeals you will enjoy these very much. My preference happens to be for the more raw, unglamorous girl-next-door types, but thanks anyway pntypeeker - I did enjoy looking through them. |