How I fell in love with panties
-> Panty Stories - 'true', 'fiction' or 'erotica'
#1: How I fell in love with panties Author: xundiegurlx,
Posted: Mon May 28, 2007 11:48 am
Well, I don't know if it was one event in particular, but my parents got divorced when I was young, and being a girl, I went to live with my mom. Mom's always been a panty lover. She's never been traditional black or white briefs, as long as I can remember she had different textures and colors. it being just us, there were always lots of panties on the ground. I never really wore regular panties either, when we would go shopping for underwear, I got to get cute stuff too. once I got to be about 14-15 mom and I started to get about the same size. We always did laundry together so it was almost impossible to tell whose panties were whose. eventually we just crammed some into her drawer and some into mine and we just go and look through each others drawer if there's something specific we want.
I was 12 or 13 when I started masturbating in panties. I masturbated a couple times and it felt good, but one night I just didn't take my undies off for some reason and it was AMAZING. the feeling of my wet, sticky cum trapped between dirty panties and a throbbing pussy was enough to make me dive back in for more.
#2: Re: How I fell in love with panties Author: JackAss,
Posted: Mon May 28, 2007 2:16 pm
please tell us more about your panties.I would love to hear about how they felt on you.did certain pairs ride up and give you a wedgie.Little info that probably means nothing to you might turn us on.any stories even if it wasn't you would be good.
There was this girl in my class in high school that would stand up after a long class and have a wedgie so she would pull it out with a little wedgie dance and I guess she would be embaressed or something because she would always say as she was doing it"i have a wedgie".When I hear a woman friend say that now I always offer my help.
love to hear from you again.and a little info about your age etc.
#3: Re: How I fell in love with panties Author: ROC4FUN,
Posted: Fri Jun 01, 2007 5:15 am
hey that sounds very familar -with one exception my folks wherenot divorced and iam a teen at the time and just had a good time with all the diff tipe of panties in moms drawer after i had found out how soft n silky the pantys felt next to jacking off with out it has turned into a must for fun too be hard n happy in silky panties all---ways a good time spent to this day with my own collection lol to you ;lots of lingerie; hahha roc
#4: Re: How I fell in love with panties Author: iamthepantyman, Location: uk
Posted: Fri Jun 01, 2007 8:56 am
What Randy Old Cock (ROC) is trying to say is: That his mums panty drawer was full of soft and silky panties which were great for masturbating into when he was a teenager. He found this to be great fun and loved being hard in his moms panties. He has since moved on to collecting his own panties and spanks most of his life away in panty drawers or words to that effect. He likes to laugh a lot whilst doing this (dont we all?) ROC still would like to donate his monthly wage and is quite happy to live life on a diet of: Bread, jam and panties. Please send me details of how I can contribute to this magnificunt site. All the very best ROC hahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahah.
PS Iamthepantyman is my official translator
-> Panty Stories - 'true', 'fiction' or 'erotica'
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