Kasey - May 5, 2019
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#1: Kasey - May 5, 2019 Author: Annabelle PostPosted: Sun May 05, 2019 7:40 am
Kasey sweet blue panties

Kasey has just gotten home from work and she is rather pleased to see us waiting for her. She thinks you are joking at first when you ask for a view of her underwear but then she realises you are not and that, indeed, you would like to see what she has on beneath that outfit of hers. Will she show you exactly what you wish for?


#2: Re: Kasey - May 5, 2019 Author: lowrise PostPosted: Sun May 05, 2019 1:48 pm
Kasey’s bubbly personality and sense of fun really shows here. I think she has captured that expression women have when they realise you find knickers interesting. There is so much about knickers, color, style, opacity, pattern, fabric, stitching, it just goes on. Women talk about it with other women, but with men they find that knickers suddenly become unmentionables and an issue to be “skirted around”. I think the idea for this set is a very interesting one, women realising that their underwear is very interesting!

#3: Re: Kasey - May 5, 2019 Author: JSTROMLocation: Baton Rouge,La PostPosted: Sun May 05, 2019 9:30 pm
nice and sheer from the rear

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