Please take note - 29th Oct 2007
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#1: Please take note - 29th Oct 2007 Author: Annabelle PostPosted: Mon Oct 29, 2007 1:18 pm
Please please when posting your pictures could please ensure you are posting them to the correct albums. This is taking up alot of my time trying to sort them out. I seem to be getting ones mainly of men in panties showing the front of them and the back of them. But its the back ones that members are trying to put into the amateur ablum thinking me and other members are not going to notice it is a man.
I have put this note up before and this time i will delet the pictures.


#2: Re: Please take note - 29th Oct 2007 Author: iamthepantymanLocation: uk PostPosted: Wed Feb 06, 2008 10:12 pm
You tell em Annabelle - Lets not beat about the Bush! Give it a rest you sad twats. You have your own section so keep it there. Thank you for your understanding.

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