Whats Up Doc
-> Panty Stories - 'true', 'fiction' or 'erotica'
#1: Whats Up Doc Author: CherryPie,
Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2008 12:34 am
I saw a woman, about 25, in the doctors office. She had on a VERY short skirt. I mean short. When she sat down across from me...WOW
...a perfect view of her pink shiny panties. After about a minute she put her purse in front of her because she caught a guy in the waiting room looking at her.
When she was done with her paperwork she gave another great upskirt when she opened her legs to stand up.
#2: Re: Whats Up Doc Author: Fenman, Location: Cambridge UK
Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2008 2:07 am
Great!!! It's the sight of that little triangle isn't it!!! (and they know it too!!!).
I reckon there should be an award for the best white triangle seen each week - we could call it the "Order of the Crotch"
#3: Re: Whats Up Doc Author: athongsniffr, Location: the hamper USA
Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2008 5:52 pm
does anyone else get a weird off balance panicky feeling when a woman in a skirt sits across from you either alllllmost showing her panties or crossing her legs giving a quick peek?
I feel like I'm rain man all the sudden moving around nervously in my seat unable to make eye contact for very long knowing that i cant help cutting my eyes down for an uncontrolled peek wondering if she is seeing my eyes scanning down every few seconds or when she moves her legs! its worst with the conservative professional (attractive) women I work with who about 1-2 days a week are sitting right in front of me in a skirt which always seems to throw me into a tailspin!!
am I the only guy that get "skirt anxiety"?
#4: Re: Whats Up Doc Author: LoveSatinPanties, Location: Texas
Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2008 8:10 pm
It's never anxiety. I think that an attractive woman that wears a short skirt and sits across from me is just asking for me to look at her. If she gives me a crotch shot, she knows what she is doing and is doing it on purpose, even though there is a little bit of hide and seek that she goes through.
An attractive woman knows that a man is going to look and is probably just as thrilled at knowing a man is looking at her, as she is in showing off what she has on.
If she is going to show me, I'm definitely going to look.
-> Panty Stories - 'true', 'fiction' or 'erotica'
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