lets meet and wank in eachothers wifes panties
-> Panty SNEAK

#1: lets meet and wank in eachothers wifes panties Author: pantycam PostPosted: Tue Oct 14, 2008 5:41 pm
hi uk south london male looking for guys to meet who will let me wank with their wifes or g/fs sexy knickers whilst you wank over my g/fs. Maybe we could get this going in all regions and have a world wide group. Leave me your MSN or Yahoo addy even if you just want panty fun cam 2 cam

#2: Re: lets meet and wank in eachothers wifes panties Author: pantymesserLocation: Colorado PostPosted: Sat Oct 18, 2008 6:50 pm
Wish I could join you, but on the other side of the big pond from you so just have to be content with randy thoughts of cumming in yoour wife's panties.

#3: Re: lets meet and wank in eachothers wifes panties Author: athongsniffrLocation: the hamper USA PostPosted: Tue Oct 21, 2008 4:40 am
yea i wood luv2 but im across the pond too )-: I've been lookin4a buddy to jerk n2 each others wives(girlfriends) panties with!
im in AR pantymesser wher r u?

#4: Re: lets meet and wank in eachothers wifes panties Author: athongsniffrLocation: the hamper USA PostPosted: Tue Oct 21, 2008 4:46 am
yea i wood luv2 but im across the pond too )-: I've been lookin4a buddy to jerk n2 each others wives(girlfriends) panties with!
im in AR pantymesser wher r u?

#5: Re: lets meet and wank in eachothers wifes panties Author: pantycam PostPosted: Thu Oct 23, 2008 11:50 am
anyone who cant meet but has a cam leave me your addy and we can have some panty cam 2 cam fun..........im me on yahoo....jelliedeels1963 or msn....jelliedeels1963 @ hotmail.co.uk

looking forward to some panty wanking

#6: Re: lets meet and wank in eachothers wifes panties Author: pantymesserLocation: Colorado PostPosted: Sun Oct 26, 2008 10:06 pm
Sorry thongsniffer, but I am in Colorado so a little far away although not as far as our compatriot "pantycam".

#7: Re: lets meet and wank in eachothers wifes panties Author: spinner66Location: england PostPosted: Wed Nov 05, 2008 10:22 am

Im in SE London and would be up for a meet drop me a line on msn...easynow1 @ live.co.uk

-> Panty SNEAK

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