my introduction
-> Panty Stories - 'true', 'fiction' or 'erotica'
#1: my introduction Author: pigvomit, Location: tomasi
Posted: Sun Oct 19, 2008 5:48 pm
i've been a long time visitor to this site (bout 6 or 7 years???) back when it was just basically a message board. back when it was still good. i haven't been a hardcore visitor through out the years. there has been long periods of time that i would go with out visiting. this site (the forums) reminds me a lot of the simpsons. the first 8 or 9 seasons of the simpsons were real good, but they've gone down hill since and maybe once in a while they come up with a good episode. and like the simpsons i'm still glad this site is still around, because i would be one sad fuck the day the simpsons or this site ends.
so with that being said i want to try and bring back some of the old school days when most of the post were about upskirt sighting and not about dudes who like to wear panties. to each their own. i don't believe in god or the devil so i don't fear hell. but i do fear the law. so i would never do anything illegal, but with that being said i will still look up ANY girls skirt (young or old, pretty or ugly, family or not)!
i hope to post a lot, you might get annoyed, but i don't care. i still consider you my brothers and sisters. sorry if that sounded fuckin lame.
soilwork_126 @
#2: Re: my introduction Author: Fenman, Location: Cambridge UK
Posted: Sun Oct 19, 2008 9:30 pm
Good on ya mate - keep the stuff cumming - we need some fresh stuff!!!
-> Panty Stories - 'true', 'fiction' or 'erotica'
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