4th of July holiday smorgasbourg!
-> Panty SNEAK
#1: 4th of July holiday smorgasbourg! Author: pantyjacker, Location: CT
Posted: Thu Jul 09, 2009 7:14 pm
Yes actually it began with festivities on the 2nd of july and ended on the 5th! I hd 4 very distinct and ver used and dirty panties from our favorite girl my stepdaughter. Wow is all I can say each day brought wonderful scents of sweat, musk, sex, ass and everything that personifies pussy! She is one of a kind and man what hot cunt on her I blew so many loads during the course of all this, and cleaned the crotch on all of them as well. Onkly problem with getting them everyday like the old days is now I really need them everyday! I am jonesing for that little hotties cunt bad! I am goin there in a bit to see what i can scavange up
But yes at least 8 loads blown and the taste and smell of her hot little pussy up my nose all thoe days was quite spectacular for sure. She even had a pair on that she looked like she got a bit exited and horny in too those tasted amazing! Yes I love the summer!
#2: Re: 4th of July holiday smorgasbourg! Author: fragged34,
Posted: Tue Jul 14, 2009 12:20 am
mmm nice!
-> Panty SNEAK
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