Today at work
-> Panty Stories - 'true', 'fiction' or 'erotica'

#1: Today at work Author: pantybiLocation: Illinois PostPosted: Wed Feb 17, 2010 6:42 pm
I work in a warehouse driving a forklift and this is our slow times where we get short hours . To get a few more hours , we now take on cleaning chores . I was ready to leave after just two hours work but then got assigned to clean the office kitchen . Yes , we do have a kitchen folks . LOL Anyway, there is a girl that works right next to the kitchen at a desk. We have been just flirting ( both married so no play ) for quite some time . I got my cleaning stuff and went away cleaning the fridge and stuff like that right beside her desk . Then I had to clean under the two serving tables right there too . See where this is going yet ? I layed down on the floor and started clearing out them damn cobwebs and crap that had built up scince we fired the clean up night crew . A gigantic spider( wolf spider ) attacked my biker ass and I flipped out on it with my knife eventually killing it in a major victory ! As I laughed I noticed that I felt a cool breeze under my shirt . OOPS !! Yall guessed it folks , My damn shirt had come untucked and she had a full view from her desk of my lace panties just hanging out saying hello ! I was freaked and trying to play it cool but couldn't help looking at her at her desk . Yup , she was just sitting there all red but smiling at me and shot me a thums up . She said " Nice ones and thanks for the clean up show " . True story ? YES IT IS !

#2: Re: Today at work Author: FenmanLocation: Cambridge UK PostPosted: Wed Feb 17, 2010 8:05 pm
Braver man than me (mind you, I work in a hospital!!!)

BTW: This is my 600th posting (applause?)

#3: Re: Today at work Author: pantybiLocation: Illinois PostPosted: Wed Feb 17, 2010 9:03 pm
Yea !!!!! Good on yall Fenman ! Hospitals to me are my stomping grounds . I went to get my nuts cut after my first wife started bitching around as we all see . Right after the first kid I ever had ( 31 years of age ,mine at the time) He is in trouble with the law and schools everywhere . I figured I had failed scince she got custody and I rarley see that boy. I showed up for the cutting of the nuts cerimony with a nice rose print pair of panties on . They ALL give yall time to disrobe before that operation and hide them anyway. Anyway , the nurse seen them and just smiled while the doc tried to kill me with a stab into the nuts ! She turned out to be the sister of my tattoo artist so all was cooll ! LOL Church office or not , I still own that doc's soul from what I yelled out . LOL I have been shot twice and stabed one time during my military service. NONE as bad as that damn shot ! I also , after coming home from war , became a machienist and then to union sprinkler fitter ( automatic fire protection ) for thirteen years . One day on the job a piece of four inch pipe slid out and took a finger off. Went to the local , in that city , hospital and commennced to kick ass because of the pain .Now days I go back to my training and sew or repair damadge to my family myself . MUCH cheaper ! LOL By the way , it took twenty three years for this country to recognise the hits I made for them and invite me to a veterans club . after this long for that I say leave me alone ! Let's get back to our panties now shall we ? LOL Proud yall got that post on my story but please don't brag about it in here with me ! Love yall and , yes , brave , just don't give a fuck what a doc thinks . or anybody ( like I took hits in the field of war )for that matter any more . Yall peace out ! LOVE YALL !!

#4: Re: Today at work Author: FenmanLocation: Cambridge UK PostPosted: Wed Feb 17, 2010 9:07 pm
Long live stinky panties (knickers) buddy !!!

#5: Re: Today at work Author: pantybiLocation: Illinois PostPosted: Wed Feb 17, 2010 9:12 pm
Damn right my pal ! Yall must be on right now ! LOL Pleased to see yall here from Illinois ! Yall sound from the UK maybe ?

#6: Re: Today at work Author: FenmanLocation: Cambridge UK PostPosted: Wed Feb 17, 2010 9:17 pm
Yup ... at least I am (22.15 hrs Wednesday evening) .... waiting for all the pervs to come on MSN and Yahoo!!!!

-> Panty Stories - 'true', 'fiction' or 'erotica'

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