3.5 gb of Asian Panty Pictures
-> Panty Trading & Selling

#1: 3.5 gb of Asian Panty Pictures Author: sterling PostPosted: Fri May 28, 2010 3:18 am
I have approx 3.5 Gb of Japanese Panty pictures that I am offering for $5 to all who want. This is an accumulation of a few years of surfing several different Asian sites. There are several mp4, avi, and wmv files as well. About 95% Satin, Nylon or Silk panties from upskirt angles and others. Amatuers, pros, street ups etc. There are a few Panty Line pictures as well.

We just really need some extra cash right now and this is something that I thought might be of interest to a few here.

If interested PM me and I will tell you what is needed. I would prefer to email the entire file but might be able to send flash drive if buyer is willing to pay for the flash drive and shipping.

#2: Re: 3.5 gb of Asian Panty Pictures Author: Annabelle PostPosted: Fri May 28, 2010 5:56 am
make sure you have the copy rights to them before you sell as you could find yourself in hot water. You can't sell what is not yours to sell.

#3: Re: 3.5 gb of Asian Panty Pictures Author: sexyteddybear65Location: new york state PostPosted: Sat May 29, 2010 4:04 am
Yes I agree with Annabelle, these pictures just might be under copyright law. So do your homework before sending out. Your own personal pictures maybe ok, but other pictures could be under the copy right law. Besides I think I have seen a few of these on other sites, can't be sure but one of them looks like one i did see one time a few yrs back. try the first one.
i love panties just like the next guy does, but this is not the way to go. Take my word for it, people are watching.

#4: Re: 3.5 gb of Asian Panty Pictures Author: sterling PostPosted: Sat May 29, 2010 9:01 am
Hmmmm, good point, never really thought about possible copyright issues. A lot of the sites that the picutres were from are no longer up, but they do seem to on some other Asian sites.

#5: Re: 3.5 gb of Asian Panty Pictures Author: NicksPantiesLocation: South FL PostPosted: Sun Aug 08, 2010 9:32 pm
plus... for free the internet is full of em'

-> Panty Trading & Selling

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