Purposely showing or accidental?
-> Panty Stories - 'true', 'fiction' or 'erotica'

#1: Purposely showing or accidental? Author: MRBADDOGUSA PostPosted: Tue Aug 24, 2010 9:26 pm
An interesting thing happened the other evening. It was warm and I was sitting out on the back patio around 9:30. This is in a resort condo area of single story duplex homes with large open lawn areas and no fencing. It was my last night there before leaving for home. I'll be back in a couple of months.

As usual, most everyone have their blinds drawn at night. This one house didn't, however, and the lights were on in the living room and hall, as well as the bedroom which was on the other side of the living room wall. I could see the flickering lights of the TV and thought nothing of it.

A while later movement caught my eye as a lady got up and walked across the living room to the hallway. She stood there for a few seconds facing the open window, and to my total surprise, reached down and pulled up her tight-fitting shirt up and over her head. As it finally pulled over her breasts, they snapped back quickly and jiggled as they fell back into place. It was obvious what I was seeing and certainly unexpected, but extremely cool. I thought keep going girl, don't stop now! She stood there a few more seconds, turned and walked a way down the hall and tossed the shirt. She then turned and pulled down her pants, tossed them aside, and walked back into the living room, plain as day standing there in her panties and nothing else! Her panties were light colored hip-hugger type bikini's. At this point she had my full attention as she moved around a little while in the living room appearing to just kill time. She was completely hiding nothing, just walking around from the living room to kitchen and back wearing nothing but her panties. It wasn't like she was purposely putting on any kind of show or doing anything sexy, and she would've had no idea I was there on my patio. Anyway, she eventually pulled on a black nightshirt, turned out the living room lights and went into her bedroom where she read awhile before turning those lights out.

I've never seen this lady up close or met her before but she looked to be in fairly good shape and maybe in her late 40's or early 50's. She by no means had a porn-star bunny figure, but she was definitely acceptable! I loved her daring (or carelessness, whichever it was).

Unfortunately I had to leave in the morning so I don't know if this is normal behavior for her, or if she was just being careless or was particularly horny and thought she'd do something sexy and daring.

Any women here, or others, have any ideas? Have you ever done this in front of lighted, open windows yourself? If so, why did you do it and how did it make you feel? I'd love to think she was being horny, sexy, and daring, but think she was probably just changing for bed and forgot the blinds were wide open. Its hard for me to make that case, though, as every blind in the place was open and each room lit with light. Also, at night with the interior lights on you can see your own reflection in the window, so I would doubt she wouldn't have known. What do you all think?

#2: Re: Purposely showing or accidental? Author: CherryPie PostPosted: Wed Aug 25, 2010 9:30 am
It may have be a little of both.

I have changed clothes in front of lighted open windows before. It made me feel sexy to think that someone may be watching.
Other times I just run in and change without giving it another thought.

Are you sure that she coulnd't see you or someone else watching? You mentioned she was facing the open window.

Just think...it could have been a show just for you.

#3: Re: Purposely showing or accidental? Author: MRBADDOGUSA PostPosted: Wed Aug 25, 2010 1:24 pm
A little of both is what I've thought too.

Its funny but, Cherry, you are one I had thought about after seeing this. It may be something she doesn't do very often but it sure was a sexy, daring thing to do at least this one time. I know I'm going to be checking that out when I go back there in the future! Plus, what did it hurt? It cost her nothing, gave me a nice thrill, and probably (hopefully) thrilled her as well. I know from what you've written you feel the same.

Also, to answer your question, no, I don't see how she could've known I was out on the patio at that particular time. I was pretty much sitting in the dark and there were no lit cigarettes glowing or anything. I was only at our house for four nights to check in on the place. However, over that time she probably would've seen me out on our back patio cleaning and clipping roses. Our patio is catty-corner to hers and probably within 100 feet, so clearly from her point of view I could've been out there during her show or even seen her from one of my windows.

I would like to think she was feeling particularly frisky and horny and that her "show" was a daring move where she was "hoping" she'd be seen by someone. It was nice to be that someone this time.

Anyone else have any stories from the perspective of either the show-er or show-ee?

#4: Re: Purposely showing or accidental? Author: Pan-T-Man PostPosted: Sat Sep 04, 2010 6:43 pm
Sounds to me to have been an opportunistic time to "spank the monkey" I wood have..:-P

-> Panty Stories - 'true', 'fiction' or 'erotica'

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