Celebrity panties, anyone ever have a pair?
-> Panty Stories - 'true', 'fiction' or 'erotica'

#1: Celebrity panties, anyone ever have a pair? Author: pantyjackerLocation: CT PostPosted: Mon Oct 16, 2006 7:05 pm
I was just wondering if anyone here has ever gotten a hold of a hot celebs used panties. I mean they wear them too right? I would love to hear stories of someone who grabbed a pair of a really hot celebs panties and described what they smelled like and what they did with them.
Who here has or knows of someone who has had the pleasure of jacking off with say Kate Beckinsales or Jennifer Lopez, or Hillary Duffs used panties?

#2: Re: Celebrity panties, anyone ever have a pair? Author: pantykizzLocation: chicago illinois PostPosted: Mon Oct 16, 2006 7:49 pm
when are you going to post a picture of your stepdaughter's panties?

#3: Re: Celebrity panties, anyone ever have a pair? Author: pantyjackerLocation: CT PostPosted: Mon Oct 23, 2006 11:16 am
they are ont he yahoo website, sendmeusedpanties there is a link to it form surferhoe on the panty trading and selling forum!

#4: Re: Celebrity panties, anyone ever have a pair? Author: Paave787Location: Virgina PostPosted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 12:36 pm
The daughter of a friend of mine, and who I have known since she was born, has become a minor celebrity who is on the way up. The last time she was at our house, I snuck in her bedroom and got a few sniffs of a couple pairs of her panties and a couple of pics but can't seem to find them. Anyway, she was in a big-deal commerical on the MTV awards a month or so ago. She was 'Parker' in the Herbal Essence commercials. Take a look:


#5: Re: Celebrity panties, anyone ever have a pair? Author: noguchiguyLocation: NYC PostPosted: Mon Oct 30, 2006 2:08 pm
WoooHoooo - Please find those pictures!!!!

#6: Re: Celebrity panties, anyone ever have a pair? Author: noguchiguyLocation: NYC PostPosted: Wed Nov 01, 2006 7:38 pm
Do you have any pictures of her?

-> Panty Stories - 'true', 'fiction' or 'erotica'

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