Panties of the famous
-> Panty SNEAK

#1: Panties of the famous Author: TriggerHappySamLocation: USA PostPosted: Mon Nov 20, 2006 10:03 am
Just curious if anybody has been about to get (aka steal) a pair of panties (or any lingere) from somebody famous??

#2: Re: Panties of the famous Author: pantyjackerLocation: CT PostPosted: Wed Nov 22, 2006 7:39 pm
I posted a similar thread not too long ago about this. I have always wondered if someone knew someone famous or they got to check their hampers for some good dirty panties. I would wonder what Jessica Alba's pussy smelled like, or someone to that effect.

#3: Re: Panties of the famous Author: pantybanditLocation: UK PostPosted: Wed Nov 22, 2006 10:34 pm
I recall that, a couple of years back, there was a charity auction in London and a famous celebrity (can't remember who) realised she hadn't contributed anything. So she and her guest (another hot totty) removed the knickers they had been wearing all night, autographed them, and put them up for auction.

Bet they raised a few quid.

#4: Re: Panties of the famous Author: PantyCollector PostPosted: Sat Nov 25, 2006 6:01 pm
What kind of panties were they?

#5: Re: Panties of the famous Author: pantybanditLocation: UK PostPosted: Mon Nov 27, 2006 9:47 pm
PantyCollector wrote:
What kind of panties were they?

If that's for me, I honestly don't know, but they must have made someone VERY happy!

#6: Re: Panties of the famous Author: pabab47Location: Maryland, USA PostPosted: Tue Nov 28, 2006 8:25 pm
I wonder what ever happened to the panties Marylyn Monroe wore in the famous skirt blowing scene of the movie " The Seven Year Itch". I've read where she wore two pairs in the scene for modesty's sake. I've also read where, most of the time, she went pantyless.

#7: Re: Panties of the famous Author: iamthepantymanLocation: uk PostPosted: Wed Feb 14, 2007 9:13 pm
Back in 1984 whilst serving overseas, I emailed Carol Voderman for a Photo of herself and also asked if she had any spare lingerie she might like to share with the boys. Guess what? I only got the photo. Still, if you don't ask you don't get. Would love a pair now mind, shes absolutely stunning.

#8: Re: Panties of the famous Author: PantyCollector PostPosted: Sun Feb 18, 2007 5:36 pm
How did you send email, back in 1984?

#9: Re: Panties of the famous Author: whowhat1 PostPosted: Sun Feb 18, 2007 8:20 pm
PantyCollector wrote:
How did you send email, back in 1984?

back in those days the modems they used where the kind where you had to put your phone headset on a certain type of modem..if you have ever seen the movie "war games" there is one part where the one kid had a phone handset on the weird type of modem and found that he was actually hacking the military.well basically they where the types of modem they used back then...the connection was no higher then i believe 14 kbps. which was slower then constipation.nothing compared to the massive high speed lines we have today.

#10: Re: Panties of the famous Author: iamthepantymanLocation: uk PostPosted: Tue Feb 20, 2007 1:22 am
Thank you whowhat1 but pretty much as explained. I was in the Military at this time and we did have some equipment which allowed us to send messages. It was shite mind but them days we were easily impressed with new technology.

#11: Re: Panties of the famous Author: Paave787Location: Virgina PostPosted: Sun Feb 25, 2007 7:22 pm
The daughter of a close friend of mine, and who I have known since she was a little kid, has become a minor celebrity who is on the way up. The last time she was at our house, I snuck in her bedroom and got some sniffs of a couple pairs of her panties. She's hot and she was in a big-deal commerical on the MTV awards a few months ago. She was 'Parker' in the Herbal Essence commercials. Take a look and use your imagination:

#12: Re: Panties of the famous Author: mark4 PostPosted: Thu Mar 08, 2007 5:27 am
any roomboy here of any hotel where celebrities spend a day or two perhaps? it would be pretty cool to barge in their hotel room, pretend to change the bedsheets, only after satisfying yourself with their used panty...

#13: Re: Panties of the famous Author: thongaromaLocation: scotland PostPosted: Sun Mar 11, 2007 10:58 pm
a very well known face on tv at present used to work at the local radio station here in ayr she used to stayin the caledonian hotelat the weekends i knew the night porter then we were both into sniffing & licking he invited me to the hotel one saturday morning aroun 9oclock there we were in her room sniffing her panties and listening to her on the radio pity the digi cam was not as popular then

#14: Re: Panties of the famous Author: izageLocation: seattle PostPosted: Tue Mar 13, 2007 4:03 pm
WOW Paave ! You know her? - what's her name and how old is she? What were her panties like and was her scent as hot as she looks?

Paave787 wrote:
The daughter of a close friend of mine, and who I have known since she was a little kid, has become a minor celebrity who is on the way up. The last time she was at our house, I snuck in her bedroom and got some sniffs of a couple pairs of her panties. She's hot and she was in a big-deal commerical on the MTV awards a few months ago. She was 'Parker' in the Herbal Essence commercials. Take a look and use your imagination:

#15: Re: Panties of the famous Author: TicTac PostPosted: Tue Mar 13, 2007 4:54 pm
thongaroma wrote:
a very well known face on tv at present used to work at the local radio station here in ayr she used to stayin the caledonian hotelat the weekends i knew the night porter then we were both into sniffing & licking he invited me to the hotel one saturday morning aroun 9oclock there we were in her room sniffing her panties and listening to her on the radio pity the digi cam was not as popular then

Wow.. who was/is she? And what were her panties like? I bet it was a real buzz hearing her on the radio and sniffing her panties! How did hers smell? Spill the beans! :wink:

#16: Re: Panties of the famous Author: thongaromaLocation: scotland PostPosted: Wed Mar 14, 2007 1:10 am
where you from tic-tac

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