Panty Fetish: Always an Opportunity
-> Panty SNEAK

#1: Panty Fetish: Always an Opportunity Author: 4qts PostPosted: Wed Mar 14, 2012 1:26 pm
I have always loved to wank with a pair of dirty panties and I never miss an opportunity to snatch some. The best source for panties as any lover will know is a public laundry. Apartment life does have its perks.
I was fortunate enough to be able to see the laundry room from my apartment so knew exactly when to take my laundry. The key is to get the panties while still dirty but before they are wet or have soap on them. You need to be there at exactly the right moment and of course the owner needs to leave them right away. I went through a phase in which I would snatch the panties, take them back to my apartment then stuff a pair in me, yes you read it correctly..
While still filled with a girls soiled panties I would go back to the laundry room and make a point to strike up a conversation with the panties owner. What a thrill knowing her panties were in me the whole time. Actually, removing them was a relief and a turn-on at the same time too.

I once lived at an apartment complex that I had taken so many pair of panties a sign was put in the laundry room warning against clothing theft.
One memorable snatching happened after two oriental women brought their laundry in. As soon as they had walked out I took about 5 pairs from, sadly, the dryer. I always made a point of washing a canvas bag with my laundry so I could put my snatched panties in the bag to get them back to my apartment. In this case I was very lucky as the ladies came back almost right away.
They actually accused me of taking them (the cheek) and asked to see in my dryer. I of course let them but they did not look in the bag.
Later I found they had accused a friend of mine and actually posted a note on his door calling him a Panty Thief. Who knows, maybe he snatched panties too.
I bet almost all guys have.

#2: Re: Panty Fetish: Always an Opportunity Author: pantySnatchER0485Location: Illinois PostPosted: Thu Mar 15, 2012 12:24 am
I've snatched over 200 pairs from my friends sisters and moms when I was in high school. I loved sneaking in there rooms when they weren't home and go through there dirty laundry basket and sniff them to find the most smelly stained panties I could find and take home with me to wank with.

I stole so many panties from one of my friends mom that she wrote a note and put it in her panty drawer, it said " stay the fuck out of my drawer".

That's why I call myself pantySnatcahER, I'm willing to buy your worn panties from you but if you don't I'll find a way to get them.

#3: Re: Panty Fetish: Always an Opportunity Author: 4qts PostPosted: Mon Mar 19, 2012 12:04 pm
Love the the note left in the drawer!!!

I took so many of my ex-wifes panties that she started blaming my son's friends for it...

-> Panty SNEAK

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