Re: What style of Panty do you like best ?
(Score: 1 )
by hotpantysniffer on Monday, July 09, 2007 (21:05:41) (User Info | Send a Message)
I prefer bikini style cause one is a womans butt always looks hot to me with bikinis hugging them plus they come in different styles and different material
Re: What style of Panty do you like best ?
(Score: 1 )
by djjoe on Friday, October 05, 2007 (13:00:00) (User Info | Send a Message)
panties with full backs are the best....they show the best vpl, have the best used crotches (nice stains, and smears)mmmmm. and great to look up a skirt at them
Re: What style of Panty do you like best ?
(Score: 1 )
by hiddenviews on Saturday, February 09, 2008 (17:57:44) (User Info | Send a Message)
Not sure what the difference is between briefs and granny styles - always thought they were the same - full-cut. I like full-cut nylon the best... like to thing about the scent of the nylon mixed a bit with a clean woman's scent..
Re: What style of Panty do you like best ?
(Score: 1 )
by Pantyman16 on Tuesday, February 07, 2023 (02:01:18) (User Info | Send a Message)
I am a total thomg lover for sure...... lo e satin string side thongs and bikinis but pretty much wear all thongs. Love to chat if there is actually real people around.