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tlc33775 Panty "SILVER"

Joined: Apr 12, 2007 Posts: 10
Posted: Thu May 31, 2007 3:13 pm Post subject: Re: Gay or not to Gay |
FloralPanties wrote: |
Dudes in panties make me want to vomit[i]. I don't want to see that. Why are the 2 of you getting all bend out of shape? OPEN your mind & accept others that have different opinions & are NOT polly correct. It is a free world & the question was asked. SO MEN IN PANTIES MAKE ME SICK!!!!!!!!!!! Whats the biggie?
Whats not to understand? I like females dude! get it?????????? |
So, do you vomit when you look at yourself in the mirror?
Panty "SILVER"
Joined: Friday, April 27
Posts: 21
Location: Earth
PostPosted: Sun Apr 29, 2007 12:57 am Post subject: Re: Wearing Panties in Canada Reply with quote
I love wearing panties. Been wearing them for years! Right now I like the Carrole Reed panties from zellers.
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verbiage Panty "GOLD"

Joined: Jun 01, 2006 Posts: 36
Posted: Thu May 31, 2007 9:31 pm Post subject: Re: Gay or not to Gay |
tlc33775 wrote: |
FloralPanties wrote: |
Dudes in panties make me want to vomit[i]. I don't want to see that. Why are the 2 of you getting all bend out of shape? OPEN your mind & accept others that have different opinions & are NOT polly correct. It is a free world & the question was asked. SO MEN IN PANTIES MAKE ME SICK!!!!!!!!!!! Whats the biggie?
Whats not to understand? I like females dude! get it?????????? |
So, do you vomit when you look at yourself in the mirror?
Panty "SILVER"
Joined: Friday, April 27
Posts: 21
Location: Earth
PostPosted: Sun Apr 29, 2007 12:57 am Post subject: Re: Wearing Panties in Canada Reply with quote
I love wearing panties. Been wearing them for years! Right now I like the Carrole Reed panties from zellers. |
tlc - I said the ame thing a few posts ago - floral does tend to be a bit contradictory- i doubt if you'll get a proper answer.
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FloralPanties Panty "SILVER"

Joined: Apr 27, 2007 Posts: 23 Location: Earth
Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2007 11:19 am Post subject: Re: Gay or not to Gay |
I do not like men in panties....... it makes me vomit... women in panties, now thats hot!
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Brianne Panty "PLATINUM"

Joined: May 05, 2007 Posts: 6096 Location: Glasgow, Scotland
Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2007 2:59 pm Post subject: Re: Gay or not to Gay |
women in panties are hot, and I feel hot when wearing my wife's used panties, but I don't particularly want men to see me wearing panties nor to see men wearing panties
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Brianne Panty "PLATINUM"

Joined: May 05, 2007 Posts: 6096 Location: Glasgow, Scotland
Posted: Fri Jun 22, 2007 8:12 pm Post subject: Re: Gay or not to Gay |
surely it's not gay to love womens panties
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pbjo Panty "BRONZE"

Joined: Jul 07, 2007 Posts: 2 Location: Seattle
Posted: Wed Jul 11, 2007 4:05 am Post subject: Re: Gay or not to Gay |
I am not offended by FloralPanties comments. He was just expressing his feelings and didn't attack anyone. Panties on womens have a strong affect on a HUGE percentage of the male population. You see cultural references to it all the time. There was a bit on the old SCTV where Johnny Larue was making a film called "Chicks in Their Underwear". The Magnetic Fields have a great song called underwear: And on and on. The people who come to this site are the very few who want to focus primarily on the fetish. Even so we all bring different perspectives. I get super excited about women in panties. I'm also bisexual and would love to find guys to hook up with and wear panties and lingerie with. And I LOOOOOVE nylon panties! Cheers.
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bipanties Panty "GOLD"

Joined: Jul 12, 2007 Posts: 34
Posted: Fri Jul 13, 2007 2:34 pm Post subject: Re: Gay or not to Gay |
majorkahuna wrote: |
It is pretty simple. Do you think about women or men when you jack off. Remember Kinsey found on a scale of 1 - 10 1 being 100% straight and 10 100% homesexual there were not 1s or 10s. We all fall some where along the scale. When I first started wearing panties and stockings as a young teen I thought I might be gay. I even experimented a few times. Turns out there is nothing about men that turns me on. It is the experience of wearing womens underthings that gets my blood flowing. |
actually i think the scale was from 0 to 6 :D
0 was for 100% straight people and 6 was for 100% gay people
majorkahuna wrote: |
Here is the simplest way to fit yourself on Kinseys scale. If you think about women when you masturbate, you are str8. If you think about men, you are gay. Being gay is not something you evolve into, you are born gay or str8. I do not believe there is such a thing as bisexuals. So called bisexuals are in denial of there gayness. There was a married guy on Oprah last year that had been with over 100 men and still said he was just experimenting. I am sorry that is very gay. I experimented a couple of times in college out of curiosity because I had many gay friends. It was not for me and I have never been with a man since. BTW I was the pitcher, not the catcher. |
how can you talk about the kinsey scale and then say there's no such thing as bisexual? sounds like you're confused on what the kinsey is about. or maybe you don't understand what bisexuality is:
Quote:: |
Bisexuality (sometimes shortened to bi) refers to the capability of being attracted to women and men. A bisexual person may or may not be equally attracted to women and men, and the degree of attraction to either gender may vary over time. One does not need to be sexually active with both genders to identify as bisexual, since sexual activity does not necessarily define one’s sexual orientation. [One obstacle that many people face is] understanding the term bisexual. |
also, be it "pitcher" or "catcher", you still had sex with a dood.
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elcora Panty "PLATINUM"

Joined: Jul 04, 2007 Posts: 50
Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2007 2:00 am Post subject: Re: Gay or not to Gay |
not gay but like other guys on this site i love panties and seeing a man in panties is a turn on to me. i love to wear panties myself. im married and have a child. but yah guys in panties is hot. there was guy writing to me and he would fantasize about standing behind a guy in panties feeling the other guys satin panties against his body. i like fantasy but wouldn't do a guy. if you want to write me and fantasy here is my email panty.6 @
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elcora Panty "PLATINUM"

Joined: Jul 04, 2007 Posts: 50
Posted: Sat Aug 25, 2007 10:11 pm Post subject: Re: Gay or not to Gay |
I the same way man. I've fantasize about cock but haven't been with a man. I wear panties. i married and have children. but i like to see cocks in panties it kind of a turn on. if anyone wants to write me here is my address granados1970 @
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nylononme Panty "BRONZE"

Joined: Oct 29, 2006 Posts: 4 Location: South Carolina
Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2007 12:34 pm Post subject: Re: Gay or not to Gay |
I've been wearing panties on and off for 20 years. I'm currently married to a woman who has no idea of my fetish for wearing panties, but she knows how much I love panties on her. If she knew I was sitting here right now in a pair of HER panties she'd probably divorce me, or there'd be a big fight at least.
Anyway, as to the "gay" question...I'm not gay. Given the choice of looking at pics of women or men in panties, I'd take women any day of the week. However, I've always wanted to suck a guy off. I never have. It's been a fantasy of mine for years. Does that make me gay?? I don't think so. I think nearly all males have at some point had some fantasy about another guy. It's just that some of us will admit to it...I think the ones who cry the loudest about how they're not gay and it makes them want to puke probably have the most pent-up sexual frustration/confusion.
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Brianne Panty "PLATINUM"

Joined: May 05, 2007 Posts: 6096 Location: Glasgow, Scotland
Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2007 4:15 pm Post subject: Re: Gay or not to Gay |
Nylononme wrote 'I've always wanted to suck a guy off. I never have. It's been a fantasy of mine for years. Does that make me gay?? '
No. I have sucked guys off and been sucked off by a guys when at high school and university. Did not progress to fucking as thought that's what women are for. Am now happily married to a caring woman who not only sucks me off but also takes it up the bum as well. Even so, I do like to see hard-core pictures of a cock penetrating a woman's bum or pussy, or being sucked off by a woman.
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Jimmy1 Panty "BRONZE"

Joined: Sep 07, 2007 Posts: 6 Location: Oregon/Vancouver BC
Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2007 7:32 pm Post subject: Re: Gay or not to Gay |
This is my first post on the board. In response to the gay or not question.
I am totally gay, have never slept with a woman, have never had any desire to either.
Sexually, I am a totally submissive bottom and have only topped a guy once and did not enjoy it although I did get off.
Panties have been a part of my life since, I first felt them when my mother would bring the laundry from the dryer and toss it on her bed to sort. When I would go to school I would sneek a pair of panties and wear them during the day. Into middle school and high school I would wear also except on PE days. I was the smallest kid in my class and did not enter puberty until I was 17 which drew attention to me in the locker room so I had to be careful.
Most all of the guys knew that I was gay and delighted in making fun of the fact that I was hairless and would get a hardon in the shower when I looked at the other kids. Several of those kids that tormented me in school were the very ones that would come over to my house to play. Their idea of play was to have me suck them off or they suck me or use me as their girl.
I love being gay, but then I have been since birth so would not know how it is to be straight.
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whowhat1 Panty "PLATINUM"

Joined: Nov 11, 2005 Posts: 412
Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2007 10:35 pm Post subject: Re: Gay or not to Gay |
Brianne wrote: |
Nylononme wrote 'I've always wanted to suck a guy off. I never have. It's been a fantasy of mine for years. Does that make me gay?? '
No. I have sucked guys off and been sucked off by a guys when at high school and university. | umm no offense man,but...being that you did that to a dude,then yes that is considered being homosexual even though it did not progress any further it's still the point that you gave oral sex to a male.
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Brianne Panty "PLATINUM"

Joined: May 05, 2007 Posts: 6096 Location: Glasgow, Scotland
Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2007 3:18 pm Post subject: Re: Gay or not to Gay |
Depends on how you use the meaning of the word homosexual.
I don't think sexual experimentation when young makes me gay/homosexual. Yes it was very pleasurable at the time because I had a hard-on and someone else made me cum, and I suspect that most boys/young men had similar experience. Does not make me/them/us gay or homosexual by nature.
'Homosexual sex' is sex between people of the same gender, does not necessarily that the people are homosexual in the sense that they only have sex with people of their own gender
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whowhat1 Panty "PLATINUM"

Joined: Nov 11, 2005 Posts: 412
Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2007 11:10 pm Post subject: Re: Gay or not to Gay |
not to start any flame wars but...any type of sexual acts toward the same gender is considered put in another way.....ok i'll go with this, say your neighbor owns a firearm such as a .44 magnum, one day he brings it out to clean it and forgets to see if the weapon was turns out as he was cleaning it the firearm discharges goes thru his house wall (which it would), thru your house wall(which of course it would) and clocks you in the knee cap putting a 1" diameter hole in your knee cap.the police go over to investigate to find out that you where struck by a bullet and then they investigate the neighbor only to find out he was cleaning the weapon and did not check to see if the firearm was loaded (of course these days police won't buy that story).no matter which way it's looked upon ethier it was accidental or on purpose getting shot is getting shot.same way with homosexuality,ether it's to experiment or not or ether it was even a simple hand job..a sexual act is still a sexual act no matter which way it's looked upon and if that "sexual act" is with the same gender then yes it would be considred homosexuality.
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