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PanLovNor Panty "GOLD"

Joined: Feb 07, 2008 Posts: 27 Location: Ontario
Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2008 4:05 pm Post subject: Re: Do You Wear Panties All The Time |
I honestly don't know if I could do the whole "meet and greet" thing or not. Although there is a large part of me that would like to see something like that in Ontario here as well...I think it would probably freak me out a little bit. That being would be a welcome sight to know that EVERYONE around me is also wearing some sort of panty/lingerie and that I'm not ALONE in the world :)
Does anyone know of any chat/irc rooms that have Panty discussions? That would be something I'd like to see.
*wearing black hi-cut bikini microfiber today...and loving it*
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daveca2002 Panty "BRONZE"

Joined: Feb 02, 2008 Posts: 4
Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2008 1:39 am Post subject: Re: Do You Wear Panties All The Time |
I Love wearing panties all the time. The only exemptions is when I have to go to the doctor's or somewhere important otherwise it is panties. Even going out for the day, it is panties and lingerie.
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gary46 Panty "PLATINUM"

Joined: Nov 09, 2005 Posts: 312 Location: SW Pennsylvania
Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2008 2:59 am Post subject: Re: Do You Wear Panties All The Time |
Nothing wrong with us guys wearing panties! Been wearing with the wife for some 22+ years now. Well, actually about 20 years to tell the truth. My wife loves me in panties/lingerie and I'm sure I'm not the only guy out there that can appreciate that! Let's all wear panties/lingerie! Gary46
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Ian_B Panty "PLATINUM"

Joined: Nov 20, 2007 Posts: 257 Location: Cheshire, UK
Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2008 6:43 pm Post subject: Re: Do You Wear Panties All The Time |
I cannot wear panties when in the shower or when using the toilet. So, I can only claim a 98% wearing and not the full 100%.
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PanLovNor Panty "GOLD"

Joined: Feb 07, 2008 Posts: 27 Location: Ontario
Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2008 6:49 pm Post subject: Re: Do You Wear Panties All The Time |
wimp! hahahaha
Very funny....thanks for the smile
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Ian_B Panty "PLATINUM"

Joined: Nov 20, 2007 Posts: 257 Location: Cheshire, UK
Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2008 6:54 pm Post subject: Re: Do You Wear Panties All The Time |
Thanks for the response. Far too many people take wearing panties far too seriously, so it's good to ping their elastic once in a while.
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PanLovNor Panty "GOLD"

Joined: Feb 07, 2008 Posts: 27 Location: Ontario
Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2008 6:59 pm Post subject: Re: Do You Wear Panties All The Time |
"Ping their elastic" that's and I share the same attitude about this...It's all good man! :)
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garth003 Panty "PLATINUM"

Joined: Dec 16, 2006 Posts: 60 Location: Pa
Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2008 3:20 am Post subject: Re: Do You Wear Panties All The Time |
I also wear 24/7 and I love it. I honestly found myself in a compermising situation not to long ago. I found myself having pain in the groin area and i didn't know that i had out grown my mens undies that i had laying aorund and now i had a doct to go to and i had to wear panties. The fact is that i wore them and i had to be examined several times cause i had a hernia and i am not embarrised by it. I don't wear hot p ink panties but i wore a light purple i think fucia and he had to know they were pant ies but i didn 't give a shit. It is my body and if he is bothered by it then fuck him.I fnd that i feel li ke myself in panties.
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LoveSatinPanties Panty "PLATINUM"

Joined: Mar 13, 2007 Posts: 447 Location: Texas
Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2008 4:15 pm Post subject: Re: Do You Wear Panties All The Time |
I wear 24/7 and have been doing so for the last 10 years or longer. It's just seems to be the natural thing to do. I'm lucky enough to have a lady friend that supports me in my likes and will also let me wear hers. We both agree that it does have a positive effect on our sex life.
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Irmatrude Panty "SILVER"

Joined: Dec 18, 2007 Posts: 11 Location: SW USA
Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2008 6:08 am Post subject: Re: Do You Wear Panties All The Time |
It's been 24/7 for the last 15 + years. I don't think I have any mens left. As was mentioned when I go to the Doctors I wear plain black or white microfibre or cotton pantys. I suppose the gusset could be a give away and have few with a virtually invisible one. Bottom line it's never been an issue. I have been compromised a few times over the years, some deliberately; but I've come to discover that can be very exciting. The outcomes have not been disastrous only mildly embarassing. I probably have about 100 pairs of every conceivable style, color, martial and decoration. It's just soooo hard to make a decision in the morning.......
Cheers in nylon lilac hiphugger,
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joeinnoho Panty "GOLD"

Joined: Feb 02, 2007 Posts: 35 Location: Southwestern Missouri
Posted: Sun May 11, 2008 6:45 pm Post subject: Re: Do You Wear Panties All The Time |
Yes, I wear panties 24/7. I don't worry so much about doctor visits. I rely on my doctor to know absolutely everything about me. The only time I don't wear panties is when I go to visit my kids. I don't want to freak them out.
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kevin15 Panty "SILVER"

Joined: Sep 01, 2007 Posts: 13 Location: USA
Posted: Tue May 13, 2008 8:59 pm Post subject: Re: Do You Wear Panties All The Time |
I wear nylon brief panties 24/7 . I dont even have any mens underwear anymore.there is nothing wrong with wearing panties ,its what ever you are comfortable with.I dont care what other people think if they see my panties hanging out .I even wore them to the doctor,who is a woman.I recently had a hernia exam .and she just smiled & said they looked cute.I told her they were very comfortable & I wear panties all the time.everything I do in life, Im wearing panties.
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EmpireState Panty "SILVER"

Joined: Sep 08, 2006 Posts: 12 Location: NY
Posted: Sat May 17, 2008 1:43 pm Post subject: Re: Do You Wear Panties All The Time |
Not all the time. It can have negative repercussions.
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satinlovers Panty "BRONZE"

Joined: Oct 13, 2006 Posts: 3
Posted: Wed May 21, 2008 6:05 pm Post subject: Re: Do You Wear Panties All The Time |
i wear panties 24/7 i love it and so does my wife
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Peta Panty "GOLD"

Joined: Feb 08, 2008 Posts: 41 Location: Los Angeles area
Posted: Thu May 22, 2008 2:47 am Post subject: Re: Do You Wear Panties All The Time |
I just got home from my psychologist appointment, and on the way home stopped at Kohls and picked up 3 pairs of Bali Invisible Elegance Hipster panties. I got all three pair in black size 8. I wear panties 24/7 and work in the class room at a high school, so I have got to be careful what I wear, therefore I usually wear plain black microfiber panties that can look like men's fashion underwear if they are seen. I also wear black t-shirts to go along with the black panties. I really like the Jockey tactel no pantie line promise panties, but the Bali panties were on sale, so I figured that I would try these. When I got home I tried them on immediately, and they seem to fit very nicely. The elderly lady at the check out counter was quite friendly. I asked her if these panties were the ones on sale 3/$14.40 and she told me that yes they were, and that was a nice price for these panties. I told her that i was looking forward to trying them as I usually wear the Jockey panties. She smiled and said that she hoped that I would be satisfied with these and wished me a nice evening with my new panties. I thanked her, of course, and left with a nice smile on my face. I had also texted my female paychologist earlier to make sure that my appointment was still at the scheduled time, and of course it was. I then told her that I was weraing a very pretty pair of blue lacy boy shorts that I had gotten free from Lane Bryant and that I wish that I could show them to her. When I got to the appointment she commented on my text and said that it would unprofessional for her to see my panties, but that she was sure that they were quite pretty. I usually wear something special when I have an appointment with her, and I tell her exactly what I am wearing. Last year she actually gave me 4 pair of Jockey cotton panties to add to my collection, not sure if they were hers or if she bought them for me, but it was a thrill getting them. I have showed her pix of me in my baby-dolls and panties, which she is OK looking at them as long as my **** is not showing. As you can see, I can talk to her about anything and everything, and she does not judge me at all. I also found out today that my insurance has agreed to let me see a plastic surgeon to see about having the excess skin removed from my weight loss, I am really looking forward to this as I am sure that I have at least 35 - 45 pounds of skin to be removed. Maybe I will even get down to a size 6 or 7 panties after the surgery has been done and I have healed from it. I will keep you all advised on how that goes. Peta
Why should the ladies have all the fun, Panties are for everyone's pleasure!!!
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