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Wife's panties - free to good home (US only)
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Panty "GOLD"

Joined: Apr 05, 2008
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Location: west virginia

PostPosted: Mon Apr 14, 2008 1:30 am    Post subject: Re: Wife's panties - free to good home (US only) Reply with quote

i dont feel im being rude i feel im being real weither or not you are his friend or a person who he really shipped panties to i dont care he lied to me and that should not be tollerated on this site regardless and annabelle said she doesnt want us bickerin on the fourum but i am not goin to be called rude when i was lied to i am the victom this sick person lied to me showed pictures like a few of the friends of this gentalman said and said he shipped me 2 pair on monaday of last week but in a e mail he said he shipped on saturday he said i should recive in 1 to 2 days its been a week your scam is up i havent got anything if you want to make right do waht you said you were goin to do this site should not be buit on liars and their friends so matt like i said the first time i gave you the chance to make right the balls in your court only you can fix this stop havin your friends or mabe its you just under another name i dont care cause till you keep your word your a liar i had and still have no problem keepin my end of the deal and some people could say im makin a big deal of this over some panties its the principle i was lead on and lied to i even gave you a chance to make right and i even told annabelle if you made right i would be happy that i wasnt after gettin you banned but now your friends gonna call me rude when you never shipped nothin you better get your facts streight dude cause you never shipped and i know for a fact ill be waitin forever cause you never shipped it wasnt the mail so fix it and be a man lieing is not being a man so be a man dowhat u said and i will appoligize mark my word till then you are a lier and dont deseve to be a part of this wonderfull site if you need my address matt since you probly disregarded it in the e mail i sent you i will give it to you again cause everyone deseves a second chance and you cant controll your friends but you did lie to me regardless and im goin to keep beleavin and statin it till YOU AS IN MATT PROVE ME WRONG NOT MATTS FRIENDS I HAVE NOT RECIVED A PACAGE CAUSE YOU DID NOT SHIP HEARS YOUR LAST CHANCE TO BE A MAN BE REAL CONTACT ME GET MY ADDRESS AND SHIP CAUSE I FEEL LIED TO AND I HAVE CONTACTED THIS SITE ON BANNING YOU CAUSE LIARS SHOULD NOT BE ALLOWED.... HAVE A GOOD DAY
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Joined: Mar 07, 2007
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PostPosted: Mon Apr 14, 2008 7:44 am    Post subject: Re: Wife's panties - free to good home (US only) Reply with quote

Holy punctuationlessness!!!

Last edited by tang on Tue Apr 15, 2008 4:49 am; edited 1 time in total
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Panty "SILVER"

Joined: Jan 02, 2008
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PostPosted: Mon Apr 14, 2008 4:42 pm    Post subject: Re: Wife's panties - free to good home (US only) Reply with quote

Lol tang!

Anabelle, is there anything you can do about djjayson? He is stirring up trouble over a FREE pair of panties even after several legit guys have backed poor Matt up.

djjayson, if you're looking for somewhere to cause trouble, I'm sure I can suggest another 'panty' forum where they revel in your kind of behavior. Cool

It's a shame that attitudes like this are supposedly acceptable online, whereas in reality this behavior would not be tolerated. Confused

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Panty "GOLD"

Joined: Feb 08, 2008
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Location: Los Angeles area

PostPosted: Mon Apr 14, 2008 8:08 pm    Post subject: Re: Wife's panties - free to good home (US only) Reply with quote

I agree, I am sick and tired of reading this crap from djjayson. If you are upset, fine. You have made your case known far to many times. I had a lady friend of mine send me a pair of her panties a few years ago, and they never got to me. Some how they were either taken by the someone with the post office or delivered to the wrong address. She later wore another pair and sent them to me, and I recieved them and wore them many times for my own pleasure. I still hve those panties and think of her quite often. Who knows, the panties that he supposedly sent might have gotten lost in the mail. Peta
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Panty "GOLD"

Joined: Apr 05, 2008
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Location: west virginia

PostPosted: Tue Apr 15, 2008 2:15 pm    Post subject: Re: Wife's panties - free to good home (US only) Reply with quote

ohh so its ok to lie and be decietfull but when some one voices how they feel bout the person doin it to them they are in the wrong...lol you are messed up people its sad your tellin me to go to another site when ive been honest mabe the truth hurts matt i have yet to hear from you all ive herd from is your 13 yr old friends weither i paid for them or not its the priciple that he lied this site should not have or allow liars or decitelol but in your eyes thats ok attitude is wrong and lieing is ok.....regardless this was a verbal trasaction by e mail and he didnt keep his end so not only is he a liear he dosnt belong on this site!!!!!!!! now go get some milk and cookies and stop stickin up for people who are blatent liars and trying to blame the victom or jump into a situation you dont get the full story
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Panty "GOLD"

Joined: Apr 05, 2008
Posts: 26
Location: west virginia

PostPosted: Tue Apr 15, 2008 2:21 pm    Post subject: Re: Wife's panties - free to good home (US only) Reply with quote

ohh peta if your sick of reading it then turn your head or just look else where i cant controll your head you chooses to read so why should i have to change this is feedom of speech this guy lied so im voiceing it i would have stopped the comments long ago but you and your lil friends even though you think you mean well have smart ellic comments on a situation you dont know the half of the comments are ment for matt..i was contacted by annebelle sorry for spelling if i misspelled to solve this matter and i was goin to not comment there after but it seems his friends want to comment so i will not stand for liars i did not pay you are right but its the priciple if you were told something then it didnt happen you would be upset...i know this so have a good day
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Joined: Mar 07, 2007
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Location: America-Midwest

PostPosted: Tue Apr 15, 2008 8:25 pm    Post subject: Re: Wife's panties - free to good home (US only) Reply with quote

djjayson wrote:
i have yet to hear from you all ive herd from is your 13 yr old friends weither i paid for them or not its the priciple that he lied this site should not have or allow liars or decitelol but in your eyes thats ok attitude is wrong and lieing is ok

It's obvious that you either haven't been through seventh grade english class yet or you have had severe trauma to your head.
A note you may want to keep in mind: you can't have a 'verbal' agreement via 'e mail'. Smile If what you say is true, I'd say cut your losses...if you don't, that's cool too because I like getting headaches reading your 'retorts'.
Take care Sir!
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Panty "GOLD"

Joined: Feb 08, 2008
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Location: Los Angeles area

PostPosted: Tue Apr 15, 2008 8:29 pm    Post subject: Re: Wife's panties - free to good home (US only) Reply with quote

[b]I understand that you have the right to freedom of speach, but you have stated your case many, many times. Pretty soon this thread will end up being locked by the administrator if you keep it up. We all come to this site, and others like it, for our own enjoyment and entertainment. If this guy lied ot you, as you keep saying, OK. Get over it and keep going on with your life. S H I T happens in life. What are you going to do try to sue this guy because he did not follow through with sending you some of his wifes panties? As I said, maybe he did send them but they got lost in the mail, that has happened to me. Can't we pantie guys all just get along, we have enough with people thinking that we are perverts as it is, do we have to keep fighting amongst ourselves? [/b]
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Panty "GOLD"

Joined: Apr 05, 2008
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Location: west virginia

PostPosted: Tue Apr 15, 2008 9:22 pm    Post subject: Re: Wife's panties - free to good home (US only) Reply with quote

tang its people like you that keep this goin im in school at wvu and its not the point if i paid or not its the principle and furthermore like i said ive herd from all your friends matt but nothin from you ur nervious cause ur caught in a lie and no im not gonna sue but i am workin on gettin him banned unless he wants to make right cause this site should not be built on liars and yes we can get along if people are honest and keep their word unlike matt here
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Site Admin
Site Admin

Joined: Feb 24, 2006
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PostPosted: Wed Apr 16, 2008 6:33 am    Post subject: Re: Wife's panties - free to good home (US only) Reply with quote

sorry guys it getting out of hand now so I am forced to end this thread.

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