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Favoriate Places to steal?
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Panty "SILVER"

Joined: Dec 28, 2005
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PostPosted: Sat Dec 31, 2005 9:34 pm    Post subject: Re: Favoriate Places to steal? Reply with quote

Firts of all let me say that I would never steal anything, especially panties, it's just not worth the embarasement and shame that it would bring to your family and friends when your picture is in the paper or on the news.

It seems every year there is a story in the newspaper or the news that has a panty thief being caught by the police and every year the news has a more negative slant on that fairly harmless little thrill. What I mean by a more negative slant is the fact that just 2 weeks ago on the eastside of Seattle, we had some guy on the news that was sneaking some ladies & her daughters panties and the police were treating this as a sex crime.

Now having said that, I used to have a favorite place to pilfer panties back in the early 80's before a lot of stores had video cameras everywere. That store was Value Village, and they had the most incredible selection of vintage panties that were donated to the store. Now in my mind, back at that time being a teenager, I thought what the hell all these things were donated to the store so it wasn't really like stealing. (What can I say, I was a horny teenager trying to rationlize my actions). Another thing that was going through my mind, was that this was the perfect item to take because no one would suspect a teenage boy of stealing panties, right?
Wrong. 1 day I was in the store browsing around and occasionally head down the lingerie aisle like I was going to another section of the store and when no one was watching I would stop and browse through the pretty undies. Well, this particular day one of the employees was wise to me and had probably been hiding behind one of the clothes racks, so I take multiple pairs of panties with a couple pairs of jeans to try on into the fitting room, at that time I stuffed 7 or 8 of some nice Vanity Fair< henson Kickernick and Pam Undies down my pants and then walked over to the book section to choose something else to buy, all the time my heart was about to beat right out of my chest.
I finally make it up to the cashierre to pay for everything except for the frillies that I had stuffed down my pants. Just as I was walking out the door the manager puts his hand on my shoulder and turned me around to tell me that he wanted me to go up to his office to discuss about what he should do about the items that I did not pay for.
At that time the fight or flight instinct kicked in and I ran for about 3 miles until I hit the woods and was so paranoid that I would be picked up by the police on the way home, or worse yet that they would be waiting for me at my parents house that I never ever stole any panties again.

I started going to a couple of the local clothing stores and buying my panties, and at first that was such a rush, being out in public purchasing pretty panties, knowing that someone you work with could see you, or a friend out shopping with his girfriend could see you.
Later on I started taking my girlfriend out to Victoria's Secret and we would go Lingerie crazy, buying all kinds of expensive lacies.

Unfortunately you cannot purchase the kinds of panties that I like in stores anymore, except for a few exceptions, such as the Olga nylon hipster panties with a wide swath of lace on the waistband and a cute little bow on the hip. I have seen some Dixie Bells that look like they are a good quality nylon also, but I will have to buy a pair and see if they measure up to the panty inspectors satisfaction.

If you guys and gals have a craving for some used and abused panties, you should check out www.ebanned.net

Have a Happy New Year everybody.
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Panty "BRONZE"

Joined: Nov 08, 2005
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PostPosted: Sun Jan 01, 2006 5:55 am    Post subject: Re: Favoriate Places to steal? Reply with quote

Hello pantyloves! The apartment laundry room. Honestly, I have found over 100+ panties. I just posted some pics. You be surprised how many women throw away old panties or forget them. There loss in my gain. The big rush is just wearing someone's panty. That's the reason I get panties in laundry room.
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 03, 2006 6:18 am    Post subject: Re: Favoriate Places to steal? Reply with quote

I resorted myself now to taking panties only from girls that I know, and am very careful how many I take. There were a few girls I know whom are so sloppy that they wouldn't miss them. I know a few that I go buy panties for and get their used ones.

Also, I'm trying to meet girls who are a bit wild and open minded, and I could ask them for their panties too.

Laundry rooms are just too risky.
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Panty "GOLD"

Joined: Jan 12, 2006
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 02, 2006 6:13 pm    Post subject: Re: Favoriate Places to steal? Reply with quote

I can count how many times I have seen a girl's closet, their vehicle, homes with their panties just laying around.

I have often wondered myself, if they notice their panties are gone. What if I just stole their 'favorite' pair??
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Joined: May 10, 2006
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PostPosted: Thu May 11, 2006 6:50 am    Post subject: Re: Favoriate Places to steal? Reply with quote

i love using a girls bathroom for the first time and seeing the clothes she just changed out of laying on the floor....or better yet she keeps her hamper in the bathroom!

i get such an adreneline rush (and a woody) quietly and quickly untangling a thong thats twisted up in a pair of jeans in the corner or digging a pair or two out of the hamper while the toilet is still flushing and taking a quick sniff before shoving them in my pocket .

my last score was in a friends bathroom where his wife had JUST taken a bath leaving her baby blue satin thong laying right on top of her cloths...of course i made the mistake of picking them up just to hav one little sniff and when i felt dampness and was overwhelmd with the scent of strong sweaty pussy i couldnt help from "borrowing" them!

...thought about buying a victorias secret gift card and tossing it in the bathroom floor nex time i visit!! :twisted:
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PostPosted: Sun Jun 11, 2006 5:32 pm    Post subject: Re: Favoriate Places to steal? Reply with quote

Last time I took one was from this cute blonde girl I know. She's pretty when dolled up but not so attractive in the morning. Small ass, fake tits, and somewhat of an attitude. Got into her master bedroom and it was a total mess with clothes everywhere. Managed to take a VS lacey thong.

Unlike some guys here, I don't like dirty panties. If I have to take them from the hamper, I'll wash them. I don't like to sniff them, just jack off to them, and sometime wear them!!
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Panty "BRONZE"

Joined: Jun 12, 2006
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 27, 2006 3:25 pm    Post subject: Re: Favoriate Places to steal? Reply with quote

When i used to house sit my aunts house she gave me an extra key. i forgot to give it back to her (she lives a couple of houses down from me) so when ever she goes to work i would sneak into her house and go through her dirty laundry. she had sum of the best cotton panties. they were always wet. one day i got a freshly worn one (must have just got out of the shower).
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Panty "BRONZE"

Joined: Aug 17, 2006
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 18, 2006 4:38 pm    Post subject: Re: Favoriate Places to steal? Reply with quote

i've been taking and wearing my sisters panties for nearly 15 years now,when we lived with our parents it was hard because my mother caught me and lets just say she wasnt happy.about5 years ago my sis and i bought a flat together.we work beside each other and we had some money to spare.was a good investment.
every day she goes to work about 2 hours before me which leaves me 2 hours to take her still warm and wet panties from the wash basket and have some fun
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 22, 2006 6:02 am    Post subject: Re: Favoriate Places to steal? Reply with quote

What did your mother do when she caught you? What kind of panties does your sister wear now, and when you were caught?
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Panty "BRONZE"

Joined: Oct 30, 2006
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PostPosted: Tue Oct 31, 2006 9:13 pm    Post subject: Re: Favoriate Places to steal? Reply with quote

As im now in my 30's, I no longer am into taking such risks. Back when I was in college, I spent a year in a coed dorm that had a laundry facility two doors down. I would walk down there and act like a was surveying for an open machine to do my own laundry. It gave me a chance to case the joint for traffic and to survey the female user. Often time they would put a load in & then leave for 20 minutes. I remember this very attractive black girl one day in particular that I had the oportunity to chat up while she was carrying her basket down the floor. She had a nice shapely rear end and white thin sweats with the classic V pantyline. I went back to my room and waited for her to clear the washroom. When I opened the washer, i dug my hand into the water and begen frantically searching for something silky. I ended up snagging a french cut white nylon pair with a flower sown into the front waistband. They were kind of grannyish in a way but had no tag and were well worn. I dried them with a hairdryer and then exploded into them in my dorm room. Two days later a ran into her on the floor and she gave me the prettiest smile. I always kicked myself for not asking her out. Would have loved to tag that.
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Panty "BRONZE"

Joined: Oct 29, 2006
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PostPosted: Thu Nov 09, 2006 11:37 pm    Post subject: Re: Favoriate Places to steal? Reply with quote

i always come up on panties when i go to strip clubs, when there giving someone a dance ill quickly swoop them of the stage and put them in my pocket or i just ask them to give'em to me you'll be surprised how many strippers will just let you have them
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 17, 2006 4:27 am    Post subject: Re: Favoriate Places to steal? Reply with quote

Met 3 girls while racing them on the freeway in my sportscar a few years ago. My girlfriend and I decided one night to take a cruise into downtown. We caught up with them, and they were sorta drunk, and admiring my car. We met at an apartment complex, and I took one girl for a ride since she really liked my car. Not 5 minutes after meeting her, I had my hand down her pants, fingering her bush, and making out with her. She had no panties on!!! I brought her back to her friends, and managed to get peeks up the driver's, and the passenger's skirts. The driver had on red double string cotton thongs, with yellow trim. The passenger had leapard print thongs.

We all wound up at a nightclub, dancing. The girls didn't have money, and I offered to pay, if one of the 2 girls with skirts on would give me their panties. The driver took them off and handed them to me on the sidewalk as we walked to the club. It would seem the passenger was so hard up for $250, she would probably have been willing to do anything.

I spent $50 for the 5 of us to get in, made out with the pantyless girl, and the driver, who both also fooled around with my girlfriend. I wound up spending about $120 on drinks. I was so close to bringing the 3 girls home with us, which would've been me & 4 girls in an orgy. They drank too much and got messed up. Talked on the phone with them for the next 4 months, but never saw them again. I still have the panties... and will keep them as a memory.
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Panty "BRONZE"

Joined: Mar 20, 2007
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PostPosted: Wed Mar 21, 2007 9:46 pm    Post subject: Re: Favoriate Places to steal? Reply with quote

Whenever I go to girl's houses, I always check the bathrooms for hampers, or open room doors that have clothes all over the floor.

This one time I was at my friend's birthday party. It was funny, because i had a crush on her too. The house was full of people including her family members. I pretended to go to the bathroom and that was where I saw the hamper. I dumped the hamper on the floor and looked for undies and thongs!! I found 2 pairs, one thong and one granny-style panties. It was funny becaue I remember her wearing this thong like about 1 week ago in class, and I finally have it! I pocketed the thongs and put everything back together. I then left to go outside to "talk on my phone", but I really just put them in my car and went back inside. The party lasted a while and I stayed until the point where mostly everyone left, besides some girls watching a movie. At that point the "birthday girl" just came out of the bathroom after a taking a shower. I was so happy at that point. A few minutes later I pretended to go back to the bathroom to piss. I opened up the hamper and i found all the clothes that she was wearing at the party. Inside her jeans was the fresh thong she just wore. I saw her bra in there and put it to my face to smell it. For some reason it was still warm from her tits. I jacked off inside her bra and and kept the thong. I got lucky that night, got away with 3 PAIRS!!!

Another time was went to my friend's house to relax. I went upstairs to chill in her room and noticed that her sister's room door was open. I snuck in there while my friend was downstairs and I immediately snatched a pair of this lacey thong. I put it in my pocked and pretended to go the the bathroom. The thong smelled so damn good when I put it to my face. She (the sister) wore it the night before to sleep, that is why it was on the floor. Another discovery was made inside the bathroom. I found a hamper and opened it up. I saw more thongs and sniffed, jacked off in them. For some reason I love bras too. I jacked off in the 36D bra and put everything back together and left.
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Panty "BRONZE"

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PostPosted: Thu Mar 22, 2007 9:58 pm    Post subject: Re: Favoriate Places to steal? Reply with quote

I have just returned from my anual ski holiday. This year we were in a small hotel in Italy. On arrival, I noticed the room key board was next to reception in general reach where every day, people left their keys while out skiing. An other good fortune was the hotel used your room number for table allocation so I could see who was in what room... FANTASTIC. A group of 4 girls in their early 20's, a really cute dark haired girl with her boyfriend who's name was Karen (we got talking to them) and a real beauty named Tracey. Being cautious I waited until the last day, Saturday as we were leaving the hotel around 6.00am on Sunday morning. Finished skiing around 2.00pm on Saturday so walked into the hotel, collected the room keys and picked myself 6 new thongs as well as a good hour of wearing all of the luandry bag contents for each girl, then selected 1 pair from each collection to keep. I will post the pic shortly.
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Panty "SILVER"

Joined: Oct 30, 2006
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PostPosted: Thu Apr 05, 2007 2:47 am    Post subject: Re: Favoriate Places to steal? Reply with quote

oh man... my favorite places are friends house's, especially ones with hot sisters and moms. i usually take from close friends because its easier to access them. most of the time i steal the panties with other people around. i just quickly rush into the bed room, locate the drawer and have at it. it is such a rush. my step mom is also a very easy target. i used to steal from my nieghbors sister and just wear them out of the house discretely. my gf's room mate is also a great target. i have racked up easily over 200 pairs of thongs, bras, g-strings, bikini, you name it and im still collecting.
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