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k31th Panty "GOLD"

Joined: Feb 27, 2008 Posts: 31 Location: dudley
Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2009 5:32 pm Post subject: two pairs in 1 day |
went to wifes cousins last night whilst there her daugther went in the bathroom which is off the kitchen she was gettng ready to visit her dad so we all sat in kitchen chating away whilst her dauther used the shower. when she got out the shower and walked past us all i decided toilet time i went into the bathroom and found her dirty clothes in the corner . a nice little pair of panties so i sniffed away and put my load in them within a few minutes cleaned up and went back in the kitchen. about an hour later in walks the wifes cousins husdband from work we decide to get a curry whilst his wife has a bath . when we get back a few beers later and toilet time again this time her cousins are there so i have them too she smelt nearly as nice as the daughter so didnt take me long again. just before going home her husdband asked if he could have a private word so said ok where he asked if id had his step daughters panties i said no why he said they all wet and she either having sex or some lucky fucker been playing with them .i smiled he said in future he can keep me a few pairs thanks for reading
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Fenman Panty "PLATINUM"

Joined: Nov 26, 2007 Posts: 1207 Location: Cambridge UK
Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2009 6:28 pm Post subject: Re: two pairs in 1 day |
Lucky bugger
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scorchio Panty "BRONZE"

Joined: Jul 31, 2009 Posts: 2 Location: London
Posted: Sat Aug 01, 2009 8:40 pm Post subject: Re: two pairs in 1 day |
I have had an idea. I am not brave enough to try it, but I wondered if it would work. The idea was walking up to complete strangers, attractive young girls and saying- 'Your response to what I am about to say will either be 'Piss off you old pervert ' or 'Yes. I'd like to make twenty pounds'. The offer is then take the knickers off you are wearing in the nearest toilet and take this twenty pound note in exchange for them.
It might just work with drunk young women.
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Fenman Panty "PLATINUM"

Joined: Nov 26, 2007 Posts: 1207 Location: Cambridge UK
Posted: Sat Aug 01, 2009 10:36 pm Post subject: Re: two pairs in 1 day |
Make sure she gives you the knickers first or she might take the dough and piss off through the bog window.
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ports101 Panty "GOLD"

Joined: Sep 16, 2006 Posts: 38
Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2009 5:33 pm Post subject: Re: two pairs in 1 day |
I have thought about approaching many hot young ladies to offer them money for their panties. Haven't got up the balls to do it yet though.
Anyone here have any related stories?
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