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What I saw today
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Panty "GOLD"

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PostPosted: Sat May 22, 2010 8:08 pm    Post subject: Re: What I saw today Reply with quote

Chiaro, I'm not sure if she immediately fixed her panties or not. I didn't want to look over and let them know I heard their conversation. It was almost closing time and I was still on the phone when everyone left.
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Panty "GOLD"

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PostPosted: Thu May 27, 2010 7:58 pm    Post subject: Re: What I saw today Reply with quote

Update - Monday & Tuesday I was out of the office setting up a table at a conference so I don't know what our girl was wearing. Yesterday and today, the new girl and I were at the table handing out brouchures. She's super cute so it was a good move on our bosses part. Yesterday she was wearing black dress pants, a black top, and a teal colored VS thong, the thong only showed a little bit, just enough where I could read the Victoria's Secret waistband. Today she wore white dress pants, a blue top, and a pink VS thong with white flowers. At one point she reached back and accidently tucked her shirt into her thong. For about 30 minutes I leaned back in my chair and enjoyed staring and her thong which was out about 2 inches. I finally got brave and told her I could see her thong. She got embarrassed and her face turned red. She stood up and fixed herself and asked how long it had been showing. I told her that I just noticed, so probably not long. She thanked me again and asked that if I ever see her thong to let her know. Later in the day she told me about the older lady in the office that jumped her shit cause her thong was showing. I told her that accidents happen and today was the first time I ever saw her thong. To ease her being uncomfortable I jokingly said "for what its worth they are cute panties". She laughed and said thanks and made me promise to warn her if her thong ever sticks out again.
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Panty "GOLD"

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PostPosted: Thu Jun 03, 2010 12:13 am    Post subject: Re: What I saw today Reply with quote

Friday - Our girl took Friday off so no luck that day.
Monday (Memorial Day) - The boss had the employees and their families over for a cookout. Terri was wearing jean shorts and a white tank top. Every female there had some type of panty exposure throughtout the afternoon. The bosses wife's exposed about an inch of black lace panties, the 30ish woman showed her white thong, the 40ish bitchy lady had on some beige panties and our girl Terri had on another Victoria Secrets thong. Her thong didn't stick out, you could only see her thong when she was sitting and if you looked down the back of her shorts (which I did). It was a weird light green color.
Tuesday - No luck.
Wednesday/today - The boss took me and our girl out to lunch for the success we had at last weeks conference. She rode with the boss to lunch and I followed in my car. After lunch the boss went to play golf so the new girl rode back to the office with me. When we got back to work I made sure to take my time getting out of the car so I could catch a peek when she turned to get out. It paid off, she was wearing tan dress pants, a black top, and the white VS thong with polka dots she wore about a week ago.
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 08, 2010 3:06 am    Post subject: Re: What I saw today Reply with quote

The past week its has been warm southern weather and a lot of thin dresses have come out. I was in he mall, and a sbort caramel complexioned woman in a white dress and dotted print hipster panties showing very clearly thru her dress and her friend had her white briefs showing vividly through her tights. Sunday, a average looking and averge built brunette in a white print dress and a pink thong showing vivdly through. a tall attractiv chocolate complexioned woman 30's wearing a red sorority t-shirt and thinwhite shors, her white briefs were causing a wedgie.

Other highlights, a attractive caramel skinned saleswoman, adjusted shirts or whatever kept bending over in white slacks, her black lacy panties peeked out.
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PostPosted: Mon Jun 14, 2010 2:32 am    Post subject: Re: What I saw today Reply with quote

This week between classes starting, walking around campus, and sitting at the student center. I saw a short chocolate complexioned coed in a very tight striped dress, clearly see she was wearing hi-cut bikini panties and her friend walking with her pulling up her jeans because her black g-string was peeking out. Saw acoed in a pair of thin white shorts,easily seeing her white bikini panties. I think this is a summer of thin clothing. I went to the grocery store an average height and build blonde was wearing awhite skirt,and her baby blue briefs were showing very clearly thru her skirt. I went to the mall, a thin choclate complexioned lady, 30 ish, her white thong was visible through her white sundress. this was a short recap of the week of what I saw
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 01, 2010 10:13 pm    Post subject: Re: What I saw today Reply with quote

7/1/10 Today I was waiting on shuttle bus and a cute, wide eyed freshman came along and got on. She was so wide-eyed, she called me sir. She smelled of lovespell and had on a short denim skirt, she pulled it down. I think she was a biology-premed something. She had very nice legs, and her pink cotton panties had cherries on the crotch. I was mesmerized by the view as she took pictures of the bus with her phone. It didnt matter what she did I could clearly see her panties, even tried to coer it with a bag for a second. I went to the library to print something, a coed in a teal shirt and jeans with baby blue lacy panties sticking out her jeans

6/30/10 I finally talked with the cute curly haired redbone that works in the basement archive room. She's very smart, cute, curvy and had light green nylon briefs peeking out her jeans.

6/29/10 Some chocolate complexioned coed bending over by the computer lab windows, saw leopard print cotton briefs peeking out her jeans.
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 12, 2010 10:41 am    Post subject: Re: What I saw today Reply with quote

7/10/2010 Well I went out and ran some errands and ended up at the mall. I was headed to the store and saw a curvy chocolate complexioned woman bending over to get something and her floral print cotton panties peeked out her denimcapris.
I got to the mall, and a shorter, average looking and average built cocoa complexioned woman about 40 was wearing her daughters jeans. Because despite her belt, they wee way low, but you had a very nice view of pink lace trimmed, floral print lady enyce panties. She never bothered to adjust her jeans.
I went to the food court, saw an attractive caramel complexioned about 30woman seated, her jeans were low rise also,because you could clearly see she was wearing hi cut black nylon panties. saw thigh and a couple inches of her briefs. She tried to fix it to no avail.
I got a refill of ice tea and saw a very lovely caramelcomplexioned woman, in a black dress, that rode up. Despite whatever she did and not much effort you could easily see her white panties. I had that view for 15-20 minutes, she had very nice legs. When she finally gotup she tried to slide over the crotch just became bigger and as she walked byI saw avpl of full cut briefs. I had a great view, her friend had a peeking ass crack going .
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 29, 2010 3:22 am    Post subject: Re: What I saw today Reply with quote

it has been slow around campus lately, there is this redbone sorority girl, with the nerdy sexy thing going for her. I finally sat it yesterday, she wore one of those short summery dresses, today she wore a similar type dress except it was blue. she crossed her legs at first, saw a lot of thigh, then she uncrossesslegs and gets up widelegged but quik and caught a nice flash of her white panties. One of the girls i work with in the archive, she's on a good hair day average looking, but very nice athletic body from 4 years of playing soccer. She always bends over to get her stuff, always it could be no on eor anyone in the area, today she bent over and asked me something i turn around and saw pink cotton briefs with awhite hanes band. The curvy but petite caramel skinned sociology major, she's a nice person, and she always wear these low cut jeans and t-shirts, her panties were a bright red cotton.

7/27/10 A short lady in low rise jeans a t and leopard print cotton briefs, full briefs and low rise jeans are a great combination
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 06, 2010 2:04 am    Post subject: Re: What I saw today Reply with quote

Today, I went with a friend to get some mexican food and stop by the mall. We went into a department store to look at stuff and he ran into a fiend and they talked. I got bored and a salesperson was dressing maniquinnes . She was a caramel complexioned woman, early 40's, average looking, nice round ass. They talked a good 10-15 minutes, she was dressing the maniquinn and at first a black bra strap would dangle, her brown print blouse eased up. she would stop and pull up her slacks. the process repeated and then she dropped something and bent over and i saw hint of a black trimmed print of some sort. She kept working and i saw a vpl from the side of a high cut brief. She bent stood there looking at the display, and i could clearly see herleopard print panties showing thru her white with brown striped slacks. She continued working her blouse eased up, black trimmed leopard print briefs. This is the 3rd time I have seen her panties, she usually wears slacks bends over a lot, and their usually realyy nice and black.
Yesterday, i went to the movies and walked thru the mall before it started. I went in the same store, they have a tall very cute very light complexioned salesgirl, early 20's. She was wearing a thin yellow/pink striped dress. It was quite thin, you could clearly see thru it, she was wearing white boyshorts and she bending a walking a lot. A lady seated on a bench in the mall with baby blue cotton briefs peekingout her scrubs.
Its something consistent that i have noticed about women who work retail from my time and observations that most do wear cute or nice panties. I know the views i have gotten at this store only strengthen that theory.
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 12, 2010 6:37 pm    Post subject: Re: What I saw today Reply with quote

Yesterday, combine boredom plus a friends birthday, equals a trip to the mall. I walked around and walked by victorias secret, one of the salesladies fixing a display bent over, the walkietalkie on her slacks, pulled them down and a good bit of her bright pink briefs could be seen by any passerby. An average looking, and average build light complexioned woman, with her jeans easing down, a clear view of her black string bikini briefs.

8/9/10 a friend whom i have mentioned quite often in this blog ,her two favorites things are body lotion and panties. she came by to bring back some dvds. I was curious, walked over and looked down the back of her skirt, purple floral print satin vanity fair briefs. Afterwards, went to the mall before seeing inception, going up the escalator a chocolate complexioned woman in a thin yellow dress, got a view of her white cotton briefs. Stopped by a shoestore ,saw a woman checking her son's shoes, pinkcotton sporty hanes her way pouring out her jeans. I stopped by walmart, saw an average looking chocolate complexioned woman, her purple cotton panties peeking out her scrubs and a short cute brunette, in a thin white dress and black hipster panties shpwing vividly.
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PostPosted: Mon Aug 23, 2010 12:57 am    Post subject: Re: What I saw today Reply with quote

I got a good bit to recap from 8/20- I went to campus and stoped by the computer lab and a average looking chocolate complexioned coed was typing or something and her pink lacy panties peeked out her slacks. I saw a hispanic woman, whose black briefs just below a peek of ass crack andpeeked out her baggy jeans. 8/19I was going to the mall and an attractive caramel 40something waswalking in front of me, her hi cut white briefs easily shone thru her white skirt. I went and bought a pair ofjeans, the cashier an attractive light complexioned woman, had to bend over for a bag and got a peek ofher lavender lycra briefs. I went to the food court and saw 2 coeds, one was thin and kept pulling up her sundress but her friend. Her friend swas an average looking caramel skinned girl, whose purple tshirt matched her purple cotton hanes panties sticking out her jeans but didnt match her lavender bra. 8/18 I had to get something for my phone and the salesgirl, i knew from aprior job. She bent over and a couple inches of her peach cotton panties pored out her khakis. she had to turn around and bend over a lot, and her coworkers got a good view also. Went to get something to eat and saw a caramel skinned woman having lunch with her daughter , her grey sporty hanes her way panties peked out her jeans. 8/17 went to the bookstore , saw a thin chocolate complexioned coed, her peach cotton briefs poured out her skinny jeans. Another coed squatting for a book, her purple with blue hearts cotton panties peeked out her slacks. On another aisle another brown skinned coed in skinny jeans, and her baby blue plaid nylon briefs peeke dout her jeans. a lady in a pink -t shirt and jeans was looking for books also, her black cotton hanes panties peeked out, black bra also. 8/13 Two ladies askedme about a restaurant in the area, one was chocolate complexion average looking and average build had baby blue nylon briefs peking out her capris. Her curvy caramel friend, had on a tight blue blouse, could easily see her pink bra thru the gaps, her panties white w blue floral print cotton. 8/14 Awoman in white shorts and her blue plaid print panties could easily be seen and her friends blue cotton briefs were sticking out her jeans as they went up the escalator. thats what saw in the last week
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Panty "GOLD"

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PostPosted: Sat Aug 28, 2010 3:25 pm    Post subject: Re: What I saw today Reply with quote

UPDATE on Terri...

My hot little co-worker has continued to have thong exposures I just haven't had time to update you guys. Last week after work the boss took all of us out to eat to celebrate the 40ish womans b-day. At the restaurant I made sure to sit next to Terri. She was wearing low-rise jeans, a white top, and a white jacket. Based on the jacket she was wearing I didn't expect any thong showing. Later I was rewarded. We were at a hibachi restaurant so we were sitting around the grill. She had set her purse on the floor and when the waiter brought the bill she leaned over to grab her purse. She turned her back to me and leaned over, this caused her jacket to rise up and gave me a fabulous view of her bright lime green VS thong.

Also last week, she was wearing a black top and white pants. She was in the back of the office filing paperwork. She was kneeling down putting the files in the bottom file drawer. I was sitting at my desk on the phone,her top rode up and exposed about 2 inches of her teal thong. The contrast of the teal thong against her white pants made it even more obvious. I just sat and wondered what she was thinking when she got dressed that morning...white pants and a bright teal thong??
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PostPosted: Sun Aug 29, 2010 3:30 am    Post subject: Re: What I saw today Reply with quote

This week was only on campus friday 8/27 to drop off some paperwork. They had a dj on the plaza and something, what i like about the start of the semester and springtime is the breakout of all the short an thin dresses. I saw a caramel complexioned coed in a orange sundress and her white hipsters showing vividly thru it. They were havung something and a thin cocoa complexioned freshman, was handing out food something, she was rather thin her victoria secret cotton panties were bunched a good 2-3 inches up her back, white with victorias secret on them continuosly. I went to the bookstore, a chocolate complexioned coed , in a white sundress, her pink trimmed black panties showing through it. I went to the student center, to grab a meal. Saw an average looking cocoa complexioned coed in a short print skirt, she leaned a little and saw her white cotton briefs. Any sudden movement you got a peek of her panties. and a coed sitting near her whose white briefs peeked out her skinny jeans.Just a day on campus
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Panty "GOLD"

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PostPosted: Thu Sep 02, 2010 2:18 pm    Post subject: Re: What I saw today Reply with quote

Sunday I got the best and longest thong view from our friend Terri. She called and asked if I could come by her house and jump start her car, I only live about 10 minutes from her. She said she accidently left the interior light on overnight. When I got there I met her in her driveway. She was wearing loose, green khaki style shorts and a pink tank top. The shorts were loose enough where she continually had to keep pulling her shorts up. I grabbed my jumper cables and told her to pop her hood. She kneeled down so she could find the latch for the hood. When she kneeled down her thong exploded out of her shorts, literally 4 inches of her thong was sticking out. She was wearing a light blue Victoria's Secret thong that had white and gold flake stripes. After we got the car started I stayed for about an hour. The entire time her thong was sticking out. She asked if I thought she should go and get a new battery. I told her if she did she probably could get a free battery. She asked why and I told her that if I was working at a store and she came in and flashed as much thong as she was flashing now I would give her whatever she wanted. She reached back and felt her thong hanging out. Her face got red from embarrassment. She apologized, I don't why, I wasn't complaining.
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PostPosted: Thu Sep 09, 2010 12:28 pm    Post subject: Re: What I saw today Reply with quote

wow, Terri seems to have a lot of trouble controlling her thong, keep it from showing. but she gets very embarrassed. i would think she would be more careful to tuck it in. Embarassed
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