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Panties always showing
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Panty "BRONZE"

Joined: Jul 21, 2013
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PostPosted: Sat Nov 30, 2013 2:47 am    Post subject: Panties always showing Reply with quote

Do you guys know any women who seemingly can't help but display their underwear for the world to see? Bonus points if they seem aware and embarrassed by it and are always adjusting themselves to preserve their modesty.

I recently befriended a young woman in one of my college classes. For the first few weeks of the semester she had the silent attention of me and the people sitting around me (mostly guys) for the curious amount of cotton underpants that invariably stuck up out the back of her jeans. She's in her mid-twenties and not bad-looking, though kind of plain, and a little chubby, but not sloppy. Maybe a little scatterbrained. She's always running late and is kind of shy and apologetic and looks like she's always rushing to find things in her bag. She speaks quickly and has trouble looking you in the eye, but she's sweet and can be funny whenever she's not so nervous (she's settled down in the couple times we've hung out one-on-one).

Judging by the faint stretch marks on her sides, I think she's lost some weight recently, which might explain why her 2 or 3 pairs of jeans are so loose on her. We aren't close enough yet for me to see where she lives, but I know she has a room in an apartment with 2 girls she doesn't know, and I think she must be hurting for cash, which I'm guessing is why she hasn't bought a new wardrobe. This is all speculation but hopefully I can find out more without ruining my chance at seeing her panties all the time.

The waistband of Katie's underwear as well as the top inch of cotton can usually be seen when she's standing. Her jeans are so thick and stiff that they could probably stand up on their own, which helps, but they're not stiff enough to keep them from sagging down a little. She's constantly hiking them up when she stands or walks, and the hike is accompanied by a really embarrassed look, a deep blush, and a quick glance around. Her embarrassment is a huge turn-on. When she's wearing her backpack, she'll hike the pants up on the back end and try to tuck them under the backpack to hold them in place. When she does that, the front of her jeans sag forward, and a couple more inches of her panties show than before. I'm sure she doesn't know, because based on how embarrassed she looks, she'd be mortified if she knew just how much of her underwear could be seen below her little belly. The pants tug is always followed by her pulling her shirt or sweater down all around her, so luckily for her she's usually not walking around with her panties hanging out of the front. It doesn't take long for the shirts to ride up, though, and the pants to sag down, so that every 10 steps or so she's repeating the process. I don't know if she was able to buy new shirts when she lost weight, or if she lost weight mostly in her butt and hips, but the shirts fit her small torso and even appear too small, which is what causes them to ride up. The biggest culprit is this striped sweater she always wears with elastic at the bottom which bunches up so quickly that you can pretty much always see her skin above her panties even after she tugs it down. I think she wears it so much because it makes her boobs look bigger.

The amount of underwear that Katie shows standing up is nothing compared to the show sitting down. After setting down her backpack, Katie has to bend over and kind of slide into her seat. It's obviously a very self-conscious motion on her part as she hikes up her jeans as much as they can go and grabs onto the back with white knuckles as she sits. Then she tugs up on the sides of her jeans, which does nothing, and pulls her shirt or sweater down so hard that it stretches out a little at the neck. She'll keep her back perfectly straight but hang her head down and to the side as she runs a hand up the butt of her jeans to the top and then past it upwards to her shirt. It's the same routine every time, so she must think it works. What she doesn't account for, though, is the fact that her loose jeans pressed up against her front stick WAY far out in the back, so that even when they are on the level of her panties waistband, the waist of the jeans extend out several inches behind her body. It creates kind of a cup that anyone can easily see down into. When she runs her hand up the jeans, she pushes them against her body, so she must think that her shirt begins where her jeans stop. But as soon as she runs her hand past the jeans, they stick back out again.

When Katie is sitting in class, it is impossible not to have your eyes drawn straight to her underwear. She sits in the front of the room, and there are plenty of us who have a clear view down the back of those jeans. It is usually less than a minute after she tugs her shirt down that it's ridden up past the waistband of her panties. She wears nothing but bargain Hanes Her Way underwear that I know comes in packs of 3 or 5. Some of the panties say "Hanes" and some say "Hanes Her Way," but every waistband is clearly stamped and hard to ignore. The cheap cotton of the panties has little creases in it. I've seen her wear plain white a few times, twice I've seen plain red and once dark blue. But for some reason which I don't understand if she's concerned about people seeing them, most of her panties have flowery designs on them. The cotton folds and bunches up and sometimes poofs a tiny bit above the waistband, but it's so thin that it's always obvious where the crevice of her butt is. At first, even with her sitting up straight and having just adjusted herself, her underwear shows a LOT. Maybe the people farther behind me can't see it as much because most of it can be seen by looking down, but from my view one seat behind and one to the left, I can see the back of her underwear almost all the way down to the chair. Maybe 8 inches of cotton. I've never seen anything like it before. And as poor nervous Katie fidgets, bends over to grab her bag to look into, and slides back and forth in her chair, those loose pants slide down her body until, even though her pants are up high enough at her stomach, I'm sure I couldn't see much more of her panties if she were wearing only the panties. When she leans forward to write frantic notes, I can even see at least two inches on the sides. Katie might think she's hiding them at first, but she knows that after moving around in her seat, her panties MUST be visible. You can tell when she thinks of it because she straightens up, very stiff, and tries to surreptitiously glide her hand behind her to feel above her jeans. When she does, and feels the cotton of her panties, her hand quickly reaches up and tugs down her shirt, which of course does nothing. But she must think she's having some effect. I can see her face turn red and her head go down, and she tries to sit up straight, but she can't help but start fidgeting again and those panties are sticking out clear as day in no time. When she stands up at the end of class, that is when her panties show the most. She has to lean over and slide out of the seat, and I'm surprised that her pants haven't fallen to her ankles one of those times. But as she stays bent over I guess the jeans stick between her thighs and stomach in the front, even as they dip almost below the leg holes (only one time I could see her legs below the leg holes) before she grabs the sides of them and hikes them up. Nobody has really talked to her in class other than me, except one time in the first or second week when some other girl (too loudly I thought) said "Hey... your underwear is showing" to her as she was getting up from her chair. Katie was in the middle of her tug and looked incredibly embarrassed before mumbling a thank you and choking out a pathetic attempt at a laugh, and practically running out of the room with a silly grin on her face. She didn't change anything after that except for adding an exaggerated shirt tug right before she got up.

Her underwear has shown in several different scenarios, as we're also in the same lab for the class and we have to get up for certain activities. She's given a stuttering presentation to the class with her Hanes waistband and bright red cotton poking a couple inches above the top of a short jean skirt that was about as loose as her regular jeans. (Of course her performance featured several self-conscious feels and tugs that were painfully public and humiliating to watch.) The professor used her as an unwilling "volunteer" in a demonstration that had her crouching on the floor, her flowered underwear the center of attention as even the professor couldn't stop from letting out a quick "oh!" as he looked back at her tensely trying not to use both hands to cover her underwear as that would be acknowledgment that it was out for all to see. The look on her face as she and the other two volunteers walked back to their seats, after she had exposed what she knew was a very obvious amount of her embarrassing panties...

The reason I'm writing this though is an incident that happened the second time I actually saw her outside of class, a few days ago. Monday to be exact. We met at the library to study together for a test we had on Tuesday. When I saw her, she was wearing a long, flowing skirt, and when she stood up I saw it was a sarong, a wrap skirt. It was the first time I had seen her not wearing denim. My first reaction was disappointment that she had finally caught on and found something to wear that wouldn't reveal so much of her underwear. My second thought was that, seeing her wear such a precarious skirt that could unravel, was she doing all this on purpose? Her embarrassment was real; she looked legitimately horrified when she thought people could see her underwear. But maybe she was doing it on purpose, which would kind of ruin it for me. We walked into the library, which was full of students studying for pre-Thanksgiving tests. As we walked, I hung back and glanced at her backside. The sarong was clearly meant just as a cover-up for the beach. It was see-through. In some light it wasn't so bad, so I could see how she could have thought it would be OK, but when she walked and it hugged her body, the outline of her panties as well as the detail and color of the flower print were hard to ignore. I looked around at the people we passed and I saw some of them nudging each other and pointing, giggling at the obvious flowery underwear Katie was wearing. This must have been happening to her all the way to the library. We sat together and worked, which was uneventful, but Katie continued to show herself as sweet and intelligent, which made me feel bad for looking forward to her embarrassment. After a couple of hours, we left to grab something to eat. It was about 6 P.M. and people were milling around the front of the library and the cafeteria next door. I was glancing back and forth between the faces of people noticing Katie's panties and the panties themselves, when I accidentally bumped into her while looking behind us. Katie's bag fell and a couple of pencils spilled out. I apologized and we knelt down to pick everything up. People were looking at us already, but when Katie stood, her skirt, which was caught under her foot, didn't come up with her. I watched as she stood up out of her skirt. She knew right away. I had seen large portions of her underwear but never before had I seen the whole thing. And Katie was standing there, with easily over a hundred students and faculty looking at her, with only a thin, short sweater and a pair of clearly cheap, slightly faded flowery cotton Hanes underpants. They weren't poofing out like a diaper, but they definitely weren't form-fitting either. Her upper legs were smoother than I guessed they'd be, but under her slight wedgie was some cellulite. She didn't look terrible, but she wasn't a model. This was the most embarrassed I'm sure she'd been in her life. She gave a look of disbelief, desperately wanting it not to be true. Being adults, people generally ignored her underwear usually, but in such a large number and with Katie being such a ridiculous sight, a few whoops and laughs brought Katie from her reverie and she bent over to retrieve the skirt. As she bent, a few jerks behind her started saying "Woo!" "Yeah!" and other things like that. Katie was shaking as she desperately tried untying the wrap on the skirt so she could re-tie it. She looked totally helpless. I gently took the skirt from her, and holding it against her body I untied it and handed it to her. Things were settling down as some girls in the crowd, feeling bad for Katie, started shouting "All right perverts, leave her alone" and things like that. Katie, publicly, wrapped the skirt around her body and tied it. The look on her face showed that she was acutely aware that she was dressing herself in public. She wasn't crying but she was beyond mortified. She mumbled a quick thanks to me and left.

I'll share anything else that happens to poor Katie. Maybe at this point she'll find a way to keep her underwear hidden, and after what happened to her, I'd kind of be happy about that. But it was fun while it lasted.

If any of you know anyone like this, please share.
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 10, 2014 12:08 am    Post subject: Re: Panties always showing Reply with quote

So what kind of panty style does she wear?
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