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Questions for the Ladies...
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Panty "GOLD"

Joined: Dec 14, 2006
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 01, 2007 4:50 pm    Post subject: Questions for the Ladies... Reply with quote

This may have been asked, and forgive me for asking again if it has, but I just have to know!

When you go to the lingerie department and you see average looking middle aged men shopping for panties what are your impressions/thoughts about them?

The reason I ask is this. I enjoy shopping for panties. I'm not a wearer of panties. As I've said I just adore the female form in them. But I always feel a little funny rummaging through the panties looking for the "perfect" find. Of course the reason I feel funny is that I'm woried about what people think.

I'm never sure if the women think I'm a pervert, freek, if I'm buying them for myself, or just being a voyer!

So, in addition to the first question, I guess the second one is, is there anything you can say to put my mind at ease while panty shopping.


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Skirts Up Girls


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PostPosted: Thu Feb 01, 2007 5:19 pm    Post subject: Re: Questions for the Ladies... Reply with quote

I would like to add a question to this.

Ladies when you buy lingerie and you take it home. Do you wash it before you wear it? Because i'm sure some lingerie items there is a possibility that someone has tried it on.

Guys when you buy panties or lingerie at the store, after you go home do you check to see if someone has tried the article on?

I remember one time at Victoria Secrets, a very beautiful woman was shopping around, and I saw her take a few items into the dressing room.

I continued to shop around, and after 5-10 minutes I see her come and and put most of the stuff back on the rack. I swooped in and grab the panties, and one of the teddies she put back and bought those.

I took them out to the car and I could smell her wonderful scent. Although the scent did not last long, I felt like I took them from her hamper.
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 01, 2007 7:04 pm    Post subject: Re: Questions for the Ladies... Reply with quote

* Question 1 Pantypeeker if I see an older man shopping for lingerie I just figure that he is buying it for his wife or girlfreind. Alot of men feel ovious and awkward when they shop for lingerie so if you see anyone staring at you give them a shy smile and ask them what they think about the lingerie that you are looking at. You will probably find yourself in a 15 minute conversation with the woman at that point about what is comfy, whats tricky to get out of and what is a rip off on price.

* Question 2 Amge. I ALWAYS wash the lingerie before I wear it and check inside the crotch if I dare to try it on at the store. I bought some pantyhose before that had been previously tried on and when I got them home they had someone elses blood on the crotch! I went back to the store in a not so ladylike manner and spoke to the manager who apologized and gave me a very large gift card. Thank god I didn't put them on without looking!
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 01, 2007 8:25 pm    Post subject: Re: Questions for the Ladies... Reply with quote

That reminds of the time several years ago that my wife and I were browsing through the stores on Michigan Ave in Chicago (The Miracle Mile I believe it is callled). Anyhow were in the lingerie section of Neiman Marcus when I happened to sort through a bin of panties that were on closeout or whatever.

Happened to pull out one sexy looking white bikini and then noticed that someone had obviously enjoyed them very much and left a big obnoxious looking load of gunk in the crotch.

Needless to say neither wife or I were interested in those panties even if they had been FREE. While I enjoy cumming in panties as much as anyone, the crotch of these panties were really yucky and not appealing at all.
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 02, 2007 4:13 am    Post subject: Re: Questions for the Ladies... Reply with quote

I agree , i usually go thru the walmart section everyweek while i'm shopping , seems that i see alot of middle age guys looking, i always figure their looking for their wife, although cherry you bring up a good point , i never thought of asking a guy or better yet saying wow thats hot, lol i'll have to try that, anyway i always look at stuff real close, closer now that i've been coming here lol, never seen anything dirty , but i can't stand unwashed cloths or tags anyway,so into the wash it goes, nice normal questions for a change, ty guys .
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Panty "GOLD"

Joined: Dec 14, 2006
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 02, 2007 9:50 am    Post subject: Re: Questions for the Ladies... Reply with quote

Thanks for the female view Cherry and Bonnie,

I typically try hard to act nonchalant, but it can be tough when looking at and touching panties! It's kind of like having sex in public and trying not to show it! The heart is racing, mouth is usually dry... I'm sure I look nervous or uptight!

In any event, I usually try to use humor, like when the sales assistant asks if I need bras with the panties I will usually answer:

"No, I've gotten the size wrong so many times that I'm forbidden from buying them!"


"Do you need a gift box?"

I'll answer, no, I'll wrap her up in these! (assuming I'm buying a babydoll or more than just panties)"

I get smiles at the last one... But clearly in both cases I am mentioning "her" so as to throw off the possibility that they might think I am buying for myself, which I guess I am in a way, even if my she is wearing them!

As for it being a tame question, well I'm just setting you up for when the real thoughts come out - :-)

Thanks again for the responses!
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 02, 2007 12:41 pm    Post subject: Re: Questions for the Ladies... Reply with quote

When I see a younger guy shopping in the lingerie department around Valentines day or Christmas I always assume he's buying for his gf/wife especially if he's looking at something sexy. Any other time I think it could be for her birthday. I must admit though after being at this site I can't help wondering if he's a panty lover buying for himself. I think most women would assume it's for his wife or gf. If I see an older guy looking at some breifs or "granny" panties, things that aren't usually considered very sexy, I figure they're for himself. Either way I don't think any of them are "freaks" or perverts.
Don't worry about what other people think. Most women don't give it a second thought! After all women buy mens stuff all the time and no one thinks twice about it. You especially shouldn't feel funny, you say your not a wearer and actually Are buying them for someone else.
I ALWAYS check the crotch and NEVER try any lingerie on in the store.
First thing I do is wash it when I get home.
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 02, 2007 1:22 pm    Post subject: Re: Questions for the Ladies... Reply with quote

pntypeeker wrote:

When you go to the lingerie department and you see average looking middle aged men shopping for panties what are your impressions/thoughts about them?
To me this is almost always a clue as to who it's for. Last week my husband and I were in Penny's looking for good sales in the lingerie dept.
There was a guy there, looked to be in his late 30's or so, with his wife/gf.
She was holding up a pair of satin bikinis and was looking at him and saying something. You could see he was nervous and kept looking around but finally reached over and felt them. he nodded his head, she put them over her arm, picked up a pair of hi-cuts, and the same process again. He felt them, nodded his head, she checked the tag for size I guess, put them over her arm, and went to another pair. This went on until she had about 6 pairs and then they headed off. Nothing out of the ordinary, just a guy helping his wife pick out some sexy undies. Except for one thing, the panties they took looked to be about medium/large, he was a fairly large guy, she was a petite little thing, no bigger than a small!
That had us wondering!
My husband's lucky, we both wear the same size!
Still, we thought it was cute and quite a turn-on!
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Panty "GOLD"

Joined: Dec 14, 2006
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 02, 2007 10:08 pm    Post subject: Re: Questions for the Ladies... Reply with quote

Thanks Kim for adding your comments. I will usually use my wife's birthday or our anneversary as my excuse for panty shopping when I am checking out even though they might be months away. I'll reread this thread for confidence next time I go panty shopping. Then I'll update you as to how it went! I like Cherry's idea about looking shy and asking someone what they think... It might be fun if I can get the nerve up!
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PostPosted: Sat Feb 03, 2007 1:17 pm    Post subject: Re: Questions for the Ladies... Reply with quote

Thankyou to the woman who are willing and enjoy adding their comments to this forum. I think that is very comforting to get a womans point of view on this paticular subject. I think there is no reason to be paranoid. God is the only judge that we have to worry about. I don't feel it is a sin to wear panties and i am no even going there. If people are staring at you stair back or just ask them what the Fuck they are staring at. This is a free county and i intend to use that freedom to buy and wear panties and be proud of it. If someone don't like u buying panties weather they are for you or your wife, there is not a single thing wrong with it and oviously as is evidance from this site, it is a fairly common thing That is what i think thankyou for reading
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Panty "GOLD"

Joined: Feb 10, 2006
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PostPosted: Sat Feb 03, 2007 4:15 pm    Post subject: Re: Questions for the Ladies... Reply with quote

I really don't pay much attention to the guys. I assume they are shopping for a gf or wife. I have to say most of the time they look so nervous its almost funny. I have had an older guy ask me to help him pick out something sexy for his wife for her birthday. He had a horrible time describing her size and finally pulled out a picture of her. I do think it was very sweet of him to go to so much trouble and embarassment to buy his wife a gift.

I do wash all of my new things. I don't like the dye that can be present in new clothes. In the state I live in it is supposed to be against the law to try on panties or a swim suit unless you try them on over your own underwear.
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 06, 2007 5:37 am    Post subject: Re: Questions for the Ladies... Reply with quote

Whereas I wouldn't spend a lot of time at Victorias Secret shopping for panties myself, I enjoy going there with my girlfriend. We play it off as her shopping for panties & I'm there waiting for her. We start conversations with women who work there, or are customers... you never know. Might find a woman who is into panties as much as we are.

We're always on the look for single women who enjoy 3 somes. We did meet a girl who worked at Sears some years ago, and my girlfriend wound up licking her pussy.
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 06, 2007 12:21 pm    Post subject: Re: Questions for the Ladies... Reply with quote

PantyCollector wrote:

We're always on the look for single women who enjoy 3 somes. We did meet a girl who worked at Sears some years ago, and my girlfriend wound up licking her pussy.
Nice! Did your girlfriend like that? Did you enjoy watching them?
Love to hear more about it!
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 09, 2007 1:30 pm    Post subject: Re: Questions for the Ladies... Reply with quote

* A while ago I was shopping for boxer breifs for my boyfriend. I had a question so I grabbed some and walked right ip to a guy who was shopping and started asking him questions. He appeared to have no problem helping me out and even showed me the label on his boxers so I could compare the sizing. After buying sizes like 2 and 4 for years its weird to have to go by sizes like 32 and 34. Do you guys have a problem going from standard male waist sizes to to 2, 4 sizing?
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Joined: Jun 21, 2006
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 09, 2007 4:11 pm    Post subject: Re: Questions for the Ladies... Reply with quote

Im not a panty wearer but i will buy some for the ladyfriend to model. Well, I've made a purchase or two at a victoria secrets and jc penneys. As a man they dont say anything, always trying to sell me something, and then just leave me alone. ThJc penney's, I know all the salesgirls by face and name to the point they tell me when the markdown is coming. I was always getting pj's for aunt or gma, and something for the lady friend.
Then, too i'll walk into a nyand company and get something for her, I learned they're part of the company that owns vicki.
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