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Stealing Panties
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PostPosted: Sat Dec 10, 2005 6:39 am    Post subject: Stealing Panties Reply with quote

Well I was surfing the web and came across this forum and had to post something. I just hope someone enjoys my stories cause I have a crap load of them. HA!

So where do I start with stealing panties? Well the last time I stole some panties was a couple months ago when I was in Milwaukee at college. I lived above a laundry mat and I enjoyed watching all of the college cuties do their laundry and folding their panties. There is something about stealing panties that makes my heart rush and beat almost out of my chest. I love it! Well I do remember this one time when the change machine went out, like my basketit did regularly. I got into a method of stealing panties out of the dryer and finding clean ones on the floor when cuties drop them. I also become aware that freshies don't know how to do their laundry and forget to check the washers, their little thongs get stuck near the top. Ohhh that ass smell is great, and if you don't know that smell, you've got to try it. Well any way this little asian thing loads her washer up and goes to the change machine, its broke. I was finishing up washing my stuff and starting to put my clothes into the drier. Well she bats her eyes and asks for change and I proudly said, ohh I'm sorry. I only have enough for my dryer. There is a grocery store up the block. She asks, will you watch my stuff? I'm like thinking, sure thing honey lips! "Sure" I said and off she went. Well of course, off I go as well....

I pop her washer open and bam! Two thongs on the top of the load and one red silky full back. I quickly snached those panties and threw them under my shirts. I closed the lid and looked around casually if anyone saw me. Nope, everyone is on the other side of the laundry mat. My heart is racing and I can't stop thinking of what other panties she might have. I look around and go swoop in for another pass. I open the lid and the one next to hers and find a couple white granny panties, a bloody stained one (which of course I left, hey even a theif has his limits!) but I found a beautiful pink lacy boy short panty. Those make my heart flutter, expecially when I know these are fresher than baked bread. I also knew these, oh these would be ones she'd really miss. These are probally her favoriate ones. I can imagine this sweet asian girl walking around with these on, rubbing against her sweet shaved pussy (hell in my dreams their all shaved) and her creaming against them. I decide to take them as well. I leave her bras, cause I'm not a titty guy, and decide to leave the laundry mat and dry my clothes somewhere else. Hell, a guy like me never gets this chance with a girls full load of laundry, still dry in the machine. I had to run! I packed up the panties I took and the rest of my laundry and went upstairs. Being a gentelman I am, I started her washers for her and put in too much soap. Awwww....

More to come if you like my story! Hell the stories I have to tell, some people would shat bricks!
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Panty "GOLD"

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PostPosted: Sun Dec 11, 2005 1:18 am    Post subject: Re: Stealing Panties Reply with quote

More stories please! I haven't stolen panties for 5 or 6 years now, but I still get that same run you described just thinking about it.
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PostPosted: Sun Dec 11, 2005 1:18 am    Post subject: Re: Stealing Panties Reply with quote

That's pretty hot! I remember going through a girl's laundry and seeing 10 pairs of panties. Gets the heartbeat going right, the rush of seeing all those panties... its so incredible. I do not make it obvious by taking too many pairs. Just not worth the risk...

Its even hotter when you find panties that you don't expect the girl to be wearing, such as seeing a plain jane hippie girl with frilly gstrings in her wardrobe!!
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Panty "BRONZE"

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PostPosted: Sun Dec 11, 2005 5:13 am    Post subject: Re: Stealing Panties Reply with quote

Well another story comes to mind is a few years ago, me and my best friend were going to Valleyfair, its like 6 flags just with out the commercialism. I arrived at his house and he needed to jump in the shower. Yeah yeah I know what your thinking, no I didn't steal his panties (yuck) but since I arrive at the house very early, everyone was still asleep. Well I crept into his sisters room, very very quietly, and searched for her laundry basket, I quickly found it, rummaged around and found only 2 white cotton panites, I was really looking for some thongs, because I never could tell if she wore any. Shes a good girl, does nothing wrong, so finding her white cotton undies was typical. Once I found them, I stuffed them in my pants and casually went out to the car to dispose of them in my trunk for later enjoyment. Since I didn't find her thongs and her room was like a maze, I went on a mission that next time I was going to find them!
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 12, 2005 7:42 pm    Post subject: Re: Stealing Panties Reply with quote

more stories man. love that. i live in an apartment, and everytime i do laundry, or if i need a drink, the soda machine is in the laundry room, i allways check the dryer. i iwsh i could get some fresh ones, but, they do work anyways :)
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PostPosted: Fri Dec 16, 2005 6:30 am    Post subject: Re: Stealing Panties Reply with quote

Used to visit apartment laundry rooms, and have scored quite a few pairs of panties, but one apartment installed surveilance cameras. I walked in, saw them, and walked out. Not sure of the law, but hidden cameras scare me. I actually got busted once, but it was because I got greedy and took a pair out of the dryer when there were multiple dryers running, but only one girl in there and they were all hers!!

I prefer now to find girls who model in them, or wild girls who would not care if they caught me. Those are far and few, but they are there.
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Panty "BRONZE"

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 18, 2006 3:38 am    Post subject: Re: Stealing Panties Reply with quote

well i have to tell you when you take undies off a dry line or out of the hamper you get such a rush you can not stop and i have been takeing undies for years now and iam 50 and i still get a rush :D :wink: :P
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Panty "GOLD"

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 19, 2006 2:24 pm    Post subject: Re: Stealing Panties Reply with quote

Have dreamed about knicking some unsuspecting ladies panties off her clothes line. Been very reluctant to do it, the whole fear of getting caught keeps me on the straight and narrow.

It's still good to dream about it :)

wilby56 wrote:
well i have to tell you when you take undies off a dry line or out of the hamper you get such a rush you can not stop and i have been takeing undies for years now and iam 50 and i still get a rush :D :wink: :P
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 20, 2006 7:30 am    Post subject: Re: Stealing Panties Reply with quote

Oh, I know full well what kind of thrill it is taking those panties from anywhere... laundry hamper, room, washer/dryer, closet, drawer. I've never taken any from the clothes line though. Guess where I live, not many are hung out to dry, and whenever I've seen them some years ago, they didn't apeal to me at all. Mostly briefs and not my kind. I prefer thongs, bikinis, lacey type stuff.

I understand what a rush it is, when accessing a girls panty drawer, or bag. Its incredible!!!
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Panty "GOLD"

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PostPosted: Fri Jan 20, 2006 7:52 pm    Post subject: Re: Stealing Panties Reply with quote

:lol: I used to clean peoples houses once,and was very often left alone in my own time to go about the work, as often as not the occupants would be away working,and I would be given the keys to carry outwhat work was needed. The bathroom would be the place to start cleaning first, and more often than not the dirty clothes basket would be there, so I would go through it and find allsorts of panties & undies in them,a wide range in styles,belonging to all the family, no need to have stolen them as I could see them every week,and wank to my hearts content. :oops:
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Panty "BRONZE"

Joined: Feb 16, 2006
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 23, 2006 10:54 am    Post subject: Re: Stealing Panties Reply with quote

seems like apartment in other country,people do wash their underwear in the laundry..unlike m'sia,underwear just clean by hand and hang inside bathroom..
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PostPosted: Sat Feb 25, 2006 6:47 pm    Post subject: Re: Stealing Panties Reply with quote

You are so right!! My mom would clean her panties, and hang them up to dry in the bathroom, behind the couch above the heater, etc. When I was 10 I put them on, played with them, and such. They were nylon briefs back then... don't even want to think about what they are today.
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PostPosted: Fri Apr 27, 2007 12:33 pm    Post subject: Re: Stealing Panties Reply with quote

InsaneValkrain wrote:
more stories man. love that. i live in an apartment, and everytime i do laundry, or if i need a drink, the soda machine is in the laundry room, i allways check the dryer. i iwsh i could get some fresh ones, but, they do work anyways :)

I too live in an apartment complex. I generally do my laundry late at night or early in the morning. There's never anyone in the laundry room at those times, but on lots of occasions, I have found laundry left in either the washers or driers. I always check to see if I can find any panties. If I do, I will sometimes take a pair. Never more than one. I love the smell of freshly laundered panties. I have acquired some nice ones that I'll wear, particularly when I go back to do laundry again.
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Panty "BRONZE"

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PostPosted: Sat Apr 28, 2007 12:30 am    Post subject: Re: Stealing Panties Reply with quote

the last time i got some was at a party i got 3 vs thongs 2 vs full backs i like her panties this girl is so hot 5'7 135 lbs sexy i have got 1 thong and 1 boyshort from same girl in the past she has the best scent i have 23 pair in total now range from stripers at the club to the hot sexy girl above i have on pair that a girl had on at a bar one night she had on this short skirt and boyshort panties i told her i that her panties were sexy and that i want them she took them off and gave em to me that was the best night at a bar
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Panty "BRONZE"

Joined: Dec 18, 2006
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PostPosted: Sat Apr 28, 2007 12:30 am    Post subject: Re: Stealing Panties Reply with quote

the last time i got some was at a party i got 3 vs thongs 2 vs full backs i like her panties this girl is so hot 5'7 135 lbs sexy i have got 1 thong and 1 boyshort from same girl in the past she has the best scent i have 23 pair in total now range from stripers at the club to the hot sexy girl above i have on pair that a girl had on at a bar one night she had on this short skirt and boyshort panties i told her i that her panties were sexy and that i want them she took them off and gave em to me that was the best night at a bar
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