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panty time with your honey
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Panty "GOLD"

Joined: Jul 23, 2006
Posts: 30
Location: chicago illinois

PostPosted: Thu Sep 21, 2006 9:05 pm    Post subject: panty time with your honey Reply with quote

when is the best time to look for panties. answer all the time. now that winter is here in chicago panty sighting is difficult because all the girls are covered up. the best spots are eateries and starbucks where the girls sit down and enjoy their break. i live right in the middle of the university of illinois chicago campus we have a starbucks and caribou. the girls study in these places ans most wear sweatpants. nice vpl and you can study the tops to the waistabands fromt he rear as they hunch over their computers. i have seen a lot of thongs, i wrote about thongs before i do not like themt he beauty of the panty is the way it hugs the rear and front mound. the tighter the better. a tight puusy mound wrapped in pink panties is a must for all. my wife has a tight panty mound and a tight ass from the stairmaster and fitness weight traiining she benches 110 and squats 90lbs yet she is a size 5 or 6. obviously her boobs are not that big but she has an ass that wont quit guys are always hounding her ass even when i am with her and i aint no pussy so i just grab a cheek and smile or i give them the finger when i grab her rear end. it is funny how guys stop dead to look at a nice butt i do the same. i know there are a lot of guys with fat wives or skinny wives that have no shape but there still can be panty time.why are guys afraid to tell their wives or girlfriends about their panty passion i have told every girl i have banged about my passion and that is a lot girls too many to count and not once have i been turned do to play panty time with one. girls love that the guy loves their panties. a pair of panties on a girl is like unwrapping a present. so do not be shy share your passion do not be afraid grow some balls and speak out about what you want you want panties panties and more panties.
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Joined: Nov 09, 2005
Posts: 175

PostPosted: Thu Sep 21, 2006 10:21 pm    Post subject: Re: panty time with your honey Reply with quote

yeah man, that's exactly how i think of it - panties on the girl is like the wrapping on the present! and i guess that's why panties lying in a drawer or hamper isn't as exciting for me - there's no present inside.

i agree about thongs, too, i like bikinis, etc. better. tell us about those crouched over sights in the university! 8O
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Joined: Nov 10, 2005
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Location: U.S.A.

PostPosted: Fri Sep 22, 2006 2:24 am    Post subject: Re: panty time with your honey Reply with quote

well pantykizz, i live in the upper penn. of mich. they stop with skirts here in august lol. Go Bears, born and raised in the windy. Anyway, you have to be on the alert all the time, never know when you'll get a good shot, walmart is a great placeon Friday nights, lotsof ladies shopping and girls everywhere .
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Joined: Sep 01, 2006
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Location: Texas

PostPosted: Fri Sep 22, 2006 1:47 pm    Post subject: Re: panty time with your honey Reply with quote

Well, kiss mah grits, Whitey! WalMart for panty-peeking. Who would've thunk it? Old Sam Walton would blush to hear it.

Maybe K-Mart and Target will take note and seed their aisles with attractive panty-teasers to grab some of the Friday nite trafic. I'm gonna watch the newspaper help-wanteds closely to see if this takes shape.

Seriously, though, White -- how about some hard data on the Hunt for Red November in the WalMart aisles in No. MI. What's the style trend for undies up there before and after the skirts hit the mothballs the end of August?

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