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FREE pair of Jockey panties from Macy's
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Panty "GOLD"

Joined: Oct 30, 2006
Posts: 48
Location: Southern California

PostPosted: Sun Jun 03, 2007 9:10 pm    Post subject: FREE pair of Jockey panties from Macy's Reply with quote

[i]I just got TWO pair of FREE panties the other day, just go to this site and print the coupon and take it to Macy's and get your free pair of Jockey panties.[/i]


free from may 31 to Jun 6th. It works I just picked up my free pair.

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Panty "GOLD"

Joined: Oct 30, 2006
Posts: 48
Location: Southern California

PostPosted: Mon Jun 04, 2007 11:44 pm    Post subject: Re: FREE pair of Jockey panties from Macy's Reply with quote

[i][size=18[color=blue]]Got two more pair of Jockey Ultimate's again today after work, and will get two more tomorrow when I go to my doctors appointment, there is a Macy's very near his office. Has anyone else used the coupon, if so how did it go???[/color[/size]]
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Panty "GOLD"

Joined: Oct 30, 2006
Posts: 48
Location: Southern California

PostPosted: Thu Jun 07, 2007 3:43 am    Post subject: Re: FREE pair of Jockey panties from Macy's Reply with quote

Well, I went to my doctors appointment and then stopped off at the Macy's near his office and got two more pair of panties. Did the same thing as before, went to two different registers. Then I remembered that there was a very large Macy's on the way home and decided to stop there also. This one is at the Lakewood Mall, in Lakewood California. I went to the lingerie section and COULD NOT FIND ANY OF THE JOCKEY ULTIMATES!!!! As I was searching, a very attractive lady was looking for the same thing. I asked her if she had seen any of the Ultimates and she said no and that she was looking for the same thing, and that she had a coupon for a free pair. I said that I had the same coupon, but that I actually had about 10 coupons. She laughed and said that she had four of them. She said that she was going to ask the sales girl where to find the Ulitmats, and I went with her. The sales girl thought that we were together, and we told her no, we just happened to be looking for the same thing. We were told that the store did not have ANY of the Ultimates, but that they were going to honor the coupon for any pair of Jockey panties that were priced at $9.50. The other lady asked if she could use more than one coupon, and the sales girl said that we could use as many as we wanted, she would just have to ring each pair of panties up seperately. We were both very happy to hear that. We went back to the Jockey section of the panties, and started searching. I was having a hard time finding my size (8) that were the right price. I said that I was having a difficult time finding the size that I was looking for, and the other lady asked me what size I was looking for, and I said that I wear a size 8. She looked at me for a minute and then asked if Iwas getting the panties for me or a wife/girl friend. I told her that they were definetely for me, and then she helped me find what I was looking for. I said that I wish I was able to find my size as easily as she could find hers, and she asked me what size I thought that she wore, and I said that she was a size 5. She laughed and said that I really know my panties sizes and that I was correct. I said that she would look great in the pretty boy shorts that she had in her hands. She thanked me and then said that she was sure that I would love the boy shorts that she was holding because they were my size and she had found them specifically for me. I thanked her, and we then went to the cashier together. I was only able to find 8 pairs of panties in my size that would be able to be used with the coupon, and gave the other lady the othere tow coupons that I had. As I gave them to her, I said that I wished that I could see her on those pretty boy shorts, or for that matter ANY of the nice panties that she had in her hand. She thanked me and said that would be nice, but her husband would definetely not approve, and said that she enjoyed having me there to shop for panties with. I told her that she ought to get her husband a few pairs of panties. She then said that she just did, and that they share panties, and that he wears the same size as her. She said that she knew right away that I was there shopping for myself because she had seen the same look in her husbands eyes when they had been shopping in the past. She then told me that she hoped that I enjoyed my new panties, to which I replied that I was sure that I would. Over the length of the free pantie give away, I ended up with 16 pairs of panties, each was priced at $9.50, that means that I got a whopping $152 in panties for the grand total price of $0!!!!!! I just wonder if any of the rest of you took advantage ofthis great offer, and if so, did you have as much fun shopping s I did?????
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