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Differnt Sisters 1/2
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Panty "BRONZE"

Joined: Mar 17, 2006
Posts: 2

PostPosted: Sun Jun 03, 2007 2:36 pm    Post subject: Differnt Sisters 1/2 Reply with quote

Emerson Laken-Palmer

Most of this story is true and some of this story is pure fantasy.
I'll let you decide which is which.

For Stephen...



After my experiences with Eddie, I met another guy at school
named Stephen. We were in 9th grade now. Stephen and I got along
real well. We both had an odd sense of humor and (as with Eddie)
a deep desire for pussy!
After I had known Stephen for a short while, I introduced him to
the same masturbation and fantasy game I used to play with Eddie.
Stephen took to it right away (he had never gotten any pussy
either) but Stephen liked BIG girls. He would fantasize about
Randy Nedrey. Now Randy was a cute girl but she had thick legs!
In fact, when Randy sat (in her short, tight dresses) you could
always see plenty of bare thigh over the tops of her stockings.
(No panty hose yet in 1966! THANK GOD!). She was just big!
Chubby, not fat. In fact, Stephen chided me on my taste for SKINNY
Anyway, during the late summer, just before high school started,
I finally went to Stephen's house (he had been just coming to mine)
and I met his little sister.
Stephanie was a year younger than us.
She was so very sweet.
She had such a feminine way about her. It's too hard to describe
really, she just seemed so dainty and girlish. She had her
brother's puggish nose and large upper lip but, on her, it looked
so sexy! (Stephen's family was Irish) Her body was so extra
curvy! She had such a thin waist and feminine hips and legs that
were so sexy. She only wore dresses and skirts and shorts (girls
started with the slacks back then because Mary Tyler Moore was such
a hit on Dick Van Dyke). Her hair was light grey-brown (like
Stephen's) and she wore it half up on her head (as was the style
then) and then down to the sides with little spiral curls in front
of her ears. Her eyes were deep blue.
I was in love with her at first sight!
The funny thing was, Stephen had never (in the almost one year
I had known him) ever mentioned Stephanie to me.
I already knew Alexandra, his older sister. She was twenty.
She was very pretty too. She looked a lot like her younger
siblings but such an older woman! She wore her grey-blonde hair
in a sophisticated beehive. She had once been married, to a
motorcycle gangster who ran off and left her with an infant
daughter. I found Alex very sexy though. How COULDN'T I? Alex
was a beautician and she wore short, white uniforms. Alex was a
wild, untamed kind of girl (something new to me). She smoked, she
swore, she drove a powerful, red Plymouth with a stick shift (on
the floor) and she used to take me and Stephen to the store
sometimes (on her way to work) and I'd always sit on the big
pillow, between the bucket seats, and watch those damnably sexy,
fucking legs of hers (with the nylons and garters and the short
white skirt) as she would work the clutch to change gears!
God damn it! You could almost see to her panties!
There was a hint of the delicious aroma of feminine sex about
Alex, behind the fragrance of her perfume, and I used to lean and
try to smell her! (I think she could tell.)
She had such a sly, wicked smile, as she flicked her cigarette
out the window with her coiled finger and slammed on the gas peddle
to shoot us through the yellow light. Her face was rather like her
younger sister's but her features were a little harder.
Stephen thought it was funny when I told him how sexy Alex was.
He seemed very proud of the fact that I thought so though.
Alex would bring Stephen to my house or drop him off at school.
The Junior High was near where I lived. She had her own apartment
but she left Carrie, her one year old daughter, at Stephen's house
every afternoon for Stephanie, and then her mother, to baby sit.
Little Carrie had riotous red hair, all curly and on top of her
head. She had to wear leg braces because of some birth defect and
she was easy to care for because she just sat on the floor all the
Alex used to stand the little girl up and make her walk to her
Aunt Steffie and back but it was an effort for the child and she
was quite satisfied to be left on the floor with her stuffed
Anyway, discovering that Stephen had this sweet little sister at
home suddenly stirred up all my memories of Eddie and Emily.
The next day, I asked him about Stephanie. I was hoping to hear
that (as it had been with Eddie and Emily) he was fucking her.
Nothing could have been further from the truth! Stephen, it
turned out, HATED his little sister! I mean HATED her! He
couldn't stand the sight of her. He loathed her! He thought that
she was the ugliest thing on the face of the Earth!
I couldn't believe it! Stephanie? Ugly?
But that's how he felt.
He gave her no break or no mercy. If she had sampled a taste of
the beer Alex brought over, Stephen would rave about her being a
fucking drunk, just like her father!
I began going to his house every day now (Their parents were
divorced and their mother worked days) and when I was there
Stephen and Stephanie would fight, about the least little thing,
all the time. I once saw them screaming and slapping and punching
and kicking each other over who had left out the milk that morning!
I didn't know what to do. Stephen was now my best friend but I was
in love with Stephanie. I stepped between them and told them that
I'd buy a carton of milk to replace it.
Stephanie walked away to her bedroom.
She wasn't crying. She never cried when she and Stephen fought.
She just got purple, in the face, with rage. I guess she HATED him
The most unfortunate thing is..... Stephanie hated ME as well!
She hated me, I assumed, because I was Stephen's friend.
I tried so hard to make her like me (Which WAS hard because
Stephen was always right there). If I started to talk to her, (as
we sat in the livingroom and watched "Dark Shadows" after school)
she would get up and go to her room or do dishes. Stephanie was
very aloof towards me. She looked down her nose at me. I just
couldn't understand it. She was no really great shakes! She had
no boyfriend. I was, after all, a High School boy now! A Junior
High School girl's dream, right?
I used to sit there, in their living room, as the TV droned, and
I would glance at her again and again. I would watch her breasts
swell in her blouse as she breathed (sometimes see a little bit of
bra and sexy cleavage) and watch how her neck muscles rippled when
she swallowed. I was in love with her eyes and her nose and her
mouth and her arms and her dainty hands but mostly I stared at her
long, sexy legs. Stephanie's legs were something else. As I said,
she always wore short skirts (that she had worn to school) and
these were the last of the days when girls wore nylon stockings and
garters and had bare upper thighs. I stared at the legs of all the
girls at school but Stephanie, here in the safe, comfortable
environment of her own home, was something I wasn't used to. She
sat so much more casually here. It was, after all, her home. She
could relax her guarded, feminine modesty here. She would
sometimes draw her legs under herself, as she sat, or her legs
would part (a bit more than they would have in public), as she
reclined, in that large chair, after school. Sometimes she'd even
drape one leg over the arm of the chair as she lay back and watched
It was an unintentional leg show!
I didn't want to take my eyes off of her legs for a second. I
was afraid that I might miss a sudden show of bare thigh or (once
or twice) a quick, heart-stopping glimpse of white panty!
Stephanie had a way of looking back at me, with that pretty face
of hers, as if she were looking at some insect that had recently
crawled out from under the hot water tank in the basement!
I kept trying to gain her friendship somehow. If I told a joke,
she stared at me as if it was the stupidest thing ever uttered.
If I included her in the conversation, she'd walk from the room.
I tried to, good naturedly, tease her once. The song "Skinny
Legs" by Joe Tex was on Dick Clark's show on TV and she mentioned,
to Alex (who had dropped off Carrie, before work, and was bumping
and grinding to the music), that she thought the song was dumb.
I said, "Maybe that's because you've got skinny legs, Steph!"
Stephanie glared at me and said, "FUCK YOU!" and got up and left
the room.
Alex and Stephen laughed about it though and then Alex sat down
on the floor, by her ashtray and lit one of her Winston's.
Alex used to like me and Stephen to tell her dirty jokes, when
Stephanie wasn't in the room, and we'd also tell her stories about
the boys at school who said that they had got laid.
Stephen told his big sister about how Rick Groves told us, at
school, that Vikki Miller had let him feel her up in the dugout of
the baseball field at Allison park.
"I heard he got his finger in her," I added.
Alex flashed that pretty, sly smile of hers, as she lay back in
that short, white uniform and listened to us. She knew that I was
looking right at her legs.
"Vikki Miller?" she asked, "That little blond skank from two
streets over?"
We nodded.
"What is she, fifteen?"
"Yeah," Stephen said.
Alex laughed. "I bet you boys wouldn't know the first thing
about how to handle a real woman!"
Me and Stephen looked at each other and then down at her sexy,
reclining body and said, "Yes we would! Yes we would! We know!"
I remember how she suddenly got such a sexy, wicked smile on her
face and she said, "If I took you two into the bedroom, right now,
and gave you five minutes with me..... I could turn your little
asses inside out! But I bet the both of you together, couldn't
satisfy me!"
Stephen and I stood in front of her now and said, "Yes we could!
Please! Oh, Alex! Yes we could!"
Alex laughed at our zeal and then she put out her cigarette.
"I better go," she sighed as she got up from the floor, "before
you boys end up in bed with a lot more than you can handle and I
get my hot little ass into trouble again!"
Alex went into Stephanie's room to give her instructions for
Carrie and then she grinned at our disappointed faces as she walked
past us and out the front door.
As I walked home that afternoon, I reflected on how odd that
unexpected situation was. I was certain that Alex meant was she
told us and that we had come within a hair's breadth of getting
ourselves laid! And I was also stricken with the fact that, the
way Stephen had acted, he would have fucked her!
The next day, when I asked Stephen about it, he said, "Alex does
whatever she wants to do, Andy! I would never ask her."
"Yeah but would you do it? If she asked you? Would you screw
Stephen grinned as we walked to school together, "I guess so."

That afternoon, as we sat in his livingroom, Alex came in with
Carrie and a sexy dress that she wanted Stephanie to take in for
She talked with Stephanie about it while I nudged Stephen and
chided him to ask her about giving us some sex.
Stephen punched my arm (a little too hard for kidding around) and
told me to forget about it.
When he went into the bathroom, I followed Alex into the kitchen.
She was getting some milk for Carrie and I said, "Alex? What you
said to me and Stephen yesterday... Did you mean it?"
She turned to me and half smiled. She seemed tired as she said,
"What? About giving you some pussy?"
I smiled brightly and nodded.
Alex closed the refrigerator door and elbowed me in the chest as
she walked past me. "Not likely, Squirt," she said and then she
turned back, slyly grinning at my dejected expression and added,
"Not today anyway. I'm on the rag."
Alex was too much for my teenage mind to fathom. I shook my head
and went back into the livingroom and sat on the couch, watching
TV as Stephen sat on the floor and Stephanie began to work on
Alex's dress.
Stephanie liked to sew. She helped her mother save money by
actually making a lot of her own clothes. The sewing machine was
on the other side of the room and I discovered that (from the
couch) I could see under the sewing table and right up her skirt!
She had to part her legs in order to work the operating peddle with
her stockinged foot. Stephanie kept working her leg up and down
and I could plainly see her bare thighs and the patch of white
panty between her legs! My eyes were glued to that patch! I was
sweating and trembling in only a few minutes. I became so ravingly
horny that I actually moved over to the chair so that I couldn't
see her anymore because I just couldn't take another moment of it!
Stephanie also knit. She made her brother a red sweater for
Christmas later that year. It was beautiful. She wrapped it in
tissue paper and put it in a box with a ribbon and handmade bow.
Stephen never once wore it.
He had bought her the Beatles' new "Revolver" album and he got
mad at her (and made her shut it off) when she played it in the
livingroom because he wanted the TV on.
I said that she never cried when she fought with her brother?
I did see her cry once. I stayed over for dinner. Stephen's mom
was a very nice, quiet woman and a good cook. I sat across from
Stephanie and watched her eat.
Just after dinner, Stephen's alcoholic dad made an unexpected
visit. He was drunk and belligerent and went into the kitchen to
argue with Mrs. McLeary. Me and Stephen went into the livingroom.
Their dad seemed to get louder and angrier. He was mad about his
child support payments. I guess she had called the law on him.
In the middle of the raging argument, he burst into the dining room
and roughly pulled Stephanie into the kitchen. He was now yelling
about the clothes she wore. "This bitch dresses like the fucking
queen of fucking Siam!" he screamed. "Does she need so many
fucking outfits to fucking whore around in?"
Stephen left me in the living room and ran into the kitchen to
defend his mother.
Stephanie came out of the kitchen. Tears were just streaming
down her beautiful cheeks and she was wide-eyed and her mouth gaped
open. She was walking slowly, with her arms at her sides, as if
she were in stunned shock.
She came into the livingroom and I walked over to her. She
looked at me, point blank, with her chin dimpled and trembling and
such a wet, hurt, pitiful expression on her face. I had never
stood this close to her before.
My heart was aching for her and I went to reach out and hold her
and I honestly expected that she would let me.
Just at that moment, I heard her father's voice booming as he and
Stephen and his mother came loudly into the room. "Who's that
little fucker?" he screamed loudly and drunkenly, "What the fuck
does he think he's doing here? Get out! Get out of my fucking
house, you little prick fucking bastard!"
Stephen ran quickly to me and he pushed me out the front door,
into the cold night.
"I'm sorry, Andy," he cried as he slammed the door.
A moment later the door opened and my coat flew out.
I didn't hold it against Stephen.
In fact, Stephen's dad turned out to be not such a bad fellow.
He had Stephen and me over to his tenement hovel, for dinner, a few
weeks later. The parking lot was tended by rats that were the size
of schnauzers. He wanted to apologize, to me and Stephen, and he
went to extremes to impress us. He was shaved and wore a checkered
sport coat and he had prepared a sumptuous meal of Franco-American
canned spaghetti. It was the first time I had ever been served
sardines, on saltine crackers, as an hors d'oeuvre and warm
Stroh's, in juice glasses, as an aperitif.
During the meal, Mr. McLeary earnestly advised us: "Stay away
from women, boys. They're all fucking whores. When they let you
fuck them, they suck your life right up their smelly cunts!"
For after dinner entertainment, he gave us cans of warm beer and
we watched the Red Wings on his small, fuzzy, black and white TV.
Wings 3 Blackhawks 2.
I heard later that, an hour after we left him, Mr. McLeary got
his gun from the closet and blew his brains out.

Me and Stephen, as I said, were intimate friends now. We
regularly did the beat off, story telling thing, in his locked
bedroom, and he'd be pulling his pud and saying, "I'm fucking Randy
now. She's wearing her blue dress and I'm in her pussy from
behind. Man, her ass is so round and nice! Her titties are so
big! She's standing and bent over and her dress is up at her
waist. She's really fucking back on me!"
"Is she tight?" I'd ask, jacking on my own cock.
"Oh yeah! It's way up in her pussy too and I'm holding her
garter belt and really ramming it into her!"
And then it would be my turn.
I'd look over at Stephen, as he lay on his back, masturbating
with his eyes closed. "I'm fucking Stephanie," I'd announce,
watching his expression.
It wouldn't change. I thought that he would be protective of her
and say something to admonish me.
"Fucking that ugly slut?" He'd say. "What the hell for?"
"Because she's so pretty, stupid!"
"Steph? You're out of your fucking mind!"
"Yeah? I'm in her pussy, Stephen. She's laying back on the
livingroom chair, in her black skirt, I've got her legs wide apart
and I'm on my knees in front of her. I've got it all the way in
her and her pussy is so warm and wet!"
"Pew! How can you stand the smell?"
"I'm fucking your sister really hard now! She loves my cock in
her. I'm going to cum! I'm going to cum inside her right now!
She wants me to! She wants my cum! I'm gonna cum in Steph's
And I'd cum. All over my stomach and chest.
Stephen's hard-on had drooped in his hand. "You asshole!" he'd
say. "You're REALLY dreaming! My sister wouldn't touch your cock
if you wrapped it in hundred dollar bills for her!"
He was right.
I still loved her though.
When we were at his house, after school, and Stephanie wasn't
home (the Junior High got out a half hour later) Stephen would want
to go into his room and lock the door and have a beat off session.
I'd sometimes go to Stephanie's bedroom instead and go through her
underwear drawer as Stephen looked on impatiently from the doorway.
"What the hell are you looking at?"
I'd hold up a pair of his little sister's lacy white panties.
(In awe that this inanimate object was granted the extreme
privilege of coming into close contact with her very luscious ass
and pussy!)
Stephen was steaming now and telling me to get the hell out of
I noticed that Stephanie's closet had sliding metal doors and
that the doors had louvered slats. "Hey Stephen," I said, stepping
inside and closing the door, "if you were standing in this closet,
with the door shut, you could still see Stephanie, in her room,
naked after a shower!"
"Why in the fuck would I want to do THAT?"
"Oh come on, Stephen!" I said as I stepped out of the closet,
"You must have seen her some time! What color is her pussy hair?
How much hair does she have down there?"
"I don't fucking know or care!" He'd yell, and then he'd go in
his room and slam the door.
I'd scratch my head and wonder, what's his problem?

As the early spring came, my thoughts were more and more of
Stephanie, whether I was over at Stephen's or not. She became the
center of my masturbational fantasies. I'm ashamed to admit though
that it wasn't just Stephanie. My fantasies, when they really got
cooking, would feature Alex as well. Youth and experience. I
imagined me, Stephanie, Alex and Stephen in every possible sexual
combination and perversion. Me and him doing Stephanie. Me and him
doing Alex. Me and him doing Stephanie and Alex. Alex doing
Stephanie. Alex doing me. Stephanie doing Stephen. Stephen doing
Alex. Stephanie doing Alex while I did Stephanie.... 69'ing,
screwing, daisy chains... Every possible combination (Except me
and Stephen of course!).
I would always walk to Stephen's, to get him, before we walked
to school together because the High School was nearer his house.
Some days we never made it. If we skipped school, we'd walk around
and wait until his mother and sister had left and then we'd go back
and spend the day at his house, watching TV and listening to
records. The house was always locked but, if Stephen forgot his
key, he showed me how to jimmy the side door with a piece of
plastic that he kept in a flower pot by the back porch.
We always skipped together. The school administrators showed
humorous interest in why, whenever Stephen was sick, I was sick
One day, on the way to school, I told Stephen that I was going
to skip today. Stephen had some kind of thing going and he said
that he'd just as soon go to school. I argued with him (almost all
the way to the door) but he wouldn't budge. I waved goodbye and
walked away. I was going to go home but my mom was there so I
couldn't do that. I decided that I'd do exactly what we always
did; I went back to Stephen's.
His mother's car was gone and the house was empty so I went to
the side door and jimmied it open with the piece of plastic. The
house was empty and very quiet and, for once, I had it all to
myself. I didn't feel so much like an invading stranger because
I had been there so many times. I made myself a cup of tea and put
sugar in it and some milk from the carton that had been left out
on the table again. I went into the livingroom and turned on the
television. Channel 7 was showing a really funny Woody Allen
movie. It was the one where he took the Japanese spy movie and
erased all the sound and put his own soundtrack on it. It was
called "What's Up, Tiger Lily?"
There were a few pretty oriental gals in the movie. One kept
doing a striptease for Woody. I was soon feeling a little horny.
(I had a bit of a Woody myself.)
I got up and realized that, with the house to myself, I could go
into Stephanie's bedroom and snoop to my hearts content. I went
into the hallway and opened her, partially closed, door. The
shades were drawn and it was cozy in her room. Her bed was unmade
and some yellow pajama's lay discarded on the floor near the foot-
board. I picked up the pajama bottoms and, as I did, a pair of
white, lacy panties fell, from the leg opening, to the floor. I
picked them up and looked at them. The narrow crotch was thick
with Stephanie's feminine secretions.
My heart leapt to my throat as I held the pretty garment in my
hands! I looked more closely. The deposit, though becoming pasty,
was still moist. She must have taken them off just this morning,
maybe less than an hour ago. There were even three, beautiful,
delicate, light brown, pubic hairs in the pussy paste. I picked
them out carefully and put them in my shirt pocket.
My heart was pounding and my dick was as hard as iron as I slowly
raised the crotch of those soft, lovely panties to my nose and I
closed my eyes and deeply inhaled the wondrous odor of the very
snatch of my sweet beloved!
It was fantastic! I fell back on her bed!
This was my first encounter with a pair of worn panties. I knew
that I would never see Stephanie's pussy or actually eat her out
but, I reasoned, this was almost the next best thing!
I got into her unmade bed. I already knew what I was going to
do. I put my head on her pillow. It smelled of her sweet hair.
I unbuttoned my shirt and unsnapped my pants, pulling them down to
my ankles and exposing my dick which was pointing almost straight
up. I lay back and placed Stephanie's panties over my nose,
grabbed my cock and I started to fantasize as I jacked on myself
and smelled the strong, pungent essence of her most intimate scent.
It was sensory overload! I came in a matter of seconds, shooting
cum, in an arc, all over my chest and stomach.
I just lay there for long minutes, feeling my heart pounding in
my chest. After a while, I noticed that I still had a hard-on.
These panties were spicy enough for another go-round!
I lifted them from my face. They seemed to have gained more
feminine smell as my hot breath had remoistened what had been
drying. I sniffed them some more and my cock started to jerk and
bounce on it's own.
Now I put her panties back on my face again but this time I
opened them and placed my face into them so that the smelly crotch
was over my nose and mouth and the leg openings were like huge eye
holes. I must have looked like some kind of a faggoty, panty-
masked Martian!
I began to rhythmically inhale the scent of Stephanie's sweet
pussy now, like a drunken cat sniffing catnip. I started to jack
off slowly, savoring every nuance of nasty scent and sensation.
I jacked and sniffed and jacked and sniffed and jacked and sniffed,
picking up the tempo as I felt another orgasm drawing near. I
could sense that it was going to be a really big one this time and
I wanted to make it as huge a cum as I could. Just before I was
about to erupt, I pushed the thickly soiled crotch into my mouth
and sucked Stephanie's vaginal nectar onto my eager tongue. It was
salty and sweet and it, along with the smell of her pussy,
propelled me into the most massive orgasm I had ever had! Even in
its strong grip, I had the presence of mind to perform one more
deliciously perverted act. I snatched the panties from my face and
quickly wrapped the slimy crotch around my dickhead, spurting my
male seeds directly into Stephanie's female secretions.
I screamed from the thrill as I came and came and came, jacking
her dainty panties on my spewing cock and bucking my ass up so that
the bedsprings rattled and sang loudly.
My sperms must have wondered what the hell had happened. Here,
for once, I had ejected them into actual pussy fluid. One of them
must have yelled. "Hey boys! This might be it! Look for eggs!"
It took quite a while for my heartbeat and breathing to return
to normal. I pulled her soft panties from my cock and slowly sat
up and moved to the edge of her bed. As I unfolded the panties and
looked at the crotch now, it was doubly slimed with both her sexual
fluids and mine. The crotch was sopping! I dropped the panties
back on the floor, pulled up my pants, buttoned my shirt and left
her bedroom.
Now, calm again, I watched TV until Stephen came home.
He was surprised to find me there but seemed glad that I had
stayed and waited for him. We watched the usual programs and I
waited for Stephanie.
She never came home that afternoon. Once in a while, she did
stay at a girlfriend's after school. At five o'clock I went home.

The next day I walked to Stephen's, as usual, and we walked to
school together. On the way, I asked him when Stephanie had gotten
home yesterday.
"Oh that stupid bitch!" He laughed.
"Do you know what that dumb cunt did?" He was chuckling loudly
"She skipped school yesterday!"
This was unheard of for Stephanie.
"With her girlfriend?" I asked.
"No. The dumb bitch stayed home! I don't know. Maybe she had
a bottle of booze hidden away and she was going to get drunk or
something. Anyway, she stayed home and, when she heard someone
breaking into the side door, she ran and hid in her closet!"
"What?" My heart started to pound.
"Yeah! Ain't that a scream? She hid in the closet and then, she
says, she heard the burglar put the kettle on and make himself a
cup of tea and then he turned on the television. She was really
scared! She thought the guy would find her and rape her!" Stephen
really laughed loudly now, bending over and slapping his knee. "As
if anyone, in his right mind, would want to fuck that stupid
"So what happened?" I asked, fearing the answer.
"Then, she says, the guy comes to her bedroom. She was almost
ready to piss in her pants and then she see's, through the slats
in the door, that it was just you! But she was so embarrassed,
that she was hiding in her own closet, that she didn't come out or
say anything to you. The dumb cunt stayed in the closet until you
left at five! She was in there all day!"
"Stephen," I said, shaking now as I watched him laugh, "Please
tell me that you're joking!"
"You're joking, right?"
Stephen stopped laughing now. "No. That's what she told me when
she came into the livingroom yesterday, just after you left. Why?
Isn't that a riot? Ain't that the dumbest thing you ever heard a
girl do?"
I tried to swallow but my mouth was dry. "Is that all she said?"
"Yeah," he shrugged, "what more could there be? What could be
any dumber than that?"
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Panty "BRONZE"

Joined: Feb 12, 2007
Posts: 6
Location: china

PostPosted: Sat Jul 21, 2007 6:03 am    Post subject: Re: Differnt Sisters 1/2 Reply with quote

good job!!!
force me to think of almost the same experiencement of my self~~
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