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How many members have stolen panties?
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Joined: Jan 09, 2007
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 09, 2007 12:22 am    Post subject: Re: How many members have stolen panties? Reply with quote

Kim, with you being in this forum i guess you secretly want your panties to go missing that way you could Pantisise about who has the panties over their nose whilst thrashing their cock off sniffing on your juices. Come on now girlie tell the truth to the boys in the room. Any chance of a pic of you?
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Joined: Nov 09, 2005
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 09, 2007 12:05 pm    Post subject: Re: How many members have stolen panties? Reply with quote

Hmmm...You think so?
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Joined: Jan 09, 2007
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 09, 2007 4:39 pm    Post subject: Re: How many members have stolen panties? Reply with quote

onI have a better idea. I could raid your panty draweer and quickly spank my monkey into the gusset of your panties and place them at the bottom of your drawer. Next time you go to wear them your juices would be mixing with mine. Best you start checking your panty drawer and checking the gussets for signs of man fat stain. Dont want you to get a complex but best you check because you never know who's been in your house chokin their chicken into your lovely lingerie. ;-)
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Joined: Nov 09, 2005
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 09, 2007 8:59 pm    Post subject: Re: How many members have stolen panties? Reply with quote

I guess that's quite possible. As a matter of fact the panties I took out of my drawer and put on this morning felt rather damp in the crotch! Maybe some naughty panty boy HAS been raiding my panty drawer! I thought it must have been my husband, but who knows!!!
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PostPosted: Sat Feb 10, 2007 1:21 am    Post subject: Re: How many members have stolen panties? Reply with quote

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Panty "SILVER"

Joined: Jun 09, 2006
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PostPosted: Sat Feb 10, 2007 1:56 pm    Post subject: Re: How many members have stolen panties? Reply with quote

What about a woman raiding another woman's panty drawer, putting on a pair of her clean panties, then playing with herself in them to get them all wet, then putting them back in the drawer for the other woman to wear?

I'm sure it's a pretty rare thing, but lovely to think about!
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Joined: Feb 11, 2007
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 13, 2007 3:50 pm    Post subject: Re: How many members have stolen panties? Reply with quote

My job leaves me in peoples houses alone all the time. I used to steal panties by putting them down my pants and walking out the door right, sometimes with the woman standing right in front of me (she came home after i had my adventure in her drawers). I decided it was not a good idea to steal from my customers, not only would i lose my job, but i would never get another one. i sometimes now have the overwhelming desire to look at her pantydrawer, and now i steal a picture of it instead and play when i get home.
i also find it is almost as much fun to buy panties, to stand in line with other women in a nice dept store with a hand full of panties, have them give me funny looks. i really love that. i see them looking at me and you know they are wondering....is he buying those for himself...and i just want to scream and say...YES THESE ARE MINE!... he he....
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Joined: Nov 09, 2005
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 13, 2007 4:36 pm    Post subject: Re: How many members have stolen panties? Reply with quote

achyfi wrote:
What about a woman raiding another woman's panty drawer, putting on a pair of her clean panties, then playing with herself in them to get them all wet, then putting them back in the drawer for the other woman to wear?

I'm sure it's a pretty rare thing, but lovely to think about!
About a year ago my girlfriend asked if I'd watch their house while they were away for a few days. The first day I went over to get the mail and check on the house plants. I went into their bedroom and as soon as I saw her dresser I started getting some naughty thoughts. She is an extremely hot girl and I told myself I wouldn't do it but I just couldn't resist. I opened her panty drawer and instantly got turned on. I picked up a pretty yellow satin and lace bikini. Without even thinking twice I dropped my jeans, pulled off my panties, and put on hers. I could not believe how hot I got!
I began to play with myself until I came and her panties were soaked.
Then I panicked! I took them off, rushed down to her washing machine, cleaned and dried them, and then folded and placed them back in her drawer exactly as I found them. I was so nervous on the way home I swore I'd never do that again!
Next day I went over again and guess what, I couldn't help myself, I did the same thing again. This time with a different pair AND I put on one of her bras too! Thank goodness they came home the following day because there's no telling what I might have done the third time! That's the first time I've ever done that and haven't done anything like it since, but I still get flutters everytime I go to their house or even just thinking about what I did! I really did like it!
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Panty "BRONZE"

Joined: Jun 03, 2006
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PostPosted: Wed Mar 14, 2007 9:26 pm    Post subject: Re: How many members have stolen panties? Reply with quote

I have stolen many pairs of Panties from laundry rooms over 20 Years
ago from an Aparment House laudry room where I grew Up. I never
really felt Guilty anf I got away with it. I just took from the Washer or
Dryer, stuffed them in my Pocket and Hurried to the Elevator to my
House. Most were Cotton Bikini's about 30 Pairs, One or Two Nylon. A
few Briefs. I do not even Think The Panties were Reported Missing. :-)
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Panty "GOLD"

Joined: Nov 07, 2005
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 19, 2007 2:55 pm    Post subject: Re: How many members have stolen panties? Reply with quote

Kimscumming wrote:
iamthepantyman wrote:
Regarding the issue of a girl noticing her panties are missing well most girls have more panties than to shake a shitty stick at. Basically they wont miss them.
Not entirely true! Your right, I like most women have lots of panties but many of them go with matching bras and some are just favorites of mine that I wear often. If any of those would come up missing I would definately know. First I would ask my husband if he took them, and if he didn't I would have to assume either the washer or dryer ate them or someone stole them! There are quite a few that I don't wear often and probably would never miss them! If I didn't wear them much you wouldn't find them in the hamper or washer, and they wouldn't have any good "scent" to them so no point in taking them, right? Which leaves only my favorites...I would know!

kim have you ever had visitors to your home,and then later on noticed that any of your panties had gone missing from your laundry hamper?(because you understand that all us chaps enjoy this art of sniffing it would be great if you could set up a situation where someone invited to your home came upon your delicious unwashed undies and sniffed them and then you checked out the hamper to see if they had been disturbed) but not to upset the culprit by telling him you found out, it would just be your delicious secret.
Of course you would have to make sure you used panties that perhaps you did not mind loseing.
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Panty "SILVER"

Joined: Mar 15, 2007
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 19, 2007 6:25 pm    Post subject: Re: How many members have stolen panties? Reply with quote

I have been stealing panties for over...well 40 years now. There is no greater high for me than sliding open that pantny drawer. Sometimes the hamper or finding some on the floor is also a real turn on. I will steal them from all ages of females, I prefer the girls to be old enough to wear a bra..just me. Borrowed some from a neighbor a month ago and she is pushing 70, not real sexy panties but I the timing was right and I never miss a chance to borrow a pair. In my younger days I sometimes would steal the sexiest pair in the drawer and always wonder how long they looked for that special pair.
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Joined: Jun 25, 2006
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PostPosted: Mon Apr 30, 2007 1:07 am    Post subject: Re: How many members have stolen panties? Reply with quote

II only stole panties many times during my yrs in high school and out of school. I would raid the girls locker rm and take what ever pairs of panties I could find and take them home and play with myself in them and then id masterbate myself thinking of the girl who wore those panties, what a turn on i had. When i left home for good I would go into the laundry mates and check the driers to see if there were any panties to steal. I'd find them and take, they were so easy to put into your pocket that i would do it all the time and not get caught. Today you don't dare do it anymore, as you have indicaded to many cameras around, never know who is watching. Oh there was this one at home i did check my next door neighbor to see if she had any panties in the washing machine, And she did, a nice white see thru lace panties, biki style. size 5 boy they felt good on me and i did masterbate myself and ejeckulated in them as well, thinking of this blue eyed blonde. What i would not have done to fuck her pussy and her panties.I would have loved every minute of it. To this I still think of her and i jerk off in a pair of my wife's panties.
I love masterbating in panties.
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Panty "BRONZE"

Joined: Apr 30, 2007
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PostPosted: Wed May 02, 2007 8:07 pm    Post subject: Re: How many members have stolen panties? Reply with quote

Have stolen many panties over the years. From when living in apartments to doing maintenance work in buildings.Best years from was doing work in homes and having free access all day long. Greatest find was from a very beautiful dark haired woman who was home sick while I worked in her home and found a pair atop her basket in the bedroom. Swear had never found a more creamy pair then hers and just had to take them, the urge overtook the risk and yes, as I was talking to her before I left, they were stuffed down my pants. I couldn't get out the door fast enough with my prize and trying to hide my excitedness. :wink:
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Joined: Jun 25, 2006
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PostPosted: Tue May 15, 2007 9:59 pm    Post subject: Re: How many members have stolen panties? Reply with quote

:D :D :D :D :D Hi everyone,

There is something about panties that turns us guys on when ever we see girls showing their panties in public or in their homes. It is just fun to look at all the defferent panties that girls wear every day that get our booners going big time. I know when i left home i could not waite to try on my first pair of panties,it was the most warming experience i ever had. When i first but on my new panties, my cock got real big and hard in them, that my cock stuck straight out in the panties, it was like being in heaven. As I stood over the toliet i would pee the panties, thinking of a girls private parts and then i would take the soaked panties and masterbate myself in them, what a beautiful feeling it was. After doing this for five yrs, i decided to steal panties for a while, mainly from the laudrymates. I always had a turn on whenever i took a pair of panties from the laundrymate, I would take the panties home try them on and then i would pee in them and finally i would masterbate myself with the panties, i especially loved satin or silk panties, something about the feel that sents the penis into over drive, other words you go off real fast with ejeckulations. Finally i met my girlfriend, it was here that i became a true pantylover. When i was over to her apartment, i would check out her panties, their were may a time that i would give myself a good jerk off in them. She knew what i was doing, because she told me how she would play with herself in her own panties thinking of my hard long cock inside her pussy hole fucking her all the way to orgazism and beyond. She even told me to take her panties any time i needed to masterbate myself, so i did. There was this one time when she was in the bathrm getting undress, that i got a good look at her with nothing on, I was having a real booner right then and there, so i asked her i need a pair of her panties she said ok, so i went to her panty drawer and took three pairs of satin panties, i went back and watched her get undressed, as i was watching, i took her panties and masterbated myself, then she said come in here and do with me in the shower, so i did all the way, as for the rest of the night ? Well we made love with some real panty sex and pussy fucking, which i gave a load every hr on the hr. She loved it. As for panties, i was hooked for life. I did steal pantiesas often as i could, and i would wear the panties to bed and have sex with my wife. She enjoyed it and so did i.
I am such a bad boy, but i love panties and i love jerking off as much as i can. Its good for the heart as well - sex i mean.
My wife does approve of me wearing panties but not stealing them anymore. instead she does buy me panties as often as she can.
I LOVE SEX AND PANTIES ITS MY LIFE> So girls keep showing us your panties, our cocks need a work out. :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink:
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Joined: Nov 08, 2005
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PostPosted: Wed May 23, 2007 6:00 am    Post subject: Re: How many members have stolen panties? Reply with quote

Over the past 25 years or so, I've pilfered a number of panties. Started with playing with my old childhood buddy's sisters panties. Didn't take them, only checked them out. This was the 80s, and nylon bikinis were prevalent. Then, his dad hooked up with this other lady who had a daughter. She was chubby, and not bad looking. Not great either, but had lots of pretty friends. Nevertheless, I was close with the family, and scored numerous pairs from her. The last time I took a pair from her, they were large briefs, and she'd gained a lot of weight, and that was early 1990s.

College in the late 80s, 1990 was awesome. So many girls who had panties to show. Lots of upskirts in the sunshine, sitting on stairs and the grass, as well as some careless girls propping their legs up on chairs. I became more bold taking panties from girls' apartments since I'd scored a job working for an apartment complex. Every girl I hooked up with, and played with, indulged in my panty fetish. For some reason, I was not as open about that as I am today. I met my current girlfriend in 1995, and stole a pair of brown string panties from her panty drawer. A few hours after our first date, I was licking her pussy thru her blue string bikinis. She moved in with me in early 1996, and it was panties galore!! I took panties from girls in other apartments, girls I knew, and asked girls that we met up as swingers for their panties, as well as girls we pick up for 3somes....

Best of all, I asked a girl I met downtown for her panties, and she took them off from under her skirt, and handed them to me, in exchange for paying cover for her & 2 friends. This was after getting an upskirt of them, as she got into her car.

I continued taking panties from women when I had the chance, then started realizing, that hidden cameras are cheap, small, and more common than you would think. I determined the risk to randomly take panties, to be too high, so I don't do that anymore from just any one.

I only take panties from girls I fool around with, party with, or who are so messy that they wouldn't miss it. It is so tempting to check girls' panty drawers out, when you know how hot they are!!
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