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Joined: Dec 28, 2016
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 08, 2019 1:26 am    Post subject: Bucket list Reply with quote

I consider myself to be your pretty average young girl, 18 years old, 4 foot 10 inches tall with long, blonde hair. I'm skinny and have a 32AA-23-30 figure with my little tits high up on my chest.

I have recently left college, got a job and moved out of the family home and now share an apartment with 2 other single young people, 1 guy and 1 girl.
One being my brother
The thing is, I have tons of erotic thoughts, all of them around me being naked. I've got a sort of mental 'bucket list' and the bucket is in 2 sections, those that I still want to try sometime and those that I have done but would like to do again. The list isn't in any particular order other than the complete ones are first but even those didn't happen in the order that they are written.

1. To be stripped naked and exposed to lots of people - Completed.

I think that this was the incident that really started me thinking these thoughts.

When I was in college I was in the girls hockey team and we competed in a county wide competition, travelling on a bus to the 'away' games. We had just finished a game at a college on the other side of the county and had just arrived back in the changing room to shower and get ready to take the bus home when one of the girls announced that it was my 18th birthday that day.

After a few congratulations some of the girls gathered around me and the captain told everyone that there was a tradition that took place whenever a member of the team played in a competition game on her birthday. She said that the birthday girl had to be stripped naked then there would be a surprise for her.

Well all the team strip and shower so that was no big deal, but when I'd finished my shower the captain, Mary, told me to stay naked whilst the rest of the team got dressed.

No big deal so far, but I was a little curious as to why I couldn't put my clothes on.

Then I found out. Mary, told 4 girls to grab an arm or a leg and lift me into the air.

"They're going to give me the naked bumps." I thought, but no.

Once I was up in the air Mary told the girls to carry me and follow her. The bitch had them carry me to the men's changing room and then the men's shower where the local men's team had just finished their game and most of them were in the shower.

Oh my gawd, I had never seen naked men before, and never been seen naked by men before. I was sooo embarrassed at being put down onto my feet and held with my hands behind my back by my team mates so that my tiny tits and little landing strip were on show to all the guys to see.

They held me there as the guys surrounded us then let my team mates out. They ran out of the men's changing room giggling as I pleaded with the naked guys to let me go. I had mental visions of me being raped and gang raped, but the guys never touched my tits or pussy. The just kept changing places with each other so that they could finish their shower, keeping me surrounded all the time.

When the showers were over they shuffled me into the changing area and took it in turns to keep me there until they were all dressed leaving me the only naked person there.

Then, still surrounding me, they shuffled me outside and to the bus to take us all back to our college.

The bus driver just smiled at me as I got on and he saw that I was naked. All the girls cheered as I hurried to take a seat with the girls.

They wouldn't tell me where my clothes were, or lend me anything to cover myself right until we got back to our college. Then Mary gave me my clothes and told me that I could get dressed. As they all filed off the coach, each of the girls kissed my face cheeks and wished me a happy birthday.

I was the last to leave the coach and the driver wished me a happy birthday as well.

The thing was, during a quiet moment of the journey I realised that I was quite aroused by the whole experience. I so wanted to make myself cum but there was no way that I was going touch myself on that coach. I waited until I got home and in the safety of my room.

2. To not wear knickers under a really short skirt to a place where there was a reasonable chance that people would see up my skirt - Completed.

The first time that I did this was on my last holiday with my parents. We went to a seaside town for a week that turned out to be one of the best (weather wise) of the year.

Nick (my brother who is only a year older than me) who I live with now and I had to share a twin room with him. This often happened and was never a problem, apart from him farting, as we always got changed in the bathroom

Whilst I was getting ready to go out on the second evening, Scott suddenly said,

"Are you going out like that ?"

"Yes, why?"

"But you haven't got any knickers on."

"How do you know, and so what?"

"You bent over to unplug your hairdryer and I saw your pussy; and people might see up that short skirt."

"You shouldn't be looking, you're my brother, and I don't intend to bend over when we're out."

Well that was my intention, and after my mother gave me some grief for wearing such a short skirt, my parents decided that Nick and I would go to the funfair for a couple of hours then meet them in a big pub where we were going to get something to eat later.

I didn't think anything of it when Nick decided that he wanted to go on the roller coaster and we got the tickets and went to the entrance. It was only when the attendant ushered us into the seats and lifted the safety barriers that I realised that he could see my pussy because one part of the barrier came up between our legs so I couldn't keep them closed.

My face was bright red as the attendant fastened the bar and looked at my face. Talk about embarrassed, I just wanted to go and hide somewhere.

As the ride started I soon felt the air rushing passed my uncovered pussy and it started feeling good. By the end of the ride I just wanted to go again and was sure that if I did, I would have an orgasm even though my younger brother was sat next to me.

Unfortunately, Nick had had enough and we wandered on, stopping at the pinball machines.

"Bet I can get the highest score?" Nick said.

"I'll thrash you bro." I said, then climbed on the step so that I could play.

It was only after I had thrashed Nick that we moved on and Nick said,

"You do realise that those guys watching you from behind were actually looking up your skirt don't you?"

"Don't be silly, they were only watching me thrash you at pinball."

"Whatever." Nick replied.

As we continued walking around I wondered if those guys had been looking at my pussy. I got all tingly and wet thinking about it.

I managed to get away with wearing that skirt for most of the rest of the holiday without my parents realising that I wasn't wearing any knickers and I really enjoyed the experience.

3. To be a nude model for an art class - Completed.

Shortly after I moved out of the family home to live in a shared apartment in another city, I saw an advert for a nude art model and jumped at the chance. When I phoned about the job the woman asked me if I'd done any nude modelling before. When I admitted that I hadn't I added that I really needed the money and was prepared to try it, the woman suggested that I go along to the studio and have a look around. I did, then asked about how many people I would have to pose in front of.

"You're really nervous about this aren't you?"

"Yes I am, but I really want to do it."

"How about you pose for just 1 person to start with?" She asked.

"I guess that would be a good start."

"Well I have an artist coming over in 15 minutes, how about you pose for a couple of sketches to see what it's like?"

"I guess so; I probably won't freak out in front of just 1 person whereas 6 or 7 people might just make me run away."

"Okay, hang around, have a look through all the students drawings. I'll let you know when we are ready for you."

I was in the store room when the woman came to tell me that they were ready for me.

"Where do I take my clothes off?" I asked.

"The models usually go behind the screens in the studio but you can disrobe in here if you like, just come through when you are ready."

I stood there for a few seconds, shaking and realising that I was actually going to get naked in front of an artist and the studio manager. That was not what I expected when I left home that day. As I stripped I realised that my nipples were rock hard and tingling. The tingling felt as though it was linked to my dripping pussy that was also tingling like hell.

I opened the door and stepped out. Then I got a bit of a shock. For some reason I was expecting the artist to be a middle-aged woman but it wasn't, it was a cute young man who didn't look to be much older than I was.

My heart started pounding and I'm sure that my pussy was literally dripping as I walked over to the man.

"Hi, I'm Zack, thank you so much for modelling for me. I hear that this is your first time, try and relax and be yourself, there's no right or wrong thing for you to do or feel. I'll direct you into the pose that I want then just pretend that you are here on your own."

"Easier said than done." I replied, "but I'll try."

"That's all that I ask. Okay let's get started, please can you sit in that chair?"

I did.

"Good, now can you shuffle your butt to the front edge of the chair and lay back. Then can you act and look as if you are totally knackered please?"

I did, and let my arms hang over the arms of the chair and my knees fall slightly apart.

"Good, good, a little more tired and couldn't care less expression please."

I did, and after more praise I was told to stay like I was. It was only after a couple of minutes that I realised that my knees had drifted further apart and that Zack could see every detail of my pussy. He kept looking up at me and I was convinced that he was looking at my pussy each time that he looked up.

The more that I thought about it the more that I got aroused and the more that I got embarrassed. I was torn between closing my knees, standing up and going and getting dressed, and spreading my knees some more, expecting Zack to be able to see even more of my pussy, if that was possible.

Anyway, I was just about to spread my knees some more when Zack said,

"Good, thank you , would you like to come and look at the sketch?"

"That was quick." I said as I got to my feet.

"Sorry, there's usually a robe for the models to wear but I can't see it anywhere."

"That's okay." I replied then realised that I was walking over to look at his sketch and I was still totally naked.

I blushed, but at the same time a bolt of electricity went from my pussy to my nipples and I felt my pussy get even wetter.

I stood next to Zack and told him that the sketch was amazing, and it was. I could easily recognise my face but when I looked down to the drawing of my pussy I blushed even more. Oh my gawd, he'd drawn every little curve and even my vagina entrance which looked to be open. I wanted to put my hand to my pussy to check if it actually was open, but I managed to resist that urge.

Then I looked up the sketch a little then said,

"You haven't drawn my little landing strip."

"No, I think that pubic hair is ugly so my sketches never show any."

"Okay, no problem." I replied and wondered if I should shave it off.

"So you like it ? Would you like to pose for another, if you have the time that is?"

"Err yes, why not. I never expected to be naked today, but hey, I guess that it will help me when I have to pose in front of a whole class of wanna be artists."

"Yes , I could see your level of nervousness decreasing as you posed but there was still some there when I was finished."

"How on earth could you tell that?"

"An artist spots lots of little details that your average person misses."

"Well you correctly picked up on that. Don't worry, I left those details off the sketch."

"Thank you Zack, okay, I'm happy to pose for another one, how do you want me to pose?"

"Well, I was thinking that you could pose for a genitals only sketch. Now before you start to panic I was thinking that if you can cope with posing for a sketch like that you will easily cope with a class of student artists looking at you."

As Zack was saying all that I was starting to panic, my heart was racing but my pussy was gushing and my nipples and clit were throbbing.

Zack had stopped talking but I was still silent. I was trying to decide if I should run away or do it. My brain was torn between the 2 options but I realised that my body wanted to do it. After what seemed like an eternity, but was probably less than a minute, I quietly replied,

"I'll do it."

"Good on you it will boost your confidence no end. Now, when you are ready can you get on your back on the floor with your feet facing me."

I had to force my feet to move and I slowly got down and lay as instructed.

"Good now can you lift your legs right up then pull them back so that your feet are near your head?"

I did and felt so exposed.

"Well done , now please hold your ankles with your hands and push your feet as wide apart as you can?"

I thought that my heart was going to explode out of my chest. I could feel my face burning and as I looking down my body I could see that my nipples were the hardest and biggest that I have ever seen them. Looking further down I could see my throbbing clitoris poking out from its hood and my whole labia was swollen and wetter than I had ever seen it.

Not only did I want to die, I wanted to cum as well.

"OMG, how could I expose myself to a man, a man that I'd only just met, like I was doing?" I thought, "and why is my body enjoying it so much?"

I couldn't answer my thoughts and I just lay there wishing that I could get up and run home or shrivel up and dissolve into the carpet, but also wishing that I could stay like that for ever.

I had to lay like that for hours, or was it just a few minutes, before I finally heard Zack say,

"Nearly done Jenna, just a few seconds more."

My body must have registered that I was about to get up and it decided that it had one more humiliation for me and I started to orgasm.

I tried, but couldn't contain the need to scream out and for my body to jerk and my pussy convulse as it tried to suck in the penis that wasn't there. My hands gripped my ankles so hard that my hands started to hurt but at the same time my arms pushed my ankles as wide as they could go.

When I was able to speak coherently I started to apologise to Zack but got stopped quite soon.

"No, no you have nothing to apologise for. It was a beautiful sight. You are not the first girl to have an orgasm whilst posing for me and I doubt that you will be the last. An orgasm is one of a woman's most wonderful functions and I wish that I could find a woman who could orgasm over and over for long enough for me to capture the image on canvas. Just stay there for a few more seconds then you can come and look at my work."

I lay there, my heartbeat slowly reducing to sub 1,000 beats per minute. Well that's what it felt like. Finally, Zack said that he was done and I released the iron grip that my hands had on my ankles and my legs slowly went down to the carpet.

I lay there spread eagled for a few seconds before getting to my feet and walking over to Zack. I gasped when I first saw the sketch. OMG, Zack had captured a scene that I had never seen before.

Every nook and cranny of my pussy was there, every bit of my juices were there, the insides of the entrance to my vagina were there, my clitoris was there; and moving up my body my rock hard nipples were there, my face was there with its expressions of horror and pleasure were there.

I just stood there with my mouth and eyes wide open for ages before finally saying,

"That's awesome Zack, totally awesome. How the hell do you do that? It's me, definitely me, but at the same time it isn't the me that I know. Do I really look like that?"

"Yes that is you, the very beautiful you and your orgasm gave me the final touches to add. This sketch will be worth a fortune."

"You're going to sell it?"

"I sell all my art it's the way that I make a living."

"But ... okay, I guess that I understand, but it's me. I want to keep that image forever."

"You can take a photograph of it if you like. Hang on, I'll just sign it first."

I turned and almost ran to the store room to get my phone. When I returned I saw the smiling Zack watch me approach him. I quickly took about 4 photos of the sketch of my pussy then Zack said,

"Would you like me to take some photos of you stood next to the sketch, and maybe in the same pose?"

"Would you? Yes please, that would be wonderful."

I stood there in all my naked glory as Zack took some photos of me looking at the sketch of my pussy. As I stood there Zack said,

"See , your embarrassment has gone, you'll do just fine when you are in the front of a class of students."

I suddenly realised that I was no longer embarrassed. I was totally naked in front of this man and about to get back into the pose that would have mortified me just a few hours ago, and embarrassment was the last thing on my mind. I was as horny as hell but not embarrassed.

I thought the same as I lay on the floor holding my ankles as far apart as I could again. My pussy didn't feel quite as wet as it had before but if Zack had been my lover I would have told him to fuck me right there and then.

Instead, I smiled as Zack took photo after photo of my spread pussy with my throbbing clitoris poking up in the air, my still rock hard and throbbing nipples standing on what looked like a very flat chest and my smiling face. Yes, I was loving every second of it.

All too soon it was over and I was stood next to Zack as he scrolled through the photos in my gallery, stopping to 2 finger zoom in and out when he wanted me to see my pussy in more detail. I wasn't at all embarrassed as he zoomed in on my open vaginal entrance, in fact I commented on how wet I was.

"It's perfectly natural to be that wet." Zack said.

Without the slightest hint of embarrassment I replied,

"Yes, I've got used to being wet nearly all the time."

When Zack had shown me the last photo he told me that I needed to copy the photos to somewhere safe so that if I lost my phone I still had them; then he got out his wallet and gave me £40.

"What's this for?" I asked.

"For posing for me. My models always get paid, it's their advance share of the money that I'll get when I sell the paintings or sketches."

"Oh, thank you. You know that when I arrived her I thought it was just for an interview, and here I am £40 better off and looking forward to standing naked in front of a class of wannabes."

"And you're still naked."

"Oh gosh, I'd better go and get dressed."

I took my phone and went to the store room.

I picked up my thong and put one foot in it then decided that I needed to wipe my pussy. I mentally went through what I had with me and what I could see around the room then decided that all I had was the thong.

Stepping out of it I then used it to wipe up as much of my juices as I could. The thong was nowhere near big enough so I did what I could then threw it into a rubbish bin that was near the door.

Commando under my skirt I stepped out of the room and realised that Zack had gone and been replaced by the middle aged woman whom I'd met earlier.

"Everything okay ?" the woman asked.

"Err yes, you probably knew that I was nervous but Zack has knocked that out of me, I'm looking forward to the first class. Tuesday evening didn't you say.
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 08, 2019 8:12 pm    Post subject: Re: Bucket list Reply with quote

Very interesting and exciting story, especially with you posing for the artist.
I can not draw worth a damn, but sure would like to find someone like you to try and draw and paint, perhaps more too.
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Joined: Dec 28, 2016
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 09, 2019 11:10 am    Post subject: Re: Bucket list Reply with quote

Thanks for the love , maybe you will find a muse to pose for you to practice your drawing and painting of
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