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What do I do now?
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Panty "BRONZE"

Joined: Aug 08, 2007
Posts: 3

PostPosted: Sun Aug 17, 2008 4:16 pm    Post subject: What do I do now? Reply with quote

In my last post I stated the my wife finally knows that I wear panties. She hasn't told me not to wear them but she will make a smart remark about it now and then. I've been slipping a bit more"panty-like" panties in my panty drawer here lately; a couple of microfiber string bikinis with stripes and a pink pair of bikinis. I noticed yesterday after my wife had done the laundry and put it away that those panties were missing along with a few other pair. I'm now wandering if this is her way of saying no, you're not wearing these. I didn't say anything to her and she didn't mention it to me either. She didn't act as if she was mad or if anything was wrong. I thought she might had thrown them away but I checked the trash and they weren't there. I came home today and did a little more snooping. My wife has taken them out of my drawer and hid them in her closet. Hmmm? If she didn't want me to wear them wouldn't she have just thrown them away and been mad at me? Or maybe she is going to get in on the panty fun as well and wear them for me sometime. I'm at a lost. What should be my next move?
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Panty "GOLD"

Joined: Feb 08, 2008
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PostPosted: Sun Aug 17, 2008 6:31 pm    Post subject: Re: What do I do now? Reply with quote

The VERY FIRST THING that you need to do is to sit down with you wife and TALK to her about this. Stop wondering what she is thinking and ask her. She may want to put certain restricions as to what she is comfortable with. She might not want you wearing frilly panties, but is not against you wearing "plain" panties, this way she can tell herself that you are wearing mens fashion underwear. Now, YOU have to let her know what you like to wear and why. Tell her that you do not want to become a woman and are not thnking of having any operation(unless you are!!) this way she can find out from you just how far you are into this lingere fetish. You have to come to a mutual agreement as to what you can wear. Maybe she will allow you to wear more feminine items when not in her presence, but when you two are together, more bsic items. You have to remember that this is YOUR fetish not hers, and that you two have to agree of things. You are very lucky to have a wife that even allows plain panties. Maybe in time she will warm up to the other items, but the MOST important thing is to talk to each other about these things. Communication between you two is the most important thing. Maybe she will allow you to get all dolled up once a year or once a month, what ever she is willing ot allow, take it and be happy, in time she may just get into this fetish of yours. Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Peta. PS keep us informed n how things go.
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Joined: Nov 26, 2007
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PostPosted: Sun Aug 17, 2008 8:51 pm    Post subject: Re: What do I do now? Reply with quote

Personally I'd just tell her about the fetish and be done with it.The day youask permission is the LAST day of your life as a man ... you then become a mouse I'm afraid!
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Panty "BRONZE"

Joined: May 30, 2008
Posts: 8

PostPosted: Wed Aug 20, 2008 10:50 pm    Post subject: Re: What do I do now? Reply with quote

Peta wrote:
The VERY FIRST THING that you need to do is to sit down with you wife and TALK to her about this. Stop wondering what she is thinking and ask her. Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Peta.

top notch advice, i must say.

from the description of events...

i would venture to say she probably not in favor of you in panties.
and like yourself is not to sure, or experienced in voicing her concerns.
the fact that she did not throw them away is way cool,
and leads me to think, if you take a little initiative and show her you are not
of the "panties vs. wife" mindset ... it might put her worried mind at ease
enough to at least discuss the topic... with YOU.

the converse of this approach is MUCH, MUCH more straightforward. not addressing it will only be the building blocks for deceit, fear, dis-trust, anger, the dark side of the force! Smile and all of those lead to one thing... having an ex-wife. which i will assume for this post is NOT on your "to-do" list at the present moment.

almost a guarantee she is MORE nervous about approaching the subject than you are. so pay extra mind to avoid letting your nervousness let you become wishy washy, embarrassed, (which will spike your anxiety levels and possibly lead you to become angry and defensive and cause you both to say things that get regretted almost as soon as they leave the mouth...

oh... and btw... i in no way shape or form am insinuating I am accomplished at this art form of "tempering my emotions." it is only through time tested methods that i am so sure about the "negative" aspects of the "wrong" approach. he...he...he. =o/

best of luck ... my name is mike. nice to meet ya!
and please do let the forum of how the events unfold.
(or remain folded. ) Rolling Eyes
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Joined: Oct 11, 2007
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 21, 2008 11:29 pm    Post subject: Re: What do I do now? Reply with quote

Yep. Communication with her would be the best thing before you go any further.

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Joined: Nov 26, 2007
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Location: Cambridge UK

PostPosted: Thu Aug 21, 2008 11:55 pm    Post subject: Re: What do I do now? Reply with quote

Is "Coster" a psychiatrist or psychologist??? I've never read so much self opinionated crap.

This member isn't about to announce that he's a serial killer or has a weapon to destroy the world ... HE LIKES KNICKERS!!!! So what???

I've already told him that if his wife gets to think she got the whip hand then his life will be made a misery.

He needs to face his wife and tell her he has a fetish - if she says it's all over she's probably doing him a favour as no partner should have that sort of power over her opposite number.

Some people need to grow up ... this is not a nursery,it's a knicker fetish site - stop treating it like the United Nations
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Panty "GOLD"

Joined: Sep 04, 2007
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Location: new hampshire

PostPosted: Mon Sep 08, 2008 4:17 pm    Post subject: Re: What do I do now? Reply with quote

if you like pantis wear them get rid of those man things yuk mens underwear suck bring on the panties
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Joined: Nov 26, 2007
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Location: Cambridge UK

PostPosted: Mon Sep 08, 2008 4:21 pm    Post subject: Re: What do I do now? Reply with quote

To jdc.3 :.....

You're an adult -sort yourself out man - don't be a whimp.
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