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Days of the week panties
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Panty "BRONZE"

Joined: Jun 29, 2008
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 03, 2011 12:00 pm    Post subject: Days of the week panties Reply with quote

My title says it all. “Days of the Week” These have to be the most famous panties of all time.

I have been very fortunate to have a wife (I have been married for 35 years to) who still has several original sets of “DOTW” and other vintage nylon panties.

Occasionally she will still wear them, but ever sparingly. The reason is that they are close to 40 years old.

My wife received her first set of “Days” in 1970 as a Christmas present. Her older sister Kris and her cousin Laurie also received the same present “DOTW” panties from her Mother. This was interesting in that her sister was 23 at the time, Cousin Laurie was 18 and my wife was just 16. Kris and Laurie each gave her their Christmas “DOTW” presents to my wife. Her sister thought they were to juvenile to wear. Cousin Laurie was a senior in high school and would be to embarrassed to be seen wearing them.

It was shortly after we started to date that I was over her house when curiosity got to me. I wondered what kind of panties she wore. I went to the bathroom and sure enough there was a hamper. I will never forget that day.

They were a nice pair of white panties. Once I saw them I was hooked on them like a drug.

They were a pair of “Days of the week” with the day Sunday embroidered on the front in pink lettering.

I wanted more. As the weeks went by the daily trip to the hamper revealed the other days. Sometimes there would be multiple “Days” as the hamper was not emptied for a few days. Strange in that I never found a pair of Friday’s or Saturday.

Once we were thumb wrestling and I made a bet with her. If I beat her she had to give me a pair of her panties. I did beat her and she gave me her blue “Wednesday” pair.

This was the open door I needed to question her about the days that she didn’t know I had been looking at.

I asked her more about them as to what were the other colors and were there 7 days to a week. She did describe all the color combination. Something else she told me was that she had been given the same panties as Christmas presents 3 years in a row. Also her sister Kris and Cousin Laurie had given her their “DOTW” Christmas presents. I did the math and came up with 5 sets of days.

Before I was rewarded with the “Wednesday” pair I was able to have a peek in her underwear drawer. I was blown away when I opened the drawer and found it filled with various color bikini panties. Also strange enough that after she finally described them to me I never saw a pair of red or black panties in the drawer.

One time during our many “DOTW” discussions my wife finally elaborated to the mystery of what happened to the Friday and Saturday panties. Her Mother took the Red Friday’s and Black Saturday’s from her because they were not the proper colors a 16 year old should be wearing.

I eventually found the missing Red "Fridays" and Black "Saturday" panties that were to risque.

Once we got married in 1975 and moved into our first apartment I was putting the drawers back in the dresser when of course I got to her panty drawer and noticed them. .I asked her were did these come from because I had never seen the red or black before.

She told me that her mother confiscated them and had hid them from her until she got married. Now that she was married they were finally given back. 5 red Friday's and 5 black Saturday's All in pristine condition
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Panty "BRONZE"

Joined: Jul 21, 2011
Posts: 4
Location: Alberta Canada

PostPosted: Sat Sep 03, 2011 3:33 pm    Post subject: Re: Days of the week panties Reply with quote

I remember those from the seventies and they were a gift for an older cousin at christmas time also. I think seeing them was one of the things that first got me interested in collecting panties. It to bad they don't make any like them any more I loved the bikini nylon panties of the 70's especially as they also had the double nylon gusset in them. I had a fair collection of bikini panties from varies girls in that I new back then but most as gone as they literally fell apart from age.
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