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What I saw today
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Joined: Jun 21, 2006
Posts: 284

PostPosted: Sat Oct 16, 2010 3:40 am    Post subject: Re: What I saw today Reply with quote

Well been really busy, had plenty of sightings and never any time to write about them anymore. Today, i went to the mall and saw an average looking redbone milf, she was wearing a tshirt and low rise jeans, and a couple of inches light blue nylon briefs. the guy that hit on her saw the briefs and stopped. Yesterday, saw average light complexioned lady seated on a bench with lacy light pink briefs peeking out her scrubs. On campus, a thin cute carmel skinned fashionista type, her skinny jeans, dipped very low, could easily see her red I love pink panties. You could see the 1/2 the letters, and her purple bra strap dangling out her tank. Walking out and the patio, 2 coeds sitting at a table eating, a chocolate complexioned coed had red cotton panties peeking out her jean, the cocoa skinned friend had pink lycra panties peeking out her jeans. Another day in the student center, saw a average looking and build caramel complexioned coed, her blue lacy panties peeked below her ass crack. The chocolate complexioned coed had floral print cotton bikins peeing out her skinny jeans. the library, saw a cute butter pecan complexioned coed her red tshirt , matched the red briefs sticking out her jeans. That was the highlights of monday thru friday
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Panty "GOLD"

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PostPosted: Wed Oct 20, 2010 7:39 pm    Post subject: Re: What I saw today Reply with quote


The boss is out of town this week so everyone's dressing more casual than normal. On Monday, Terri was wearing her traditional low rise jeans and a white tank top, throughout the day her tank top would ride up, she was wearing a hot pink VS thong with silver stars. On Tuesday, she again wore low rise jeans and a brown tank top, her panties that day were.....you guessed it....a white VS thong with blue & yellow flowers. Today she wore blue sweatpants and a white t-shirt. For some odd reason, she had her t-shirt tucked in to her sweatpants....or so I thought...about a hour into work I walked past her desk and noticed she had her white t-shirt tucked into her thong, since sweatpants are normally loose fitting her thong was out about 2 inches. Again the thong was a VS thong with the signature waistband, it was lime green with white polka dots. I finally got brave and walked up behind her, i leaned down and whispered in her ear and said "Wow, cute thong...don't let the grumpy bitch see it." She reached back felt her thong and quickly went into the bathroom to fix herself. I made sure I went to lunch with her and while at lunch I asked her if she has any other panties except for Victoria's Secret. She said thats all she wears cause she likes the way they fit. I joked and agreed with her that I liked the way they fit to....mainly the way they like to fit outside of her pants. She laughed and said they they do "occassionally" ride a little high and they "occassionally" stick out. I thought to myself...occassionally every day....at least she makes going to work fun.
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PostPosted: Tue Oct 26, 2010 3:01 am    Post subject: Re: What I saw today Reply with quote

Today was one of the events for homecoming and I saw the cute little caramel skinned artsy fashionista chick again, i was standing nearby and her friend told her her pants were falling down. she flashed her friend her floral print victoria secret panties laughed and pulled her shorts up. This sexy light complexioned coed whose leggings kept esing down and her black thong peeked out below her tatoo.The tall thin caramel complexioned coed whose white nylon briefs peeked out her jeans. Yesterday, the cvs cashier, cute face and hair and light green briefs peeked out her khakis,10/23 a chocolate complexioned cougar whose blue nylon briefs poured out her jeans. 10/22 an average looking and average build light complexioned woman tan colored briefs peeked out her sweatpants.10/21 On campus saw a coed in jeans, t and white cotton panties.
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 29, 2010 3:45 am    Post subject: Re: What I saw today Reply with quote

Today, i was having lunch in the student center , whena mocha complexioned coed in a green dress sat at a nearby table. Her friend got toa chair before her and she had to sit facing the window.She sits down and you see her white crotch and she gets comfortable, and some music started playing and she was dancing in her chair. The view got better and better a clear shot of white cotton crotch. She seem perfectly content giving me a free panty show to anyone in the area. then a girl sat at anearby table and she got self-concious and started putting her hand to cover up and then her tote bag. The bag eased her skirt higher, another view of white briefs. She could do nothing to stop the panty show, just didnt want the girl near me to see.
I almost ignored the girl near her whose white panties with lace trim , who when she kept tugging at her jeans her ass crack was exposed. The panty show in front of me continue until she finally got up and fixed her dress and turned, after 35 minutes and then went to class. I enjoyed the show, but she had very nice legs, but a below average face. She looked good from the neck down
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 23, 2010 4:59 am    Post subject: Re: What I saw today Reply with quote

Well it has been one of those stretches where the weather has gotten cooler and a lot of long sweaters came out to cover the tights and so on. Recent views have been in the student center, I saw a repeat of a plain jane sorority woman, she thin and whenever she wears slacks. She has gotten more self-concious she kept tugging at her white blouse trying to cover her tan with multi circle victoria secret panties.I remember seeing her in the library a couple of times before, and her panties too. Went to an event on campus and saw a average looking caramel complexioned woman in a sweater, jeans and sky blue nylon briefs peeking out her jeans. The lighter complexioned woman who was chasing her son around the seats. I love those mothers who just bend over often, her white cotton panties, and a couple of down sweaters of her black bra.
Went to a football game, saw some random woman her bright green briefs showed and stuck out her black tights. another random coed, her pink sweater and pink lycra panties peeked out her tights.

I was walking away from the stadium and was checking a sexy cafe au lait complexioned woman and it was a former coworker. She was wearing a tank top, jeans and 4 inch heels. As we walked and talked her pink with gold trimmed panties peeked out her jeans with every step, as her baby blue bra dangled.

Lastly, my friend whom i mention so many times, over the years in this thread, came by for a visit. I told her i was thinking about getting her a sweater or a jogging suit for xmas, so i looked down her shirt fornt and back, and her jeans, her pink and gold trimmed boy shorts barely covered her caramel complexioned ass. that was what i saw in the last week or so, had a stretch of seeing nothing but ass cracks for a few days
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Panty "GOLD"

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 05, 2011 10:58 pm    Post subject: Re: What I saw today Reply with quote

Terri Update:
Here's a few new sightings of Terri's VS thongs. The past few weeks, because of the holidays, there hasn't been much going on at work. The boss lets us come and go as we please as long as there are at least 2 of us in the office. Fortunately since Terri's the newest employee she's been in the office the most. One day she was wearing gray dress pants and a white blouse, once again she had her blouse tucked into her thong, I guess she thinks this might prevent her thong from showing (thank God it doesn't). Several times throughout the day, while she was sitting or bending, over about 2 inches of her teal blue VS thong popped out. Another day she was wearing a white long sleeve shirt and jeans, that day she was wearing a white VS thong with a pink waistband and multi-colored polka-dots (extremely sexy).
Another day she wore a blue top and low rise jeans. The weather was cooler so she wore a sweater into work. After being in the office for awhile she got warm and took her sweater off. When she raised her arms above her head to take off the sweater, her shirt rose up, her jeans were fairly low so from the front you could see the top of her thong, just enough where you could read the "Victorias Secret" on the waistband, what made it even hotter was you could see how the thong rose higher & higher from the front to the back.
On Monday, she was showing me pictures from New Years Eve. I wish I was there, it looked like she was at a house party, in one of the pictures she was sitting at a counter on a bar stool with 3 other girls. Terri was sitting sideways, leaning forward and you could easily see the sidestrap of her hot pink thong sticking out of her jeans about 3 inches.
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Panty "GOLD"

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 06, 2011 11:57 pm    Post subject: Re: What I saw today Reply with quote

Based on what you said, I think she must know her panties are showing. Once or twice, maybe caught by surprise, but as many times as you've written about, maybe she is excited that it shows. It can be embarrassing and excting at same time!
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Panty "GOLD"

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PostPosted: Sat Jan 15, 2011 8:13 pm    Post subject: Re: What I saw today Reply with quote

No complaints from me, accidental/intentional, I doesn't matter why she does it, I'm just glad she does it.
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Panty "GOLD"

Joined: Nov 22, 2010
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PostPosted: Sun Jan 16, 2011 5:08 pm    Post subject: Re: What I saw today Reply with quote

same here Smile
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PostPosted: Sat Feb 05, 2011 5:49 am    Post subject: Re: What I saw today Reply with quote

Lately between the cold weather and I only come on campus for my research asstship, I actually havent seen that much lately. 1/26/11 I actually went to class, have one where just do the work, the professor doesnt care about attendance, there is a cute curvy caramel complexioned coed, she came from working out or something. she had on a sweatshirt and her white briefs peeked out her jogging pants the whole time. Some coed wearing low rise jeans and her grey boyshorts peeking out the front the while she was asking me where something was. Just has nt been anything really good to write about lately
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PostPosted: Sat Feb 05, 2011 5:59 am    Post subject: Re: What I saw today Reply with quote

Oh I forgot going to class there was a coed in black tights going up the stairs, her ass was nice and round and the panties were white and showing rather vividly through her tights.
Then there are my continuing adventures with my friend yolonda, shes been mentioned quite a few times, of the orange sundress. that could be a seperate thread.
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 15, 2011 4:56 am    Post subject: Re: What I saw today Reply with quote

today i went to the mall because of a chik-fil-a coupon and walked around and the mall and saw some sites. I was walking through the mall and this cute light complexioned woman, she was about size 12, it was 70 here today and her capri pants wouldnt zipup or button up. shes just standing there talking and her floral print cotton panties. I stopped by a department store, its something i learned from working in retail. The salesladies more times than not wear fairly nice underwear because they get it on clearance and buy a bunch. I was looking at some clothes inthe mens section when Harriet( saw a name tag) was redressing a mannnequin and looking for clothes. I stopped to look at some stuff, and she was stooping and bending over. She is late 30's, caramel complexioned, average looking but has a nice ass. Eventually her pink blouse got untucked and her black cotton panties peeked out her grey slacks. she usually coordinates her panties with her blouse, about the 5th time I have seen a peek of hers.
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PostPosted: Thu Mar 03, 2011 8:55 am    Post subject: Re: What I saw today Reply with quote

A recent stretch of nice weather, and my rant before recap. the women who wear a shirt and tights, and then get self concious trying to pull a little shirt down to cover the tights up. I was walking across campus, saw a chooclate complexioned coed, she had a very nice ass, you could make out a vivid vpl of hi-cut briefs and her grey cotton victoria secret briefs peeking out her sweatpants. Moments later saw a curvy caramel complexioned coed's bluepanties peeking out her tight jeans.
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PostPosted: Fri Apr 15, 2011 4:10 am    Post subject: Re: What I saw today Reply with quote

Well i have been busy and hadnt logged much, because its springtime and the short skirts and sundresses have come out. I was going to try the see a peek a day this week starting 4/11/11. I was leaving a best buy and saw an average looking chocolate complexioned woman 30-ish with her pink thong peeking out her jeans, as she walked with her kids. 4/12 a thin coed whose black and white striped panties shone thru her shorts 4/13 I went to an event on campus, a thin caramel complexioned coed, she kept dropping stuff and bending over her multis striped cotton briefs matched her blouse. A sort of cute curvy caramel skinned coed in a bright yellow dress and he blue floral print boyshorts showing rather vividly thru it walked by. I waited on a campus shuttle, and cute honey complexioned coed in a yellow tank top, was spraying on some body spray, her yellow cotton fruit of the loom panties peeked out her jeans, she wears a 6, the print all the info on the back of the briefs instead of a tag I went to the student center before class, there was a curvy shocolate complexioned coed in an extemely short grey dress. if she tugged it down harder i think a titty would have popped out. You could easily see her pink crotch, she would tugged and put a hand theire, but a text or call would come in or she try to cover when some guys came. Around the same time, a cute little caramel skinned coed, wearing a dress sat at an adjacent table. when the short greydress girl left, she rushed to move to the table by the outlet. I got a nice flash of qhite and green checkered cotton briefs, she was rushing for the seat to charge her computer.
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Panty "GOLD"

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PostPosted: Wed Apr 20, 2011 9:09 pm    Post subject: Re: What I saw today Reply with quote

Terri Update:

It's been awhile since I've seen Terri. Our boss opened up a second office so I've been mainly there. Our boss moved the grumpy older lady over to the new office since its a shorter commute for her, plus she can train/aggravate the new workers. On Monday, the first day I've been back to the old office in awhile I was super glad to see Terri and more importantly her panties. She was wearing black dress pants and a white dress shirt, her white shirt came to her waist, enough to wear when she leaned forward her shirt lifted an inch or two. Several times throughout the day I got a glimpse of her VS thong, the waistband was light blue and the thong itself was light blue with white stripes. On Tuesday, she wore tan dress pants and a beige top, she occassionally exposed her grey VS thong, only about a 1/2 inch poked out. Today she only worked a half day because she had to pickup her cousin at the airport. She was wearing low rise jeans and a grey t-shirt. As she was rushing to leave she knocked her purse off her desk and spilled half of it on the floor. As she bent down to pick all of her stuff up she exposed 3-4 inches of a sexy leopard print VS thong, it was fantastic.
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